Chapter 611 Challenges Daimon & Nethereal sisters, Sarah's version (part 18)The enemy queen was momentarily at a loss at the sight of the large amount of nether, which was contained in the rose burn marks being completely overwhelmed by the wisp of purple flames that the crazy girl manifested at the tip of her index finger.
The dark pink flames that were contained within the rose burn marks, were previously charged into the whip, so that she wouldn’t need to use her nether reserves for the curse function, at the same time the whip could store more than three times the value of her whole reserves into it.
Sure, she only managed to place two curse marks into the crazy girl before the whip was destroyed, but each mark could manifest around an eighth part of her nether reserves each, in other words with a wisp sized amount of energy Sarah dealt with a fourth part of Sheilla’s nether.
And that wasn’t all, that purple flame of hers looked slightly similar to the “Lust Flames”, which is the characteristic nether of the Midnight Sky race, but that would mean that unlike what Sheila and her now dead pawns concluded, Sarah’s nether wasn’t stealth type.
“Impossible, if those purple flames were her nether, then how the hell did she poisoned those guys to death without anyone notice!!!”, the mocking, exaggerated voice of the crazy girl who playfully imitated Sheilla’s voice, returned the enemy queen to the real word.
Naturally, since the crazy girl exposed the doubt that was flooding her mind, out loud and even went so far as to feign to be her while doing so, Sheilla couldn’t help but grit her teeth, which made Sarah smirk as she added.
“For someone who supposedly has a higher “standing” than the other slaves of that bastard, you seem to have been left out when it came to all the important stuff~”.
“Shut up!”, being unable to ignore the subtle affirmation that she was but a mere slave kept in the dark about any really serious matter related to her Lord, Sheilla lost it for a second, very much to the please of the crazy girl, who giggled at her enemy to then lit up a wisp of that purple flame and casually pass it around her fingers.
“For example, the fact that you are acting like a caveman who sees fire for the first time, just because of a simple trick like this”, Sarah then dispelled the flames and changer her “persona” to imitate Sheilla like before.
“What the hell does that have to be with the fact that such a small amount of nether casually nullified both my curse and the lust flames that were supposed to turn you into a charred corpse!!!”, exclaimed the crazy girl in an exaggerated way, making the enemy queen tremble due to anger.
That being said, Sheilla didn’t interrupt the crazy girl’s act since she was genuinely dying to know how she suppressed the equivalent of a fourth part of her energy reserves with such a small amount of nether, not to mention she now was in a loss regarding what was the real special property of Sarah’s nether, if it wasn’t just stealth despite the fact that she indeed couldn’t detect how her pawns died.
“Well, I guess should tell you, since that Lieutenant Colonel whatever, was about to speak about it before he couldn’t resist anymore and ended up melting away”.
“In truth is actually quite a simple thing, all the way from the basics, my nether is superior to yours, most people’s nether is colored after their element which is the average and then there are those who are talented enough to not depend on their element”.
“That “Lust Flame Manipulation” thing you are so proud of for example, it’s just the application of what I mentioned, since when it comes to “Lust” based nether, it often divides in two kinds, pink which means it is related to “positive” pleasure and black which is “negative” related and often used to corrode others”.
“You simply have fire element and positive inclination and that would result in pink flames, their darker tone is just caused by your personality, it means that your “tastes” are rather on the negative side, quite understandable considering you are that guy’s dog~”, jokingly said Sarah to then add.
“You were squeezing your brain to discover why that guy ordered you to bring me to his side, right, well that is because my nether can use aspects from both sides of the specter”.
“I can use the positive side~”, said Sarah as a bright pink glow cladded her left hand, unlike the enemy queen and anyone else who’s nether was lust based, that Daimon has seen so far, the pink nether she produced was incredibly shiny and clean, one wouldn’t relate it too nether at all.
“And also, the negative one~”, she added as an ominous dark haze enveloped her right hand, there was no elemental aura coming from her hands, it was “base nether” similar to mana which naturally has a blue color, which goes from light to darker depending on its inclination.
The crazy girl then grinned as she positioned her palms in front of each other, leaving a few centimeters of distance between them as she concluded her explanation.
“And when you can balance both of them, you get this~”, the bright pink glow as well as the dark haze that covered her hands met in the space between her palms, and combined to produce a familiar purple flame.
Apparently, what Sheilla confused with a purple lust flame earlier, was this nether which resulted from combining both negative and positive sides of lust based nether.
“I call it “Royal Purple” color because it has the interesting ability of easily dominating other types of nether regardless of what they are based on, with a way smaller quantity of it, amazing right
~”, happily, said the crazy girl to the enemy queen who was beyond words as of current.
Not only did it turn out that her nether alongside her fire element lost against just the base nether of the crazy girl, but also… as far as she knows, no, she is sure that even her Lord can’t use such a thing, because he does indeed have both pink and black nethers and uses them to reward the good prospects and enslave the disposable ones, respectively.
“So, what the Lord said about only those similar to him being able to use two different elements with nether was a lie…”, mumbled Sheilla, only for Sarah to laugh.
“Well, that’s half right and half a lie, you see that bastard can’t use both aspects of nether, but he does have fire and darkness affinities, he simply uses darkness and curses to “imitate” the negative aspect of lust, in other words unlike a talented beauty like me, he is a fraud~”.
Sheilla felt her mind shake upon the previous words of the crazy girl, because she couldn’t find a flaw in her affirmations, as they would perfectly explain why her Lord looked “different” when he ordered her to capture Sarah, his interest in her was on a whole new level when compared to any other women she was sent after.
On the other hand, she also believed from the bottom of her heart that the crazy girl could be just trying to confuse her, it was impossible to tell, since her actions were unpredictable.
‘Damn it!’, she inwardly screamed to, but then as if to answer her prayers, a familiar voice echoed in her mind.
‘You have my permission to kill her, please my like you always do and bring me her corpse’, said the voice, which made Sheilla recover her calmness, her body exploded in nether and pink flower tattoos appeared on the enemy queen’s arms, legs and even forehead, giving her an exotic charm.
One had to admit that the women from the Midnight Sky race and their subspecies which was the Black Night race, were indeed pleasant to the eye, if you don’t take into account their near-fanatic personality of course, anyway the moment those flower marks appeared on Sheilla’s body, her strength shot through the roof, she reached the peak of the Lord realm and that wasn’t all.
“Rose Burning Field”, with a few words, the flower tattoos on Sheila’s body glowed and dark pink particles, suddenly started appearing from all over the battlefield, to then be dragged towards the enemy queen.
“Heh, what “Rose Burning Field” that’s just a manifestation phenomenon and a trashy one at that, since you needed to reach the peak of the Lord rank just to use it, but this isn’t your final trump card right?”, casually said the crazy girl as she shooed away some of the nether particles that had started to appear in the vicinity.
That’s right, Sheilla, a Knight Lord was using a “Manifestation Phenomenon” the special trait a mage from the four galaxies gets to use after entering the Lord rank, it was thanks to those flower marks that were resonating with the nether that existed in this place, this clearly was the advantage the Asmadian Lord prepared for his queen piece, similar to how the woman that faced Reyne could create other undead besides the pawns.
Naturally the unadulterated disdain in Sarah’s voice, irritated the enemy queen who has been finally given explicit permission to kill the annoying crazy girl, not to mention her Lord even went as far as to remind her that she has always fulfilled his expectative.
“I’ve have had enough of your nonsense, there is no way you could know better than the Lord”.
“Red Bloom!”, with a few words from the enemy queen, dark pink fiery flowers bloomed in every direction, completely surrounding Sarah, now that Sheilla was using manifestation, the amount of energy she could manipulate and the strength of anything that used said energy, increased as she was not only using what was stored in her magic core, but also the one that existed in the atmosphere.
Not to mention that unlike her nether battle aura, this was nether mana, so the range of techniques available for her also increased, for example what she was using right now was closer to a spell than a martial art.
One had to give it to the Asmadian Lord, this advantage was on a different level when compared to what Reyne’s opponent had, as in the advantage it would give Sheilla over Sarah is greater than the one Reyne’s opponent had over her, because in terms of battle prowess both queens were relatively the same.
Of course, this also happened because after seeing the battle prowess shown by Reyne, the Asmadian Lord had to raise the bar if she wanted his queen piece to win, in other words it would be expected that the next battle might be harder, which is also in part why Sarah has gone to heaven and beyond to obtain as much useful information for Jazmine as possible.
In fact, had it not been for the fact that the queen piece from the Asmadian Lord chose to go second and also that Jazmine herself asked to fight the team of her supposed father or more accurately the Lord who made her mother suffer, the crazy girl had no choice but to go with being the second one to fight.
“Oh, so this is the advanced application of that innate ability of yours, manipulating the nether from the atmosphere to create flames that are closer to the ones produced by a spell in order to counter a knight like me, that bastard really made some amazing preparations, I wonder if it was because he really wanted to catch me or because he really didn’t want me to catch him”, said the crazy girl with a smile that wasn’t a smile as she looked at her surroundings. Experience exclusive tales on My Virtual Library Empire
“Humph, it’s too late to realize the greatness of the Lord, you should have obediently come to serve under him, now you are dead meat”, angrily said the enemy queen, her eyes showed the clear hatred she felt towards Sarah, not to mention she happiness that brought her the fact that she received the permission from her Lord to kill her.
Not wanting to see Sarah’s mocking even for another second, Sheilla snapped her fingers, the fire flowers lit up even brighter than earlier before their petals fell and exploded.
“Booom!”, continuous explosions made the whole battlefield tremble, cracks appeared all over the barrier while dark pink flames engulfed the sky, since Sheilla was now using nether mana instead of battle aura, the range of her attacks was way larger than before.
Far from the battlefield, Daimon slightly frowned at the sight of the enemy queen getting to somewhat manipulate mana while being a knight, well nether to be more accurate but the nether used by mages which would be the equivalent to mana.
That being said, after the initial surprise of a random character such as Sheilla being able to do something that only those insanely talented or people with special traits such as specific lineages or systems themselves, he inwardly shook his head.
‘Wanting to scare that crazy girl, by creating the illusion that an ability which even a system user like Adam had a hard time to use, is “easily” wielded by a race created by you in a weakened state, what a fool’, he thought.
While the capacity to use mana while being a knight is indeed something worthy of admiration, the accomplishment itself it’s not that hard to pull off, what’s hard is to do so and be able to tell the tale, even at the four galaxies where the concept of “Magic Knights” doesn’t exist, there has been knights that could use mana like mages do.
In case you wonder why they aren’t ruler level figures if they could do such a thing, the answer is simple, they died after doing so, since techniques that allow a knight to manipulate mana like a mage are forbidden martial arts and interestingly, they are the strongest and most harsh ones in the list.
And similar to forbidden spells that allow a mage to wield a power that is way out of their reach, the consequences go from mana circuits breaking, cracked magic cores to an instant death, if anything since knights have tougher physiques, they get to survive and suffer a few more days after their feat.
Strangely enough, there are no techniques that allow a mage to use battle aura, because battle aura doesn’t exist in the atmosphere unlike mana, so the strongest forbidden spells often focus in the ability to control space like the one Aisha used or in a devastating one time offensive.
The point is that with his infinity eyes, Daimon could see the damage that the enemy queen’s body was receiving each second she manipulated mana, those flower tattoos were actually healing her fast enough so that even she couldn’t feel it, but that didn’t mean she was free from side effects.
‘It is still interesting that her race can develop the an innate ability to work with mana while being knights, even if it’s an incomplete and inefficient one though, it might be worth studying…’, thought Daimon as he inwardly praised the undead head maid for capturing those women from the Black Night race, since as they haven’t evolved nor had they been tainted by the Asmadian’s Lord nether, they were “blank slates”.
Back at the battlefield, while Sarah couldn’t see the process going on within Sheilla’s body, she has let alone seen, but even perfectly memorized the feeling of someone who can truly use both mana and battle aura, of course we are talking about Daimon, so she found Sheilla’s state to be… disappointing.
“Hey, who are you trying to impress with this half-baked trickery, two types of energy and you can’t even reach a tenth part of the pressure “she” exuded~”, from within the still ongoing dark pink flame explosions, the carefree voice of the crazy girl could be heard.
“Agh!”, a short but clearly pained noise followed the words of the crazy girl, the explosions stopped all of a sudden to reveal a pair of girls floating in the sky, one was Sarah who hadn’t moved from her original position at all.
The other one was naturally Sheilla who was grabbing her face with her right hand, the skin around her nose had turned slightly red and her eyes were teary, apparently the crazy girl punched her in the face while she tried to sneak up on her, which is why she let out that pained sound and her spell was interrupted.
“Mm, that makeup does suit you well~”, jokingly said the crazy girl, very much to the displease of the enemy queen who saw red on the spot.
“Just go to hell already!”, having her pretty face which is a source of pride for Sheilla, punched, she finally lost it.
“Rose Blaze!”, the flower tattoos on her body lit up in dark pink flames and released a huge amount of nether, while at the same time they started fading, meaning the enemy queen was taking them to the extreme, of course it wasn’t for nothing, Sheilla suddenly turned into a fifty-meter dark pink star.
But that wasn’t all, from within that large mass of dark pink flames, the enemy queen saw that even at this point, the crazy girl didn’t show the slightest concern about her and she clenched her hands, her nails pierced her flesh and blood which dripped out of the wound, fell from the sky and landed on the ground a second later.
Of course, she didn’t just do so out of frustration, her blood which stained the ash toned ground, started glowing in a dark pink light, which actually made the crazy girl frown, before Sarah could react dark pink nether chains raised from the ground and restrained her body, amusingly enough conscious or unconsciously none of the countless chains touched the crazy girl’s neck area, as if to not produce a violent reaction from her like earlier.
But besides that, the rest of her body was indeed restrained, even her upper face which included her eyes was covered in chains, only her mouth, chin and neck could be still be seen, her body radiated poisonous battle aura but the chains burned it in a second.
“These chains are too loose, just like their owner…”, the mocking words of the crazy girl were stopped midway by Sheilla shouting.
“Rose Disaster!!!”, the enemy queen then exploded at Sarah, something she has been wanting to do since earlier, the dark pink mass of flames contracted as she flashed at the crazy girl and alongside her punch which landed on Sarah’s stomach, the sphere of flames expanded.
“Boooom!”, a blinding light swallowed the whole battlefield, the barrier actually shattered on the spot, it didn’t crack like earlier but was momentarily destroyed as a whole!
Strong gusts of wind and heat assaulted everything in the vicinity, Daimon who was the only one close enough to the battlefield to be directly hit by the after math, covered himself with battle aura to not be affected, while the ones observing actually felt the ground below then tremble a bit, such was the impact caused by the last attack used by the enemy queen.
In fact, a slightly worried light shone in Jazmine’s eyes as she saw her sister receiving such a fierce attack.
“Don’t worry, if she was easy to kill, she wouldn’t have survived this far after becoming a nightmarish headache to so many people, besides regardless of what she wanted he would have saved her if she was in a serious danger, right”, said Reyne as she lightly patted Jazmine’s head, making her little sister chuckle.
“Mm”, Jazmine nodded with reassured calmness, since she didn’t see Daimon appearing in the battlefield, it meant that the crazy girl at the very least shouldn’t be at risk of dying.
What Jazmine and the others didn’t know, since the battlefield was still flooded by waves of dark pink flames is that at the center of the ongoing disaster, a kneeling female figure with a shocked expression on her face was coughing blood in large quantities, who else could be but… Sheilla.
“Now, that was the trump card I expected~”, Sarah who was still being restrained by those nether chains, playfully said.
“Crack!”, the next second, the dark pink nether chains cracked and purple light emerged from them as they broke apart to melt away on the spot.
“How are you alive, even if temporal the “Punishing Chains” curse, completely seals the target’s powers, anyone below the peak Mortal realm shouldn’t have been able to use anything for a whole minute at least… blegh!”, Sheilla forced a whole sentence before she vomited more blood.
The crazy girl who slowly and elegantly walked down from the sky as if she was descending through an invisible stair, giggled at the enemy queen to then say.
“Well, you could have certainly taken a limb or two from me with that, if the fight hadn’t ended back when you ordered your pawn to attack me~”.
“W-What!”, Sheilla who was trembling on the ground, managed to exclaim only for Sarah’s expression to take a 180° turn.
“Did I not tell you, that you’ll only be able to die when I say so”, she casually said.
The enemy queen’s pupils contracted like needles as a horrifying idea came to her mind.
‘She was playing with me from the very beginning!’, she inwardly swore, to then scream.
Only for Sarah’s smile to return as she shook her head.
“No, no, no, the correct question is “Why?”~”, she said as she gazed in a certain specific direction while cutely fluttering her pretty long eyelashes.
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