Chapter 634 Old pack

?When we came up Bald Mountain, it was just me and the wyvern.

I was on the wyvern's back as we came up to the peak of the mountain.

But once we arrived, we were immediately surrounded by other wyverns.

The way that they were postured around us, it was clear that they did not welcome us.

Of course, that wasn't strange since the wyvern that I had tamed was an outcast in the first place. At the same time, it had arrived in this sacred gathering of wyverns with a human on its back.

So naturally, they wouldn't accept this.

But we had been prepared for this.

Or rather, I had been prepared for this since I knew that this would happen.

This was actually the same thing that had happened in the game.

It was almost identical which made me feel a bit strange, but I just patted the wyvern on the back.

The wyvern had looked a bit scared when it was surrounded by the other wyverns. That was most likely because it remembered what the other wyverns had done to it in the past.

However, when it felt me patting it on the back, the wyvern suddenly stopped looking as scared.

We had already discussed what it was supposed to do, so all it had to do was find the courage to do it.

That was where I came in.

After taking a deep breath, my wyvern suddenly moved forward towards these wyverns that surrounded it. These wyverns suddenly roared at my wyvern as if they were trying to scare it off.

But my wyvern just roared back at the other wyverns, as if it was defying them.

When the other wyverns saw this, they couldn't help being taken aback.

Especially since they could feel the power that came from that roar.

The wyverns that had surrounded us were the ones that had come from the same pack as my wyvern, so they did know my wyvern. They knew that my wyvern wasn't supposed to be this strong.

It was supposed to be a wyvern that they could bully easily into submission since that was how it was before.

But now that my wyvern had stood up for itself, they had no choice but to look at it properly.

When they did...they found that my wyvern was much bigger than they remembered. It had become just as big as, it was actually bigger than them now.

They had no idea how this had happened, but here it was standing over them.

There were a few of these wyverns that couldn't help feeling a bit scared because of this.

But in the end, one of the wyverns from this group came out.

This was the biggest wyvern of this group. It was clearly the one that led their group.

When it came out, I could feel a tremble coming from my wyvern again.

With the way that my wyvern looked at it, it seemed that this wyvern had bullied my wyvern quite a bit. It was very likely that this leader of this wyvern pack was the one that led the bullying against my wyvern.

I patted my wyvern again, but it looked back at me and shook its head as if it was saying, "I'm fine."

Once it did that, it turned back to face the pack leader with a strong look on its face.

The pack leader couldn't help being surprised by this, but it also wouldn't allow its leadership to be challenged like this. Especially when it was from the runt of the pack that they had kicked out before.

So the pack leader came up and reached its neck out to bite my wyvern.

My wyvern reacted a bit slow since it didn't expect the pack leader to do this, so it couldn't stop it from biting it.

However…when the pack leader bit it, it revealed a surprised look.

The pack leader's jaw was locked around my wyvern's wing, a part that should be considered weak. However, my wyvern just looked at the pack leader biting it with a look like it didn't feel a single thing.

The pack leader saw the way that my wyvern looked at it and it revealed a surprised look as well.

But it felt its pride being challenged, so it started biting harder on my wyvern's wing.

Even so, my wyvern didn't seem to feel a single thing.

After letting the pack leader bite its wing for a bit, my wyvern suddenly raised its wing and flicked it. As soon as it did, the pack leader was lifted off the ground and held in the air.

Both the pack leader and my wyvern looked at each other in shock, as neither of them had expected this to happen.

I was the only one that had a look on my face as if I had already expected this.

I just patted my wyvern on the back again and said, "Go on, take your revenge."

As if it had been enlightened by these words, my wyvern's eyes suddenly lit up as it looked at the pack leader.

The pack leader could sense that something bad was about to happen, but it didn't have time to react. It didn't even have time to open its jaws that were still biting into my wyvern's wing.

My wyvern suddenly swung its wing down and slammed the pack leader into the ground.

When it did, the pack leader had no choice but to open its mouth.

It wasn't because it had been forced open, but rather because it had the breath knocked out of it and it had no choice but to open its mouth to catch another breath.

It was just too bad that my wyvern didn't let it go.

My wyvern raised its wings and started raining down blows on the pack leader.

The pack leader couldn't resist at all as it rained blows down on it.

When it was over, the pack leader laid there on the ground in a sorry form.

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