Chapter 1442: What Did I Just See?!

After seeing that vision I collapsed on the ground, making my Spirits a bit worried. “Master!” I heard Naturia from behind, hugging me with her little arms.

I sighed in relief, as I felt my fear and anguish wash away by their healing magic, I felt refreshed.

“Ugh, that was the worst…” I sighed. “I saw… I think I was in freaking hell for a second.”

“Hell?!” Alice gasped. “You mean… the world where the True Demons come from?”

“Yes…” I nodded, sighing once more. “Hahh… My head was spinning so much, I thought I was going to puke at any moment! W-What the hell was all of that…”

Even more, that being, that man. That absolute King of all True Demons… Its presence, it felt even more overwhelming than all the Gods combined when I was called into their meeting. If that thing were to come to this world. It would be the end.

What I saw back there could only be described as terrifying, a twisted infernal world of flames and screaming, agonizing souls. Beings beyond human comprehension that predated on everything and everyone. Mutant monstrosities that ate one another and infected everything with ever-growing cancerous tumors that spread across this infernal landscape.

Forests made of rotting corpses, lakes made of deadly acid where all beings that touched it melted into nothing, a dark red sky that never saw the sun or the moon, nor day or night, it was an endless dark red sky, and nothing else.

I always thought I was prepared for anything after what I’ve lived, but even now I feel a bit weird and dizzy, damn.

“What did you see?”

Ignatius asked me this question with a straight face as I curled up on my bed again.

“Isn’t it a bit rude to just ask her that after how she felt?”

Furoh was trying to reprimand Ignatius, although it wasn’t quite working.

“Rude?! Hah! She has gone through far worse; she should stop acting like a baby.”

Ignatius was really getting on my nerves.

“I’m not a baby you scaled idiot! I am just a bit tired, so what?!” I asked angrily. “If you keep acting like that maybe I’ll never evolve you…”

“W-What?! Hey don’t be unfair now!” he complained. “T-This is a violation of our original deal!”

“Hmph…” I ignored him, crossing my arms.

Beelzebub glared at Ignatius and facepalmed with his little insect hands.

“Ignore this idiot Anna… He often acts even worse than I do!” Beelzebub admitted. “But I am quite interested about how this Hell looks. Seeing how those Gods called us all “Demons” after those otherworldly beings, I am curious how their world even is!”

“I-I would say it was used on a derogatory manner, the True Demon’s world has no civilization, no… well, cities, or villages. It doesn’t have children either,” I sighed. “It’s a world of endless suffering, it felt as if reality itself was twisted and everything was dangerous and would kill you instantly. The only intelligent beings in that world, the True Demons, seem to be all about killing lesser beings, eating souls, and killing each other.”

“S-Sounds like a terrible world, honestly…” Alice said. “I’m impressed you could see so much only by learning a single skill! It’s quite amazing when you think about it.”

“I-I guess… I think these special skills might be imbued with more than I imagined,” I said. “If they’re really like a fragment of their power or souls, then indeed, this makes some sense. It didn’t happened with the other divine skills I had acquired.”

“Perhaps because they weren’t from such powerful, ancient beings,” said Beelzebub. “Hmm, so anyways, if you don’t want to talk about-“

“No, no, I do have something to talk about…” I said. “I saw something, and I think I should probably share this with someone, with you guys at least.”

“What was it?” wondered Yggdra, worried. “You can tell me anything, don’t worry.”

“Ah, well, it’s nothing too much, I mean, it was… terrifying, and I thought I was going to piss myself at any moment but that’s… Yeah that’s not the point,” I said. “Um, what I saw was… the True Demons have a leader.”

“A leader?!” Beelzebub asked. “But aren’t they like barbarians in a way? They have no leaders aside from… No, wait a second.”

“They have noble titles such as Dukes and so on,” Ignatius said. “I’ve learned a couple of things about the society of elves, humans, and other species. And I am fairly sure that if there’s Dukes, there’s a King somewhere, right?”

“Yes, there is,” I said. “I saw him, or well, I heard him. When he appeared I just closed my eyes and felt like everything was becoming dark. But I heard his terrifying voice. An overwhelmingly powerful entity… Perhaps stronger than the Gods themselves.”

“W-Wait, really? How are you even so sure?” asked Beelzebub.

“Sylphy… J-just what did you see?” wondered Furoh.

“Nothing but the silhouette of a titan of incommensurable size and power…” I explained. “His presence alone reduced me to a mere ant, there was… nothing I could do.”

“A-Ah… But it was just a vision!” said Furoh. “R-Right guys?”

“Yeah!” Alice nodded. “Please don’t feel disheartened about that, Sylphy. Everything’s okay.”

“Yeah it was supposed to be a vision, I saw Allocer there but… the thing, it was self-aware, it was self-aware within a vision of Allocer’s own memories,” I explained. “It was… it knew I was there, it talked to me and everything!”

“Really?!” asked Yggdra. “T-That’s terrible!”

“He said my soul was big… and tasty, and that he would eat me,” I muttered, feeling even worse than before. “Ugh… I never thought I feel so freaking terrified like back then. I felt so pathetically weak. Completely to his whim.”

“That’s strange…” Alice said. “Does it mean this entity is beyond just reality then? If he’s capable to see through a mind that is seeing a vision of his world, it most probably means he’s… slightly omniscient. But it might be only limited to their own Realm or World, or whatever Hell is.”

“T-That makes it even worse!” I cried. “Hahh… okay, enough of this! I don’t want to be sobbing all day. And I’m getting hungry. I got a forbidden Demonic Skill so let’s check what

it’s all about!”

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