Chapter128,Part2: 2 - A Certain Vacation ⑦?

Chapter 128 A Certain Vacation ⑦?

Part 2

While talking, our foot doesn’t stop.

If we walk along the road for half a day, it would take us down the mountain. Most Monsters don’t leave their own territory. That Oni’s fighting style is specialized for mountainous and forested areas with many obstacles. It shouldn’t follow us to the bottom.

I look back at our companions. Because of her habit as a solo, Ruda had packed her luggage compactly, but the others were now carrying large bags that used to be loaded in their carriage. It was too much of a hindrance to run and escape.

However, even if they threw it and ran away, I don’t think they would escape safely because of that Oni’s speed. Maybe if Ruda was alone, she could escape, but that would mean using Gilbert and the other slower members as bait. Only this she doesn’t want to do.

“Anyway, it’s injured. If Arnold-san fights it head on, he isn’t that much of a deal. Only problem is that it won’t stand in front of Arnold-san. In other words ―――― We need a bait.”

Bait. At that word, the Members of 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》 gulped down their spit in nervousness.

Hay deliberately explained it in a cheerful voice. However, his expression was serious.

“If we know who it’s going to attack, even if we’re a few meters away ―― We can intercept it if we know about its trajectory in advance. What, that’s an easy hunt.”

“………… Bait, huh.”

“Aaah, moreover…… The weaker the better.”

Hay continued while Carmine’s expression tightened.

“Looking at its attack so far ―― It seems that most of the people who are being attacked are Members of your Party. The Members of 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》 are quite promising, but at the moment you’re far inferior to us. If our strategy fails once, that Oni will never fall for the same trick again. We need to end it in one shot. Understood?”

At these words, the Members of 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》 looked at each other.

Everyone had a pale look. Being a bait meant that they had to pretend to be more defenseless than ever. It was clear from the corpse of the Monsters what kind of cruel fate awaited them if they failed to intercept it.

No one spoke and time passed by. Gilbert raised his hand.

“Then I will be the bait. I’m quite sturdy and there won’t be a problem if I get hit a little bit.”

At his proposal, his fellow Party Members widened their eyes. For a moment, Carmine’s expression turned into a surprised one, but then quickly returned into a frowning one.

From Ruda’s point of view, that Oni was far more superior than her. Which means, it must be the same for Gilbert.

However, there was no fear on Gilbert’s face. Even though it was impossible for him to not feel fear, neither of his limbs were trembling.

Knowing the difference in their abilities, he stood up for his friends. It was truly ―― Courageous.

To Ruda, he looks so different compared to when she first met him a few months ago.

However, Hay quickly shook his head.

“It’s not good, Gilbert. Just by looking from the outside, you can clearly tell that you are one step ahead of the other in 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》. Your courage is admirable, but that Oni will be wary of you.”

“No way………… You won’t talk me out of this. Even if I’m above, it’s only a little bit. It’s the same thing from that Oni point of view. Isn’t it!?”

Gilbert quickly looked around at his friends in panic, but none of them nodded and only wryly smiled.

Carmine took a deep breath and looked at his friends. He said as he gathered his resolve.

“…… There’s no way around it, this is so all of us can survive, we need to be ready. I am 《Crimson Flame (Fire Gale)》 Party Leader. I will decide on ―― Who will be the bait…… Leila, I am sorry, but can you do it?”


At the end of his line of sight was a petite female Mage.

She was about the same age as Gilbert, she was putting on a brave face, but now she was pale.

From what we have seen so far, that Monster is more interested in women than men. If you are a Mage, then you can cast a defensive spell beforehand and you will be a little safer. There are more options you can take in case of emergency. Among our members, I am sure you are the most qualified.

“B-but ――”

“…… I-I understand.”

Gilbert was about to speak up, but as if she wanted to interrupt him, Leila answered in a quivering voice.

While being pale, she forced a smile and looked at Gilbert.

“If Gilbert is the only? one who keeps showing his good side…… We won’t be able to compete.”

“What, don’t worry. Arnold-san is a Dragon Slayer. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to finish it off.”

Hay’s words showed a strong trust in Arnold. The other Members of 《Fallen Mist》 strongly nodded.

This is the moment of truth. Arnold, who had been silent until now, said with a frown to Ruda and the other as they gathered their determination.

“Bullshit. It’s just an annoying Monster. Let’s get this over with and get off of this mountain. We will take care of it in the next attack.”

The plan was simple. Leila, who was in the middle of the formation up until now, will be placed at the back of the line where she will most likely be attacked.

At the moment when it attacks, the Members in the formation will all give way at once and Arnold will close the distance with all his might and finish it off.

Leila casts a defensive spell on herself and those around her are preparing to heal Leila at any time.

It is a simple strategy, but among all the strategies we can do right now, it was the one with the highest success rate.

While walking, we change the formation so that it doesn’t feel unnatural.

While being careful, we bait an attack that could come at any moment. My spirit was wearing down as time passed. Perhaps we weren’t the only one who were trying to be cautious, there wasn’t any sign of another attack.

At that time, trees fell down and the view on my left opened up. I unintentionally let out a small gasp.

The Oni attacks from blind spots. If one side is barren, then the direction of the attack can be determined. This will be favorable for the strategy.

At that moment, something strange enters Ruda’s field of vision.

“!? Wh-What, is that……?”

Far below us, at the foot of the Garest Mountains, there was a shining mark next to the lake. With care, the nearby trees had been cut down and made it clearly visible from the top of the mountain.

Gilbert’s eyes widened, Carmine and his companions narrowed their eyes at the sight of something that shouldn’t be normally seen.

“…… A fire? What? A mark?”

“Do people live in a place like this? What is that? Some kind of signal? It looks like……? Someone’s laughing ―― Huh!?”

Carmine held his tongue. What he was looking at was the face of the one who was walking in the lead, Arnold.

Until now, the expression on Arnold’s face remained stoik no matter how rude Gilbert had been, but it was now distorted as if he was wearing a demon mask.

A blue veins popped out on his forehead and glared down at the foot of the mountain like he wanted to kill someone. Both of his muscular arms were *purupuru* twitching. A snarling voice escaped from his mouth.

“Infinite…… Variety…… Everything, was, within your calculation, huh.”


I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Ruda’s eyesight was pretty good but she couldn’t see the foot of the mountain from the top of it.

No, no matter how much Mana Material you have been enhanced with, there was no way you could see from such a distance.

Hay looked down at that place with a heartfelt disgusted look. The others were looking at the mark with a similar expression.

“Kah…… Hay, change of plan. No need for a decoy. We’ll press it onto him.”

“………… Aye. Of course.”

Change of plan? No need for decoy? What the hell are they planning to do?

The group was puzzled by the sudden change of the reliable Level 7 Hunter. In front of them, Arnold pulled out his 『Heavy Lightning Strike』.

Reflecting the moonlight, the blade shined in a golden color. The air bends and the polished blade spurts purple light.

From somewhere, I could hear the rustling sound of the wind. But now wasn’t the time to be concerned about it.

Arnold raised his sword and shouted loudly in a thunderous voice.

“I am, not going to do, as you want! You are going to clean up your own mess! 《Infinite Variety》!”

Then a huge pillar of light passed in front of Ruda’s eyes.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Hahaha Sytry’s campfire is the best! A big smiley face just to provoke Arnold! XD

Will they finally meet or will Cry succeed to run away again?

I can so see Cry eating while chilling when Arnold arrived and Cry running away like in a cartoon XD

Tchao à plus!

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