Chapter 1461: August, The Evercraft Adventurer Guild's Master

Chapter 1461: August, The Evercraft Adventurer Guild’s Master

The tavern fight started as quickly as it ended though!

All these dwarves were very weak compared to us.

When they jumped to fight, we were able to restrain them with simple spells.

I think none of these were past Tier 3 of their Physiques.

Maybe they think they’re super powerful warriors, but their resistance against magic and how to deal with spells is near null.

“Aaargh! Using magic is not fair you damn lasses!”

“Let us go! I don’t want this BDSM shit!”

“I’m into this I think… Burp.”

“You guys really are annoying and boast a lot, but you got easily defeated,” I said. “Stop

being so stupid, we could easily have killed you if we weren’t good people.”

“Hmph, and what do you know anyways I am a mighty dwarf warrior and I diggy diggy mines and then I smack monster skulls and later I diggy diggy a pussy, bahahaha!”

Even now they were joking as they had been utterly defeated.

Without a doubt, young dwarves are a kind of true demon of their own.

“I think we should kill them,” said Celeste with a very serious, calm expression in her face. “Yeah, let’s just kill them.”

“W-Wait!” I quickly calmed her down, patting her shoulders. “They’re gross and stink but they’re drunk! Also they’re just dumb idiots. Don’t lose your temper over that.”

“Hmmm…” Celeste muttered. “Fine, whatever…”

And then, as I was thinking what to do while the other adventurers laughed at the guys we beat and restrained, suddenly, someone stepped in.


His footsteps were so loud that they made the wooden floor rumble with each foot. He opened the backdoor to the reception area and emerged after all the ruckus.

It was a tall, purple-skinned demon with a single black horn on his forehead, two sharp red eyes, and a long white beard with a bald head.

He had a pair of tiny black wings on his back, and a long pointy tail…

“Who the hell is causing a ruckus on lunch time?! already getting into fights you punks?!”

His furious words echoed through the entire building, making even the stupid dwarves we beat fall silent, glaring at the man behind them.

“B-Boss?! T-They started! They got us like this please help us!”


However, that dwarf was slapped with enough force to almost dislocate his jaws and neck, falling unconscious immediately.

“Who the fuck do you think I am, HUH?! I am pretty sure you started this; you always fucking do you punks! Can’t have a damn peaceful day here without you shitheads ruining my evening!”

Was he… the guild master?

“W-We’re sorry!”

“Please don’t slap us boss!”

“You’re too abusive boss!”

The dwarves acted like fearful children in front of the huge demon.


I looked at the man as he was raging at them.


He quickly sighed, and then put on some glasses, tidying up his tie.

“Sorry about that girl, I sometimes just lose my patience around here,” the man said. “I… apologize for their conduct these rookies all come from orphanages, so they never had a mom and dad to teach them some manners. I’m fully responsible for these guys after all, so I’m sorry again.”

“Ah, no, it’s fine! It’s not your fault,” I said. “Right?”

“Yeah I mean I liked how you slapped that dude,” laughed Celeste.

“Heheh, yeah!” said Celica.

“Hm,” Ruby nodded.

“Ah, it’s rare to see girls like you around here, even more with manners!” he laughed heartily. “Please forgive these fools, I promise I’ll try for this not to happen again… For now, I’ll bring them to the basement.”

“The basement?!”

“Wait, wait a second!”

“Why are you jailing us?!”

“You literally committed a crime by assaulting some girls so you’re getting to the guild jail for the rest of the day, this better teach you a damn lesson!” the man said.

After a minute, he returned.

“Anyways, you don’t seem to be from around here! Except the girl over there,” he pointed at Ruby. “Where did you come from? Ah! Right, where are my manners? My name is August, I am the Guild Master of the Adventurer Guild of Evercraft! Nice to meet you.”

He extended his huge hand as we shook it. It was so large that our hands barely could grab his fingers. He was one huge man, almost like Ruby’s uncle, perhaps even bigger.

“Name’s Sylph Naturia Bravo.”




“I see! So you’re- HM?!”

The man glared at me.

“D-Did you said Naturia… I didn’t hear right?” he wondered. “Maybe it’s just a family that

has the same name and…”

“Aah…” I muttered. “I mean… Well… Yeah…”

I showed him my certificate, which clearly stated that I wasn’t only a member of nobility but also of high royalty, the granddaughter of the King of Elves.

“W-What?! You’re a princess?!” he gasped. “I-I’m very sorry for those guys that assaulted you! Please don’t execute them! I-I’ll take the blunt for them!”

“Ahaha, please don’t worry!” I said. “I am not like other nobles… or well I try. I’ve dealt all my life with all sorts of people, so am I not really going to kill them for that.”

“Hahhh… thank you, wait you’re also… you’re the daughter of Hero Allan!” he said. “I’ve heard he had visited the city a couple of times from rumors… Oh my goodness! This is huge! Why haven’t there been some welcoming parties or festivals?!”

“I would rather not… we came here to visit and train so we would rather remain lowkey,” I said. “Although right now everyone in the guild heard this…”

“She’s a princess?”

“No way…”

“Hahah, those dudes are cooked!”

“Watch your tone dude!”


“Did the boss said she’s the daughter of a hero?”

“They’re double cooked, hahaha!”

“I knew there was some sort of air of nobility around them…”

As they gossiped, I simply tried to ignore the background noise.

“Hm, well, I suppose you came here for a reason then,” he nodded. “What do you require,

your royal highness? We’ll do everything we can to please your needs.” “Hahaha, there’s no need to be so formal! Just call me Sylph,” I giggled. “We came here to

check this guild too and see what quests you’ve got and whatnot. Also we want to register a friend here, Ruby. She’s from here.”

“I see! Well, you’re welcome! Please come with us then. If you’re being recommended by a royal princess then it should be a breeze to register you,” August said. “We’ll need to do some small tests first to see your level of strength and also your specialization.”

“I-I see…” Ruby was a bit nervous.

“Come here, your friends can come as well.”

August guided us to the second floor, a large dojo where adventurers were training, lifting weight, some were even meditating or polishing their weapons.

In there, he led us to a small room with a wooden dummy and some magic machines to measure power and mana, I think.

“Around here we value someone’s strength the most,” he said. “So we’ll make you hit this

dummy with your fists or some wooden weapon and calculate how strong you are. If you surpass a certain benchmark, you’ll pass the test! Here.”

He gave Ruby a wooden club, asking her to hit the dummy.

“Uh… okay?”

She swung the club.


And the dummy alongside the club blew up into pieces.

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