Chapter 1477: Aquarina's Harsh TrainingChapter 1477: Aquarina’s Harsh Training
“Haahhh… Hahhh…”
Aquarina was gasping for air, the sun above the Dry Steppes was always incredibly strong every morning. Even when her skin had plenty of melanin to resist the strong heat, she would still get tans, making her clear brown skin look even darker sometimes.
Her weary blue eyes seemed filled with determination, as she ran around the village of Everstone for the three hundredth time this morning.
Yes, she had been running around the village, barefoot, carrying four massive stone pillars with her two arms, head, and back.
A torture that would kill anybody… except those blessed with the strength of the Amazonian. It has been a year since Aquarina arrived here.
A lot has happened, yet very little at the same time.
The training methods became more torturous than before, and the ones that were horrible at the beginning simply became warmups.
Such as her morning routine, carrying four huge stone monoliths, each one several hundreds of tons heavy with her body.
At first it was only two monoliths and a hundred laps.
It took her three whole days to complete it the first time, then, after two weeks, she was able to do it every morning.
She was shocked how quickly her body was developing.
Her entire body had grown taller and muscular in just half a year. She was covered on sweat, gasping for air.
Yet she was managing surprisingly fine.
Thanks to her Spirits, she never became dehydrated, so she wouldn’t run out of steam so easily.
Then, after two months of doing this, Svana, the descendant of the Ancient Hero of Stone Bjorm, decided to up the training.
Three monoliths, 150 laps!
It took Aquarina four days to complete it.
Then, she gradually adapted.
Her body’s muscles continued growing, developing rapidly.
Her blood vessels continued pumping blood more effectively around her body.
Her breathing became moderated and specially designed to keep her energies.
And she even learned the ability to manipulate her own muscles and make them move however she wanted.
Through this technique, she managed to balance the tremendous weight across her entire body instead of ocnentrating it within a single place.
This allowed Aquarina to exert the full power of her entire body’s muscles.
And this ability was called…
{Muscle Mastery}!
An ability that her mother had mastered many years ago, which gave her the power to blow off mountains with a mere punch.
Aquarina wasn’t in that level yet, not yet…
But through the months, the weeks, the days…
She continuously grew stronger.
This annoying torture became her training, her body cultivated through excessive, ridiculous exercise.
Each time her muscles tore apart, and she had to be healed, they regrew stronger, larger, bulkier.
Her bones too, sometimes she would trip and then one of her arms would dislocate, or her leg would break.
She was healed, treated, and then went back to it after a big meal.
Over time, she broke and healed her body, constantly.
Her will no longer started wavering.
After crying night after night that she missed Sylphy, that she missed her friends…
She knew that this was the only way to do this.
“There are gods with ridiculous strength that could kill us all with a mere thought…”
“There are monsters out there that could wipe out entire countries…”
“The future is uncertain… even with my parents, the True Demons can almost always match their strength…”
“I have to grow stronger… I have to become stronger… tougher, mightier… stronger and stronger… so I can protect her…”
Aquarina closed her eyes as she dropped all four pillars into the ground.
“New record!”
Her mother clapped as she saw her daughter’s tall, strong body below the sunlight. “You almost remind me of myself when I was your age now, Aquarina! You’ve gotten so big!” “Hahhh… Am I supposed to say thanks? I don’t want to look like you mom…”
“Hahaha! How rude you brat! Let me tell you that this’ll be the body you’ll have once you’re my age.”
“My dad’s slender so I’ll always remain much smaller than other Amazonians that are pure blood…”
Aquarina sat down over the dry earth, sighing in relief.
“So how much did it take me, mom?”
“One hour and a half! Right before breakfast!”
Nepheline ran towards her daughter, hugging her.
“Well done! You’ve become so strong…! In just a year, you’ve probably grown more than in all
these other years…”
“It has been a year already, huh… Time passes faster than I thought.”
“It sure does! See? It wasn’t so bad… Now, another year more!”
“Another?! Just let me do the trial already!”
“Hahaha! I know! Sorry, sorry, I was joking. You’ve already been qualified to do the trial.”
Aquarina became excited instantly.
“Yes! I already talked with Svana, and she said you’ve been qualified for well over two
months,” laughed Nepheline.
“WHAT?! And why didn’t she tell me!” Aquarina angrily said.
“She wanted you to master your new abilities first,” said her mother. “After all this isn’t the only training you’ve gone through anyways, right?”
“Ugh, yeah…”
Aquarina quickly recalled the other four training regimes she had gone through for this entire
Aside from this “morning routine”, right after breakfast, she would go to the nearest canyon
Jump from it.
She would jump from the canyon and try to land several hundreds of meters below with her
Of course, this was suicide for her, but surprisingly, the firs time she did it (which was when Svana pushed her playfully) she only broke her legs.
Her legs were quickly healed thanks to the many shamans and priests of the village.
And then she had to do this over and over and over again.
Apparently, according to the insane Svana, this helped children get accustomed to the
sensation of gravity.
“Gravity is one of the greatest forces of nature and the world, it keeps everything down and together,” Svana once told her. “You must master gravity by not letting it affect you! The heavier the object and the farther it falls from above, the more damage it takes, is it not? You must become like a diamond, even when that’s the case, it will not break or chip away.”
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