Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled amidst the heavy rain and winds, setting off large waves. The sea was billowing and the two liners were slowly surfing on its surface. Inside the luxurious cabin of the Seagull liner, a bevy of young girls with exposing clothes and hot figures flocked around Wang Rui.

At this time, his hands were embracing the girls left and right while he received kisses from the belles from time to time. Cups of champagne were emitting a blurred halo under the colored lights, whereas a beautifully carved plate full of fruits was glittering as these people tasted their servings.

Ring, ring, ring...

In the cabin, the intercom suddenly sounded

With brows pressed, Wang Rui waved to a girl in a swimsuit and the latter immediately picked up the intercom to readily connect him.

"What’s up?"

A deep voice answered from the communicator, "We found a fishing boat, Boss. It’s quite strange."

"Strange? Why did you say it’s strange?" asked Wang Rui, surprised.

The voice from the intercom replied, "The fishing boat is rather small and can only accommodate ten-plus people. It’s at least three times smaller than ours. Even then, we are still having problems sailing smoothly in this rough sea with the bad weather. Yet this fishing boat looks like it’s having it easy. Also, it seems like it’s not sailing but is floating on the sea surface."

Wang Rui pushed the girl, stood up and said, "Got it! I’ll go out and have a look!"

He got dressed and received a raincoat handed by another girl. Taking a walk and coming out of the cabin, he then went onto the deck. The other liner approached and the staunch man sprinted and leaped up. He flew through the air for several meters before landing at Wang Rui’s side.

"Take a look at that fishing boat, Boss," the burly man handed over a binocular and said, "I’ve been observing it for some time. It seems like there’s nobody on it, only some faint lights."

Wang Rui watched through the binoculars for several minutes before he finally nodded and commented, "It’s indeed quite strange. Go over there and have a look. Let’s hope that we come across something good."

More than six minutes later, the two liners had approached the fishing boats and were only tens of meters away. The four middle-aged men shot two grappling hook guns attached with rope. The roped hooks smoothly caught the boat as they gradually pulled the fishing boat to the liner.


A gunshot suddenly sounded out. Viviani dashed out from the cabin in her tattered clothes armed with a pistol. She pointed the muzzle to the sky but then directed her killing intent toward Wang Rui and his men on the approaching liner.

Wang Rui’s face changed as the burly man instantly dashed in front of him and he took a deep breath. He kept watching Viviani as the lightning flashed in the sky. After more than ten seconds, he gently pushed the burly man in front of him, stood on the deck and shouted, "HEY... WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THIS STORM? ARE YOU NOT AFRAID YOUR FISHING BOAT WILL BE OVERTURNED?"

At this point, Viviani had been plunged into despair. She was all bruised and scarred and was also exhausted. Even if she did have a little energy left, she was still spent. She had been hunted for half a month and was constantly on the run. Though she had a few chances to recover, she was still consuming more energy than she was recovering.

And yet, she met the storm which forced her to use her ability to control the fishing boat and was barely able to make it drift amidst the waves. But now, it seemed like she was at the end of her struggle.

"Who are you, people?!"

Viviani’s voice sounded somewhat hoarse. She had a wound on the left side of her neck and it affected her normal pronunciation as it seemed to have damaged her vocal cords.

"We are Chinese and these are my men!!" Wang Rui shouted loudly, "We thought the weather was great so we came to the sea to have some fun! But we never expected to run into this stormy weather, so we are preparing to head to Jingmen Island. Who are you, Miss?! Did you meet some troubles?!"

Viviani heaved in a deep breath. She had been hoping to get some help, but she was also aware of the crisis she was currently facing. From what she had experienced for half this month, she was sure that her enemy should be around which would cause a disaster for these people if she took their help.

"Just go away! I don’t need your help!"

She steadied herself and stepped to the side of the boat. She fired two shots and accurately hit the two ropes, severing them.

’What great marksmanship!’

"You have such great marksmanship, Miss!" With eyes lit up, Wang Rui applauded, "Amidst weather such as this, the sight of average people would surely be hindered, yet you’re still able to have such accurate shots. I really admire you. But it seems like you are injured now, aren’t you? I have a medicine box here with all kinds of drugs. I think you’ll need them."

Viviani didn’t answer. She was indeed in an urgent need of medication, but she was afraid that she would also bring her troubles on these people. She felt helpless and didn’t know what to do for a while.

"Shoot the grappling hook gun again!" Wang Rui keenly observed Viviani’s hesitation and immediately ordered.

The grappling hook was shot again and flew toward Viviani’s position. Seven-plus burly men then pulled hard on the boat and the fishing boat finally stopped next to the liner. Wang Rui raised his hands, indicating that he didn’t mean harm, and then jumped on the fishing boat and smilingly said, "We, the Chinese, have a saying that fate is the reason why people can meet each other. Since we meet in the sea in this atrocious weather, it must mean it is fated by heaven. Anyways, may I know your name, Miss?"

Viviani’s expression suddenly changed. She instantly backtracked for more than a meter and vigilantly, said, "I know you!"

Wang Rui was surprised for a moment and carefully observed her. Then, he felt that Viviani was indeed somewhat familiar. But he failed to recognize her because of her pale and dirty face, so he asked, "I can’t tell if I can recognize you, Miss. My name is Wang Rui, can you introduce yourself?"



Wang Rui suddenly recalled the stunning and exotic face of a foreign woman he had once met in Saipan. There, he came across that woman on a gambling table. The woman’s name was Viviani and realized that the visage of this woman’s face... was... not much different than hers indeed.

"What are you doing here? And how did you..."

With disbelief on his face, Wang Rui watched Viviani and asked. After all, the woman before him currently was like a clump of mud compared to the woman he previously met.

Half a minute passed by in silence without any reply from Viviani. She then slowly spoke, "I ran into my enemies and got into this embarrassing situation. Could you just give me the medicines, Mr. Wang? I’m injured and need medication as soon as possible. Don’t worry, though. I won’t bring trouble for you as I’ll immediately leave after getting the drugs."

"No." Wang Rui shook his head and said, "I told you that it was fate that made us meet each other, Miss Viviani. We met in the sea in this atrocious weather. And I believe that it’s not as simple as that you only need some medicines. Come with me to my ship! You can have a comfortable bath and change your clothes to clean ones. You can take some time to recover from your injuries. Besides, I don’t think your enemy who has been chasing you can come here. Even if they were able to catch up with you, I assure you that we can help you deal with them."

"No can do. You don’t know what kind of people my enemies are, Mr. Wang," Viviani shook her head and said, "I really don’t want to implicate you. Just give the medicines, please. Also, give me your contact number, so I can repay you a hundred times if I can get to a safe space alive."

Wang Rui felt a bit vexed and felt that he had been somewhat looked down on. An imposing aura instantly surged out from his body as he spoke in a deep voice, "Miss Viviani, we, the Chinese have an old saying that we never say anything without the power to back it up. I dare tell you that I can guarantee your safety fully. You don’t have to worry that you’ll trouble us."

Viviani was about to rebuke him but Wang Rui was already moving to be in front of her. While still maintaining a gentlemanly manner, he made a gesture to invite her aboard. For fear that she would again turn him down, he seriously said, "I hope the noble Miss Viviani won’t turn down my invitation as this is my sincere wish to help you in a time when you’re facing a crisis."

Viviani could only force a wry smile internally. After thinking that her enemies would not necessarily able to catch up with her in a short time, she chose to believe Wang Rui and followed him to board the liner. As she got on it, her keen eyes swept over at the twenty-plus staunch men before she eventually walked into the cabin.


Little did Viviani expect that she would encounter a very dishonorable scene like the one in front of her now. There were more than ten women inside the cabin, each of which with scant clothing that showed off their figures. These women came flocking around Wang Rui the moment the fellow entered the cabin, showing off a coquettish and praising mannerism toward the man.

As for Wang Rui himself, the fellow only let out an indifferent smile, slapping the buttocks of a blonde girl and smilingly said, "Find me some clean new clothes for Miss Viviani here. Also, escort her so that she can clean her body and her injuries. Prepare the new clothes for her after dealing with her injuries."


The blonde seemed reluctant but still carried out the order. After she led Viviani to another cabin, the previous big man came to Wang Rui and whispered, "We’ve checked out the fishing boat, and there’s nobody there aside from that woman. There are some traces of fighting there, but there’s nothing peculiar that we can find."

"Alright, but keep watching and be alert," Wang Rui nodded and said, "Viviani said she’s worried that we will be implicated. That means that the crisis is not yet gone. We might have to face some people who catch up with us and who might bring conflict."

Half an hour later, Viviani had her injuries treated and got a shower. She was now dressed up in a new set of clean clothes. As she came in front of Wang Rui again, her stunning appearance made the fellow stunned and impressed him, despite him being accustomed to seeing a lot of beautiful women. This resulted in him sighing heartfeltly, "You’re really gorgeous, Miss Viviani. You’re just the same as the beautiful you that impressed me when we met in Saipan. Really, it was fate that made us meet each other! Never did I expect that we would meet again here after our last encounter."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang," Viviani slightly nodded and said, "I will forever remember your kindness. However, I cannot stay here with you much longer, so as long as there’s nothing you require of me, I bade you farewell."

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