Chapter 1472: Back To The Adventurer Guild

I know he was very shocked and amazed by the core of the Goo Queen and all, but there were still much more important matters we had to address, so I had to quickly cut off his

amusement as he inspected the rock Celica was carrying.

“Sir August, please calm down,” I said. “There’s something we need to inform you of that is much more serious…”

“Huh?” August wondered. “What is it? Is it regarding this stone? So you killed the ancient Goo Queen? Don’t worry girls, good riddance! I’m more shocked you actually killed such a thing. Just how strong are you?!”

“T-That’s not it either!” I said.

“But I’m relieved it’s nothing bad though…” Ruby sighed in relief.

“Yeah Ruby was way too worried thinking it would bring us to jail or something, when even at the end of the day it still just a monster inside a dungeon,” said Celeste. “More of them will come as it is a dungeon Ruby, so just don’t worry.”

“Hmm, okay I guess…” Ruby nodded. “But wait this isn’t the topic either, we should tell him already!”

“Yeah!” nodded Celica. “Sir a lot of people died in the Goo Dungeon, we found their corpses!” “W-What?!” August gasped. “So that’s… did you bring them?”

“Yes they’re stored inside of my familiar right now to conserve them,” I explained. “They had been captured by the female Goos and they were giving offerings to the Goo Queen for some reason. Which had camouflaged as a Goo King to get them… I think?”

“Ah yes that’s something that has been reported she does sometimes,” nodded August. “But then that means she was hungry? But doesn’t she have a large area to hunt as much as she wanted in the deeper layers? She even wanders on the other mountains sometimes as she can fly using magic, did you know?”

“Eh?! She can do that?” I wondered.

“Anyways, the thing is…” August said, scratching his beard. “Hm, this isn’t good… How many adventurers died?”

“We recovered eight bodies…” I said.

“Eight?! That’s at least two parties…” August muttered. “Dammit.”

Although he seemed a bit surprised and sad, he was also showing an incredible resilience and calmness. I suppose being brought the dead bodies of people or their remains isn’t as rare in an adventurer guild.

“You sure are calm after we told you that gramps,” said Celeste. “Are you used to dead bodies and people dying?”

“Yeah, Adventuring is a dangerous job,” he nodded. “Every time someone goes inside a Dungeon they’re risking their lives. The money you can make by selling monster products is big, but so are the risks. A few times per month or sometimes per week, there are reports of people that didn’t make it. Of adventurer parties that were wiped out, or of single survivors that came here crying saying their friends died… It’s harsh, but I’ve grown rather coldhearted about the whole thing by now… It’s just my job, we have to accept it and do our best to help the deceased’s friends or families.”

“Sir August…” I felt a bit touched by his words.

Indeed, this job is not all that nice at the end, you must grow used to seeing people die all the time, of promising young adventurers never making it back, or in pieces…

“We always do our best to help the young’uns and such,” August said. “The reason why the test was so hard, Ruby, was because we don’t want weak kids to go kill themselves at the dungeons. Sometimes even if they don’t get the license we let them accept simple requests such as herb or mushroom gathering, mining, and delivery.”

“I see…” Celeste nodded.

“Hm, it’s indeed harsh,” Celica said. “We’ve all had our life and death situations in dungeons before too…”

Although they were most of the time not normal at all, as such risks were made by demons or their subjects chasing us around for being heroes…

But I can understand the struggle of an Adventurer, even more with the experiences of my past life.

“I know you’ve completed some requests, but let’s get those done later, come with me,” he said. “I want to see the corpses to identify them. I have a good memory; I never forget a face when I see it. I’ll be able to accurately learn who these kids were.”

“A-Alright then…” I nodded.

We walked towards a large room in the adventurer’s guild which was almost empty, completely white in color and with only a few things in there.

They were all medical and autopsy tools, it seemed that they were quite advanced in here as well. I only remember seeing such rooms in the capital.

“This is the corpse identification, autopsy, and classification room.” He said. “It’s different from the one where we butcher the monster corpses they bring to us. It is sanitized and we treat the dead carefully… you see, because adventurers die all the time, we had to make a room like this to properly treat their remains. You see that large oven there? We can calcinate the bodies into ashes so the family members can bring them to their houses or place them inside of their graves.”

“Oh, they can’t be buried with their whole bodies?” I wondered.

“Of course not, burying bodies is a terrible practice that only backward countries still do,” said August. “Undead will pop out of graveyards all the time if you do that! You gotta bury ashes instead, much safer and also hygienic.”

“Hmm,” I nodded. “You’re not wrong.”

August nodded, his face was very serious.

“Alright, bring them out.”

“Okay… Glutton! Can you place them here?”


Glutton opened his giant jaws, leaving behind the corpses, this time he didn’t even left them

with drool.

“W-What a unique Familiar!” August was surprised. “Is this some sort of Mimic Monster?! I had never seen one like this… What is it? Like a purse?”

“He’s an Inventory Bag Mimic, yes,” I nodded. “I always store everything inside of his stomach, very handy!”

“Incredible… Ah!” August quickly glanced at the corpses. “No…”

His eyes looked immediately surprised and sad…

It seemed he had grown attached to these people.

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