Chapter109,Part2: 2 - Fun Vacation ④

Chapter 109 Fun Vacation ④?

Part 2

After one night of overwhelming anxiety and tension in the air, the sky was cloudless as if it was telling that yesterday’s storm was a lie.

I woke up from my bed and, with a refreshing mood, I looked outside. Peace had returned in the residential area. There was no more alert siren or screams.

Hey look at this, everything worked out even after I did nothing.

There was no one in the bed next to me.

There were two bedrooms in Sytry’s hideout and each of them had two beds in it, but at the end we split the bedroom by gender.

I didn’t really care, but if I had stayed in the same bedroom as someone then someone else would have been dissatisfied. And if I said that I would sleep on the couch then they won’t allow it.

Liz had a bad habit of slipping inside my bed, but as Sytry was here, I can sleep in peace.

I made a big stretch and changed into the clothes that Sytry had prepared for me.

The hideout was so comfortable that you wouldn’t think that it was a hideout. There was also a large bathroom inside and because Sytry’s cooking skill was excellent, the emergency food she used was to my taste. It might have been a bit better than an inn.

The fatigue I accumulated during our trip under the rain has completely disappeared.

When I left my bedroom and was heading for the living room, Tino in her everyday clothes welcomed me.

“…… Master, good morning.”

“Good morning. …… What happened? You have dark circles under your eyes.”

Unlike me who was able to sleep comfortably, there were dark circles under Tino’s eyes.

Her feets were firm and her tone was the same as usual but her expression showed a lot of fatigue.

“You couldn’t sleep?”

“…… Just a little bit. I was lying on the sofa but ―― I was worried about the outside. Everything was due to my immaturity.”

Couldn’t you share a bed…… Right, Liz wasn’t the kind of person who would let her disciple sleep in the same bed and with Sytry, it would have been dangerous in a different kind of meaning. I went to bed without thinking about it as I had been told to but maybe I should have thought about Tino a little bit more.

But Hunters were trained to be able to sleep anytime and anywhere (This was one of my strongest points) but were you so anxious about the outside that you couldn’t sleep?

“It is fine, Master. I am a Hunter too, even if I don’t sleep for one night, it won’t affect my capacities.”

“If you are fine with it……”

I was planning on staying inside again if the turmoil hadn’t subsided yet but apparently, the problem causing the alert had been resolved.

We ate Sytry’s homemade breakfast, prepared to leave and left the hideout together. With my hood covering my face, I heard rumors of the cause of the alert as I walked down the main street.

Merchants, Hunters, Knights and citizens were all gossiping about yesterday’s incident.

Apparently, a rather troublesome Monster got close to the town. It seemed that Knights and Hunters had confronted it with all their strength.

When I heard its name, Sytry who was walking in front of me opened her eyes widely.

“A Lightning Spirit…… To think a “High-Rank Spirit (High Element)” would appeared in this town ――”

“Aaaaaaah. I also wanted to fight it……”

“Spirit (Element)” is a gathering of power with a will in it and is one of the most troublesome opponents a Hunter can fight against.

Although they aren’t necessarily hostile against humans, it seems that in some regions, they are identified as the same as god due to their characteristics of manipulating natural phenomena.

Among techniques used by Mages, there are some magic techniques that borrow the power of a “Spirit (Element)” and those magics are known to be really powerful.

I will be convinced if you said that that big storm was due to a Spirit.

It was a really good thing that I was able to stop Liz.

As I was feeling relieved and walking to the direction of outside the town, I saw the sturdy gate we passed through yesterday, completely destroyed. Unconsciously, I stopped and opened my eyes.

To show how devastating yesterday’s fight was, the wall was scorched and full of holes and debris and bloodstain were scattered everywhere. Even the houses near the gate were also half-destroyed.

Knights were busy organizing the coming and going of the gate that was now useless.

I am glad that I ignored the alert. Even communication to fight against a Spirit is laborious.

If it was me I would have been squashed like an ant.

“Even though a Lightning Spirit showed up, the town didn’t suffer any damage…… They must have worked really hard.”

Sytry was thinking of something else unlike me who was feeling completely relieved.

However, I understand what she wanted to say.

Spirits can fly in the sky, so a gate is useless against it. In fairy tales, many towns were destroyed because of an angry Spirit. We could even say that it was fortunate that they had received only this amount of damage.

And at that time, maybe because a knight had heard Sytry said that, the knight who was organizing the passage proudly told us.

“Aaah. We couldn’t handle the sudden attack of the spirit at all but ―― Coincidentally a certified High-Level Hunter came to this town…… They participated in the confrontation against it. The Spirit was strong but the Hunter was also strong. It was a fierce battle but at the end, we managed to safely get rid of the Lightning Spirit. And thanks to that, it didn’t turn into a case of many people getting injured. It is all because Hunter-sama-sama.”

A Hunter who can intercept a Lightning Spirit…… They must have been really strong Hunters.

Who could they be? If I meet with them, I would like to thank them.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

When the town was in a crisis Cry slept like a baby, he seriously got balls XD

Who can be the Hunters who fought against the Thunder Spirit? You will find out in the next chapter!

Tchao à plus!

Danmachi Episode 6 Review Corner

What a nice episode, but when I watched it in the beginning I thought that the quality of the video was at 244p but it was just because it happened in the past XD

They animated Dix exposition pretty well, with the switch between Dix and Hermes. And I laugh so much in Discord at the Evilus joke, someone said that Dix said it isn’t “Evil me” but “Evil us” XD

And OH MY GOD the chills I got when I heard the new remix of Eiyuu Ganbou! I was like shit’s going to get down! Bell you gotta step up!

And finally a teaser of Asterios! You can already feel that he is gonna be epic!


Hunter-sama-sama: He says sama twice to say something like “Oh great Hunter-sama”

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