Chapter129,Part2: 2 - Used To

Chapter 129 Used To

Part 2

“…… Cry-san”

“Ah…… Ahaha………… We-well, anyway ―― Right, Black-san and the others, why don’t you eat? If you are going to be the next coachman, you need to get some rest.”

“…… I see, so you aren’t going to release them here.”

Sytry looked surprised at the words I thought on the spur of the moment.

No way…… I am not going to abandon them. As we always have, we are all going to go back alive. Black-san and his friends are outsiders, but the main guidelines stay the same.

In order to do that, I have to do something about the two people who are struggling on the ground ――

“I will go prepare the food and get the carriage ready. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but, well…… For Onee-chan’s case, Cry-san ―― In the worst case, I think she will come back, even if we leave her here.”

“Ahhh ―― No, I don’t plan to leave her here!?”

Sytry chuckled and walked towards Black-san and his friends.

Now then, how can I fix Liz’s mood.


“Here Cry-chan. Do Aaaanh? Do you like the crocodile I hunted? It’s delicious, right? It was at the bottom of the lake…… I caught the biggest one there was. I know, next time let’s dive together? The view inside the lake was beautiful, I’m sure Cry-chan will love it.”

“You are wrong, Master. I am not such an indecent woman. Onee-sama, insisted, insisted on doing this ―― Uuuuuh…… Please, don’t look, at me, like that.”

How did this happen?

From my right, at a really close distance, Liz offered me a crocodile skewer while purring like a cat. She looked the same as usual, but her cheeks were flushed and her skin was hotter than usual.

Apparently, she was very upset at the fact that Sytry was a little closer than usual. I could hear her heartbeat from her chest which was strongly pressed against me.

However, the problem was with Tino who was sitting to my left.

At her Shisho’s order, Tino was exposing her skin as she had taken off her elbow-length gloves she was always wearing. She had categorically refused the order to take off all of her top and had settled it with only taking that off. However, that alone seemed to have greatly increased her exposure rate compared to the usual Tino.

As her face was turning bright red up to her ears, Tino’s arm was *surisuri* slippery rubbing against mine.

I am wearing long sleeve clothes, so we aren’t in a skin-to-skin contact, but that flirtatious behavior is rather shameful to Tino, who is always rather modest.

I felt like I was receiving some kind of erotic service though. Her rough breathing tickled my ears and made me a little thrilled.

Liz reprimanded her for her somewhat reserved behavior.

“Hey, Ti! Make sure you press on those pointlessly growing breasts! How are you going to take responsibility if Cry-chan is taken by Syt? Haaaa!?”

“Uuuh…… I am sorr… I’m sorry, Master. Sorry…… Sorry… Ugnnn!!”

As if Tino had resolved herself, she tightly hugged my arm.

How Liz’s use her disciple is odd. All I could do was keep being expressionless, so that Tino wouldn’t be embarrassed.

I tried to stop her beforehand, but she wouldn’t stop. Even I am no match to the power of a rampaging Liz. If I forcibly stopped her, I won’t know where that excess of energy will go next time. From my experience, in a situation like this, the only thing you can do is to wait until she is satisfied.

By the way, I wonder why both Liz and Tino are so soft.

Even though their arms and legs are much thinner than mine, it is a real wonder how they are able to *bambam* easily defeat so many Monsters and Phantoms with a physique like this.

Mana Material is amazing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry……”

While apologizing, Tino leaned on to me. I wonder why… I should have received this from Liz a lot of time, but it is so new when it is done by someone different. I am being apologized to, but if anything, I would want to thank her.

I am in an unpleasant popular situation. From the side, it might look like I was surrounded by girls, but it was so different compared to Ark.

But, since I was at Liz’s mercy for all of this, it is about time she is satisfied.

Let’s apologize later. And I will try to convince Liz to not get Tino involved again.

As I was very seriously making up my mind, I heard a loud clap of thunder in the distance.

When will that end? When I looked up above me, I noticed something strange floating in the night sky.

A big man with a shiny sword. I can’t see his expression due to the backlight, but he was coming down towards here.

I made an instant decision and moved away from Liz, hugged Tino and arbitrarily activated my “Barrier Ring (Safe Ring)”, which I hadn’t forgotten to wear even at a time like this.

The light and impact from the thing that was free falling from the sky was repelled by the barrier that I had activated just in time.

The lightning burned the earth, a great sword was deflected before my eyes and rebound widely because of the barrier. I don’t even have the time to scream.

In an instant, the darkness returned and the figure that had suddenly attacked me greatly jumped back.

That is when I learned the identity of my assailant.

“You… Bas… Tard…… What the hell, are you doing!?”

“Eh…… No, that’s supposed to be our line……”

The one who fell from the sky while launching a powerful blow was Arnold Hale. However, his entire body was stained with mud and even his already powerful face was twisted like some kind of demon.

In my arms, Tino raised her head and let out a small scream. A tremendous killing intent ―― A heavy pressure was forced on my body. While being confused, I patted Tino’s head with my empty hand.

On Arnold’s hand was a huge, glowing sword. The golden blade made an electrified noise, that is when I finally realized the nature of the light that had been? flashing around Garest Mountain up until earlier.

His face reddened with rage. Because of the brightness of his shining sword, I could see his appearance very well.

What? What kind of situation is this supposed to be?

Arnold was shaking in rage.

“…… You pressed, everything onto us ―― Ha, you dare ――! Un-under ――”

“…… Underwear?”


With a roar that seemed to contain all of his emotions, Arnold attacked me.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Seems Arnold finally catches up to Cry and co! And as usual Cry is unknowingly using is provocation skill XD

Just imagine Arnold seeing Cry flirting with Tino and Liz while he was running away from the Oni,? lol!

And I’m sure that in fact Tino is quite happy when she is sticking so close to Cry despite all she said.

Tchao à plus!


Okay, here I took a lot of liberty because it was a japanese wordplay. In the original when Arnold said “Ha, you dare! Un-Under” he said “Jibun wa! Name(-rareta (he didn’t say it))” which means “I am! Under(estimating me)”. Here he wanted to say something in the line of “how dare you underestimate me”, but he couldn’t finish saying the word before Cry said “Nameko” which is a name and also started with “Name”. Making his sentence become “I am Nameko”. XD

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