Chapter 608 Challenges Daimon & Nethereal sisters, Sarah's version (part 15)Sheilla who actually managed to suppress the anger that was burning within her heart, as she listened to Sarah’s casual declaration from earlier, saw red due to the crazy girl’s follow up.
“Oh well, we can’t have you being too far ahead from me, can we?”, after finishing her sentence and before the enemy queen could lash out at her for not taking the battle seriously, the sound of fingers snapping echoed through the sky.
“Snap!”, but that wasn’t all, strong sizzling sounds followed by a scream came a second later.
“Ahhh what the hell is this!”, this last scream belonged to another unfamiliar voice, this time it was a female one though.
Under the shocked eyes of the enemy queen, one of the eight chain spheres which floated below Sarah, was suddenly turned into a puddle of gray liquid, revealing the one who was sealed inside of it.
‘That bitch!’, Sheilla who finally returned to the real world, inwardly cursing as she saw the newcomer, a woman in her late twenties wearing black clothes, she had a curvy figure and… dark pink hair.
The woman who came out of the chain sphere that Sarah unsealed just now, looked exactly like a member of the Black Night race, however Sheilla could immediately tell that such wasn’t the case, it would be more accurate to say that the members of the Black Night race looked like her.
That’s right, the woman in question belonged to the nethereal race from which the Black Night was modeled after, which is what Sheilla evolved after gaining the favor of her Lord, but that’s not what made her curse earlier.
As a confidant of her Lord, she already knew about the existence of the race from which they descended, what angered her is that not only the purple haired annoying girl didn’t show any surprise due to that woman’s appearance, but she even smirked at her, in other words she somehow knew who was sealed inside the chain sphere!
‘Don’t tell me…’, Sheilla couldn’t help but look at the remaining chain spheres blow the crazy girl, wondering if they all contained women from her own same race, this also made the enemy queen grit her teeth as she was reminded that Sarah just unsealed a pawn just a minute after her, despite the large difference in “quality” of the one sealed inside.
As unlike the guy that called himself a Lieutenant, that dark pink haired woman was a peak stage mage lord realm nethereal, on the other hand, the easiness with which the crazy girl unsealed her first pawn didn’t come without a price.
“The little sister over there, what are you waiting for, help me!”, demanded the dark pink haired woman at Sheilla, she had a few burnt marks on the skin of her arms, neck, legs and her right cheek, caused by the exposure to the poisonous battle aura of the crazy girl.
Unfortunately for her, Sheilla didn’t pay her any attention, it was the Lieutenant guy the one who answered.
“Shut up, we are bounded to some kind of stupid rules that state we have to obey the one who temporarily freed us, the only way to be really free is to kill the one who is controlling you”.
The dark pink haired woman paled after more or less recognizing the nethereal who answered her.
“B-But wouldn’t that mean that the ones controlled by her will die”, she said, to which the Lieutenant snorted.
“I don’t know and honestly I don’t care, why would a Lieutenant such as myself would have to lower itself to speak with a mere servant from the Asmadian, damn it”, he said as he spat to the side.
Daimon who was observing the scene unfold from the side, couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, after comparing the female newcomer with the nethereal guy from earlier.
‘Though that woman is two minor realms above, her battle prowess is trash, her field of expertise didn’t seem to be the battlefield to begin with and after being affected by Sarah’s poisonous battle aura due to the accelerated unsealing, she could barely contain that guy if they were to clash’, he concluded.
Apparently, it’s not like that woman had a higher realm than the Lieutenant, but more like the guy was restrained in a harsher way so his realm diminished more than hers with the pass of the time, that being said realm wasn’t everything, the Lieutenant was a fighter and that woman on the other hand was probably part of the staff at the spaceship of the Asmadian Lord.
“You barbarians from the Balax family are crazy, my young miss is the mistress that accompanied Lord Asmadian for this campaign, I dare you to try and kill me!”, proudly said the dark pink haired woman which contrary to what one would expect, actually had some impact on the Lieutenant guy.
“Tsk”, though he tried not to show it, he was actually intimidated, the different nethereal races had the same noble hierarchical structure, he wasn’t of noble birth but gained a rank in the army of the Balax family, which granted him some back up.
Look at it like this, starting from Sargeant, every three ranks would equal that of a noble rank in general, so he as a Lieutenant would be able to stand in equal terms to a Baron which is the lowest noble rank, of course if said Baron was a descendant of a higher ranked noble or had some other back up, he would be on the losing side, unless his superior supported him and the like.
That being said, he was still an officer and wasn’t at the bottom of the barrel, since he even got to see his Lord a couple of times from afar, however things at the Asmadian side worked in a different way, since their Lord was a playboy, a bunch of the maids and female staff that accompanied the official mistress that accompanied him each time, had some “connection” with said Lord.
‘Damn it, to be threatened by the servant of the bitch in turn of that silkpants from the Asmadian, what a disgrace!’, inwardly cursed the Lieutenant, he was just equal in terms to a high ranked Baron, if the lady that the woman served was a Countess and he killed her, he’ll be in some trouble.
Amusingly enough those two seemed to forget that their former positions and ranks were useless as of current, they had to survive first.
‘Don’t worry, she can harm you as a form of punishment but she can’t kill you on a whim, the Lord is watching as of current, unfortunately I didn’t know you were sealed in the bigger chain spheres I thought you were in the middle-sized ones, but this works for the best, cooperate with me later and we’ll all be rewarded by the Lord’.
‘If my judgement is right, that crazy bitch must have selected eight members of our race, inform them of this in secret in my stead, the Lord sent me to rescue you, be prepared’ secretly said the enemy queen to the dark pink haired woman before saying.
“Enough, I didn’t order you to speak with the enemies”, Sheilla’s cold voice followed by the Lieutenant guy gritting his teeth as the thorned energy vines pierced his skin once again, could be heard.
“My fault”, managed to spit the Lieutenant, only then Sheilla stopped her punishment, to then glare at the crazy girl before asking.
“Was this all your plan, to humiliate me by using a member of my race as your pawn, to the point that you even weakened her just to get her out of the seal as fast as possible?”.
“Well, it was indeed funny to see your face earlier, but are you sure you have the time to be worrying about that instead of focusing on your unsealing speed~”, mockingly said Sarah, making the enemy queen clench her fists, which actually made the thorned vines not only on the chain spheres but also on the Lieutenant guy, tighten.
‘Humph, laugh while you can’, at the same time one of the middle-sized sphere chains next to Sheilla cracked, to then split open, revealing the one who was inside of it, a tall muscular man.
“What is this, I seem to remember I was going to the front and then everything went dark…”, mumbled the man who then looked at the surroundings, immediately recognizing the Lieutenant.
Or more accurately it was the other way around, the Lieutenant recognized the muscular man.
“C-Captain Fenn you were alive!”, exclaimed the Lieutenant, the muscular man frowned upon seeing the thorned vines around the Lieutenant’s chest.
“What the hell is going on?”, asked the muscular man, to which the Lieutenant explained everything, preventing the captain from confronting Sheilla as she used the thorned vines to bind him too.
“I see… well the objective remains the same, kill the enemy and take everything they own, that being said I will indeed demand for an explanation from the Asmadian Lord given that an outsider administrated punishment to my subordinate without my consent”, said the muscular man, he was a middle stage Knight Lord and looked quite tough.
Unlike the Lieutenant, despite his confusion he didn’t lose his composure, as one would expect from a veteran, which is understandable, there might only be a single stage in terms of rank a between a Lieutenant and a Captain but in terms of authority it was the difference between a Baron and a Viscount, the first was a mere recently ascended commoner but the second was a stablished noble.
“Do as you wish, he was the one who got heated up and was reprimanded due to that and the Lord can be my witness since he is watching the whole thing”, said Sheilla making the muscular man frown but ultimately, he instinctively knew that while they were participating in the challenge, it was futile to fight against Sheilla, she was their direct superior and they had to obey.
In any case, even if they belonged to different factions, there was an enemy in common and that was enough to temporarily ignore their differences.
“So, first it was a little toy soldier and now you got a big toy soldier, that’s not much if you ask me”, mockingly said the crazy girl, which made both nethereals glare at her, unfortunately they couldn’t insult the woman that Sarah took as her pawn, since she was from the same race as the one who controlled them.
Well, the Lieutenant committed that mistake and was punished and the Captain didn’t want to go through that like a fool, so against his wishes, he remained silent while swearing to rip off the head of the enemy when the time came.
Speaking of the woman that became Sarah’s pawn, she could finally put out the poison battle aura that was tormenting her, naturally after she emerged from the chain sphere she distanced herself from the area where Sarah was affecting with her battle aura, but still she had to coat her body with her nether since even from afar Sarah’s battle aura was burning her and the crazy girl showed to sign of toning down her poison.
‘How is a lowly mortal’s energy overpowering my nether so easily, she is not even specifically targeting me and her realm is close to mine, I’m a member of the Midnight Sky race, my nether is darkness based, did I become that weak?’, wondered the woman who then received another message from the enemy queen, making her eyes glow for a second.
“Crack!”, the sound of something shattering drew everyone’s attention towards Sheilla’s side of the battlefield where another of the small sized chain spheres was destroyed, releasing the one sealed inside, it was another early-stage lord ranked on par with the Lieutenant from earlier, though judging by his clothes and the different emblem his ranking was lower, not like Sheilla cared about it anyway.
After a moment of exchanging gazes in which the Captain explained the situation to the newly released guy, they surprisingly turned around and punched the remaining chain sphere in which Sheilla was working.
“Booom!”, the three attacks heavily landed on the chain sphere making it crack on the spot, creating a storm of nethers with different elements.
“Damn you bastards, that hurt”, an angered rough voice came from the energy storm, which was then dispelled to reveal a short bulky man with tanned skin, like the Captain he was a middle stage knight lord, however he exuded a stronger aura and with a good reason, since he was a Lieutenant Colonel which was a whole rank above the Captain.
‘It worked!’, inwardly screamed Sheilla, she went through all the hassle of choosing two of the smallest chain spheres and a normal middle sized one, in order to release that guy who was one of the biggest among the middle-sized ones.
After seeing Sarah pulling off the feat of unsealing a weak though with a high realm, pawn, she decided to make a bet and use the other three to force through one of the two biggest chain spheres she selected, this way she saved her nether and finished in time, since the enemy only had one pawn ready and it was from her same race to top it off, it was the best possible set up.
“Now!”, taking advantage of the chaos, the enemy queen gave the order and the pawns who had shared their strategy in secret while keeping up a “fragmented” front to deceive the enemy, flashed at the same time alongside Sheilla.
The Lieutenant appeared in front of the woman from the Midnight Sky race and his body exploded in a red colored nether, which clashed against her dark pink one.
“Booom!”, while those two clashed, the two Captains and the other guy as well as Sheilla surrounded Sarah in a square.
“You didn’t expect me to take a page of your book and do something out of the norm, right?”, disdainfully said the enemy queen to the crazy girl who was frowning for a change.
“Mmm, well I’m certainly impressed by the fact that you could mess up with my command, perhaps it’s because she is from the same race as you, or did that bastard interfere to help you?”, casually said Sarah.
Naturally the “bastard” in her sentence was the Asmadian Lord, and the enemy queen saw red upon listening to the crazy girl insulting him so casually.
“I have had enough of you, pummel her to dea…”, the orders that were about to leave Sheilla’s mouth, stuck on her throat as she saw Sarah’s mocking smile.
“Kill her!”, she screamed, making her three subordinates charge at the crazy girl, who merrily laughed, her purple eyes glowed and her body turned into a purple dazzling shine.
Dripping sounds echoed through the sky as the seven remaining chain spheres turned into liquid, unsealing all of Sarah’s pawns at the same time and that wasn’t all, the crazy girl casually made a gesture with her hand to then say.
“Shield”, with a single word, not only those seven who by the way were all women from the Midnight Sky race like the first one, very much to Sheilla’s anger, as well as the one who was fighting with the Lieutenant flashed towards Sarah and surrounded her in a protective formation.
“Aghhh!”, what followed was a plethora of screams as those eight received not only the attacks from the two Captains but were also attacked by a wave of Sarah’s battle aura which burned their backs.
“Damn it!”, Sheilla nearly lost it upon seeing her main plan go up in smoke, quite literally since those eight had a part of their clothes and hair burn due to Sarah’s poison battle aura, not only that but she unsealed all her pawns at the same time which she still refused to believe.
‘How the hell did she do that and let alone fainting due to exhaustion but even breaking into a sweat’, she inwardly cursed, she had already made the first move so now it was an all-out war.
What’s worse is that the crazy girl was now aware of the fact that she could interfere with her commands towards her pawns, as they were from her same race, since earlier Sarah’s order to her first pawn was to “defend” which she did but not as Sarah wanted, since the Lieutenant dragged her away.
Technically she did defend but not the way Sarah meant to, so that’s why she now gave her order out loud and even went as far as to use “shield”, so they had no choice but to block the attacks head on, in other words the crazy girl used them as a meat shield.
“Stop you fools!”, seeing those three still trying to break through the defense created by those eight women who literally where between the sword and the wall, since if they retreated even a centimeter, they would get their backs burned by Sarah’s poison, Sheilla gave the order for them to stop.
‘It’s not the time to care about kinship, you can’t unseal our comrades in time, if they swarm us and we die you lose, give the order!’, said the short bulky Captain in secret to Sheilla, with an angered voice.
He as a veteran is used to this kind of “difficult” situations not to mention that he didn’t care for anyone who wasn’t under his orders, that being said he misjudged Sheilla’s hesitation to implement the second plan she had discussed in secret with only her four pawns.
‘That crazy bitch, she ruined my perfect victory in front of the Lord!!!’, while swearing in her heart, she condensed a nether thorned vine and lashed it out at the first pawn which Sarah had unsealed.
The woman saw the thorned vine and contrary to what one would expect not only she didn’t try to dodge, but she even stood out on purpose to take the hit.
“Gah!”, though the thorned vine ripped the skin on her right arm and left leg, forcing a pained sound out of that woman’s mouth, her expression of… bliss, made it clear that she didn’t care about the wounds she suffered at all, her body then shone in a black pink light, which let alone Daimon, but even Sarah recognized.
“Ah, this is the Lord’s blessing”, she said with a drunk smiling expression, her eyes became dull and lifeless which the other seven women soon shared as that light extended to them all of a sudden, cracking sounds came from their joints and bones as they forcefully turned around to face their queen in other words Sarah, they produced thorned vines out of all their limbs and restrained the crazy girl on the spot.
“Heh, what a surprise~”, mockingly said Sarah upon seeing those eight going directly against her orders, causing their bodies to break down due to the contradiction in their intentions and the rules of the challenge.
“Ahhhhh!”, those eight then screamed and the thorned vines that surrounded both their bodies and the crazy girl, started becoming brighter before they exploded in dark pink flames.
“Boooom!”, a thunder-like shockwave followed by a disastrous sphere of dark pink flames engulfed everything in the vicinity, it’s worth mentioning that since Sheilla attacked, she immediately retreated alongside her pawns, just in time since the explosion occupied more than just Sarah’s side of the battlefield.
“Crack!”, the dark pink explosion created cracks on the barrier that covered the battlefield, meaning that the impact had surpassed what a lord rank could produce and entered the Arch rank.
“Phew, and here I thought the women from the Midnight Sky race were close with each other, perhaps you lack that part since you weren’t part of that race by innate”, said the Lieutenant to the enemy queen who glared at him.
“It is their honor to die for the Lord, pray that the crazy bitch either dies or end up fatally wounded, otherwise you might have to follow their example”, she coldly said making the tall and short Captains snort.
“Dream on, those eight were just like all the other stupid bitches that are blinded by the Asmadian’s promises of love, we at the Balax only care about strength”, said the tall Captain.
“That’s right, whether you were born a noble or not, it doesn’t matter, if you are strong enough then you won’t have to worry about being cannon fodder, unlike you who’ll be discarded when that guy finds a new toy”, added the short bulky one.
“Oh, that explains why that attack changed its aim from incapacitating to kill at the last second~”, the conversation was suddenly interrupted by a carefree voice.
Those five looked at the origin of the voice and their expressions turned bitter, the center of giant sphere of dark pink flames, slowly became purple colored as a tall girl with bright purple hair and eyes slowly emerged out of it.
Sarah put a confused expression on her pretty face to then say.
“Mm, why do you look as if you have seen a ghost, don’t tell me you actually expected such an obvious trick to work?”.
Sheilla who had to take a deep breath to not suffer an aneurism due to anger, limited to ask.
“Since when did you know?”.
“From the very beginning, those eight sucked at hiding their “feelings” after all, ah right, also that guy is a terrible actor~”, answered Sarah as she pointed at the Lieutenant that clashed against her first pawn.
“Whatever, you are alone now bitch, we’ll simply swarm you in every direction and that will be the end of this farse”, said the Lieutenant, for the first time Sheilla agreed with something that guy said.
“There is no way for you to have come unscathed and have your energy reserves complete after that”, she added, making Sarah’s previously pretty smiling expression take an 180° turn.
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“You should really learn to listen to what others say”, following her words, the Lieutenant who was suddenly grabbed his neck and his body started shaking.
“Hey, Kant what the hell are you doing, stop fooling around and prepare to…”, the tall Captain approached his subordinate and tried to slap his head just to watch in horror how the Lieutenant… melted away.
“Didn’t I say that I will win this without any external help~”, Sarah’s voice and her now smiling face, sent chills down the spine of the remaining three pawns as well as the enemy queen.
Her previous words mean that… she purposedly allowed her pawns to be killed, but that’s not the worst part of it, because if what she said was true then, it meant that Sheilla, those four, her eight pawns and even the Lord behind of them who facilitated their plan, were played by the crazy girl!
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