Chapter123,Part2: 2 - Heart Pounding Vacation ④?

Chapter 123 Heart Pounding Vacation ④?

Part 2

The carriage began to move at a tremendous pace.

When Sytry leaned out of the window and only let her upper body out, she pulled a potion from her waist, removed the cap and threw it at the fire.

The bottle of potion *kurukuru* spined in the air while spraying liquid all around and flew into the bonfire.

For a moment, sounds disappeared. The impact shook the entire carriage and my body floated for a moment. I hold Sytry, who fell backward due to the impact.

The darkness cleared out and hot air came in. I released Sytry and, in a hurry, took a peek at the outside from the window.

The forest was burning. The flame from the bonfire swallowed the sparse trees around it and a large amount of white smoke flowed into the sky.

The fire was strong, I don’t think it will be naturally put out. It was clearly overkill. If we get caught, we will become criminals. We won’t be found out though.

While frightened, Tino looked at me with a begging look.

“Wha… What’s going on, Master……?”

“It’s an explosion potion. It will serve as some diversion.”

I frowned at those unpleasant words.

Diversion? Just now, did she just say diversion? Does she mean that all this is just good for a diversion? Why is it that I always have to face off against powerful Monsters!

Sytry continued with a calm face. I envy you so much for always being able to stay calm.

“At times like this, not having Lucia-chan with us, really makes us lack fire power. The fire power is just so different ――”

“Can we escape?”

“Let’s see…… If the Monster is the 『Pote Drakos (Lost Giant Demon)』 as Onee-chan said ―― We have two means to do it, a right one or a high risk one.”

So you even have two options…… And, what kind of Monster is a 『Pote Drakos (Lost Giant Demon)』?

Perhaps the horses were desperate, the carriage was moving at a tremendous pace. But, however, the footings weren’t good and the horses were pulling heavy loads, so there was a limit to their speed and stamina. I really regret not taking the Platinum horses that Eva had prepared for us.

Of course, the right thing to do is to do the right way. There is no point in taking risks.

Perhaps realizing my decision from the look on my face, Sytry *pachin* clapped her and said while facing the ceiling.

“Onee-chan, throw Gray-san! He will be the decoy!”

“Uiii. Good jobbb, see you later if you survive!”

“!? What are yo ―― Gugaaa ――”


Before I could stop it, there was the sound of something being kicked and a scream overlapping. Perhaps because the carriage became lighter, the speed had slightly increased.

Sytry added an explanation to Tino, whose face turned pale as she realized what was going on.

“It is because the 『Pote Drakos (Lost Giant Demon)』 is very tenacious…… But they have the habit to torment their prey so escaping from it is easy if you have a decoy. In villages near the habitat of a 『Pote Drakos (Lost Giant Demon)』, there are always fairy tales about fairies seeking a sacrifice. Isn’t it interesting?”

It isn’t interesting at all.

My palpitations became stronger and an intense dizziness hit me.

“Sytry!? How could you ――”

“Eh……? No… Ah, there is no need to worry. Risking their lives is one part of their jobs.”

When I flared up, Sytry puzzlingly stared at me for a moment and then quickly smiled and said.

It’s true when you are an escort, you may risk your life, but…… Don’t you feel pity? Isn’t your response too flat?

Is it possible, that without me knowing, this is the natural course of action for a First-Class Hunter? If that’s the case ―― A First-Class Hunter is heartless.

I am not a Saint either. If there was a time when I encountered an absolutely desperate situation and came the time when I could only, possibly choose between my childhood friends’ life and the escorts I had just hired, I would choose the former without hesitation.

However, ―― Right now, there was too little guilt on Sytry’s expression.

While I was like this, the carriage kept on moving forward.

I know very well that Sytry isn’t a bad girl, but this is just too cruel.

From time to time, it is said that a First-Class Hunter will lose his or her humanity in proportion to how strong they become.

It is a good thing to be strong, but as a person, you can’t lose what’s important. And as a Leader, I had a duty to make sure that Sytry doesn’t become someone worthless like that.

“I wanted you to use the right method.”

“? Etto…… This was the right way, though…… Please rest assured, there are two more decoys.”

“………… In that case, let’s choose the high risk method. Stop the carriage. We are picking Gray-san back.”

Even if that will lead to taking risks ― I didn’t want Sytry to become someone who would, without hesitation, give up on people. I wouldn’t be able to see their parents in their eyes after they believed in me and allowed us to become Hunters.

Sytry widely opened her eyes at my serious tone. Her irises, which were the same color as Liz’s, showed a hint of agitation for a moment, but soon her eyes became as kind and as gentle as usual.

Without asking any questions, she looked up at the carriage’s ceiling and said quickly.

“Sorry, Onee-chan! I made a bad decision, after all, go pick Gray-san back!”

“Eeeh… It’s really cramped here when he is there…… Damnit, such a hassle……”

While complaining, Liz jumped down from the carriage.

With her leg strength, she would easily catch up with the carriage even with a man on her back. There was the possibility that the Monster had already eaten him ―― But Liz wouldn’t have misread the situation.

No matter how many times I lived it, when unexpected things happened in succession like this, my mind turned into chaos. I lose my sense of reality. It feels as if I was looking at a nightmare.

Sytry *pekori* bowed her head and apologized in a small voice.

“I am sorry, Cry-san. That was… I had thought that was a very good move with almost no disadvantages……”

I know. Sytry isn’t a bad girl. It’s just that she couldn’t afford it. As she had been standing on the battlefield all her life as a Hunter ―― No matter how talented one is, it must have been a burden heavy enough to wear one’s heart out.

“Sytry, it’s fine. I didn’t want to scold you…… I am not one who could do that. But, I want you to remember…… Life is precious ―― It is heavier than most risks.”

“Yes. I should have known how difficult it was to replenish humans ―― I am sorry. I just thought, if there were three of them, losing one was fine……”

I wonder if what I just said had really reached Sytry’s heart?

I am not talking about the difficulty of replenishing something, but…… What replenishment are you talking about?

The carriage shooked and I heard Liz’s voice. Looks like she successfully picked him up. Thank god…… I am so glad.

When Sytry had confirmed this, she smiled shyly.

“It has been a while since I have been able to travel with you, Cry-san. Well, while it is embarrassing to say, I may have been too ecstatic. I will be more careful.”

When I am here…… Is it not good when you are with me? Will Sytry sacrifice people when I am here with her?

………… It’s useless, I can’t gather my thoughts. I will have to calmly think about Sytry’s ethnicity another time. Maybe if she eats delicious food, gets into a hot spring and gets some rest, she might return to her old self.

“For the time being, what is the high risk method……?”

“Etto…… Use Monsters as a decoy instead of using someone. Monsters can’t be controlled, so it isn’t foolproof…… But there are plenty of Monsters living around here, so I think it will probably be fine.”

Using Monsters as a decoy, eh…… Is it really going to be fine? Well, it is a lot better than abandoning humans.

As I gulped down my saliva in anxiety, Sytry carefully took out a white potion I had seen the other day ―― Dangerous Factor.

TL notes:

Thanks for the ko-fi Eric! I’ll have an extra chapter ready for Sunday!

Wow Cry scolded Sytry despite having a debt of over billion Gils XD

Looks like Cry is the only one who can stop Sytry from killing someone.

And we still didn’t see the Pote Drakos! I think we all know who will really fight it. XD

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