Chapter134,Part1: 1 - Smiling Vacation ②

Chapter 134 Smiling Vacation ②

Part 1

A day passed after we took a large detour to avoid Count Gladys’ territory, we arrived without incident at our destination ―― Surus town.

Just as Sytry said, it was a small town built on the mountains. As she said they were famous for their Onsen, I can smell Onsen’s unique smell drifting from the whole town.

While feeling a bit *furafura* unsteady, I got out of the carriage. Since we had been chased by Arnold and his companions all this time, it had been a few days since we could stop in a town.

Image might be a little different because of the light novel version.

It wasn’t unusual for Hunters to spend several days journeying over Monster’s habitats. My survival skill had been quite honed and we have a great girl called Sytry, so our outdoor life had been quite fulfilling, but even so, as a half-retired Hunter, the forced march on the last few days has been quite exhausting. It is a pitiful story even though all I had been doing was to just sit in the carriage all the time.

I like baths. I like baths so much that I even have a bath in my private room in the Clan House. Liz and Tino had happily bathed in the lake, but I was too afraid of the crocodiles, so I didn’t do it, so I could only wipe myself with a towel dipped in hot water throughout the trip.

I want to soak myself in the hot water as soon as possible. I also want to eat some Onsen Manju. Even chocolate is fine. I want to eat something sweet.

Perhaps because of its fame as a tourist spot, Surus town’s charm was different from the Imperial Capital, there was an abundance of nature such as rock and trees in the town, giving a somewhat exotic atmosphere.

Perhaps they are off season, there weren’t many travelers. If it was here, then maybe no one would know who I am. It is a great town to hide myself.

The turmoil-loving Liz might not be satisfied about this, but there were already too many things happening since we left the Imperial Capital. Let’s take it easy for a week to ten days. I am sure this place will heal Tino, Black-san and his friends from their fatigue.

Sytry, who had been going through the procedures to enter the town at the gate, came back.

“What do you think? Of this town ――“ (Sytry)

“It’s nice, I like it. It is perfect for a short stay ―― And it seems that there aren’t many people here, right?” (Cry)

I like towns which are animated like they were having festivals, but I also like quiet towns like this one. In other words, I don’t mind anything as long as there aren’t any sparks flying onto me.

We were also far enough from the Garest Mountains where we shook off Arnold and the chances of bumping into him are equal to zero.

Liz dragged Tino and immediately went to see the town. We can expect great souvenirs.

When I was in a good mood, Sytry smiled at me and said.

“I heard that the Onsen here are perfect for healing…… I have also heard that sometimes injured Hunters come here for treatment.” (Sytry)

“Healing, huh…… Nice……” (Cry)

Well, I have never been seriously injured and Anthem has healed all of Liz and the other injuries perfectly, so it doesn’t really matter to us, but just the sound of that word is kind of attractive to me.

It is a Hunter’s privilege to be able to easily go from one town to another. I am a little sad that Luke and the others aren’t here, but let’s enjoy this.


“I don’t have a hideout in this town, so we have to rent an inn somewhere to stay…… How many nights do you plan on staying here?” (Sytry)

“Uuun…… maybe around ten days to two weeks. Depending on the situation maybe it will be a little bit longer.” (Cry)

I am definitely not going back to the Imperial Capital until I am sure that the White Sword Gathering is over.

At my words, Sytry’s expression turned thoughtful for a moment, but soon regained her smile.

I am sorry to monopolize Sytry and Liz who are always so busy, but lives are at stake here. If I am unreasonable, they will say so.

“I understand. Therefore, I will proceed…… As you said” (Sytry)

Sytry disappeared in a short run. Even when I am not here, I am sure it is something she does all the time, but seeing her like this makes the difference with her sister noticeable.

We have some time, it might be a good idea to reward Sytry for her hard work too.

It is finally starting to look like a vacation…… I will spread my wings to my heart content and brag to everyone after I get back to the Imperial Capital.


I take a walk around the town with Sytry.

Perhaps Surus town’s amount of Onsen are abundant, there are Onsen all over the town, so just going around is pretty interesting. The entire town was warm thanks to the steam rising from the Onsen, so just walking around was enough to relieve my fatigue.

Apparently, if you dig around this area, you will quickly find an Onsen, so once I stop being a Hunter and don’t need to stay at the Imperial Capital anymore, it might not be a bad idea to settle down in this town.

However, there is only one thing that bothers me. The whole town ―― Is way too quiet.

The size of the town itself isn’t that big to begin with, but even so, the number of people is far too few, so it looked a little desolate. Maybe it was just that time of the year, but the town’s facilities are pretty well equipped, so I feel like it could be a little more lively.

Our inn was quickly decided despite our sudden long stay. It was a Ryokan?with a good reputation for its food and Onsen, and it was more for healthy tourists rather than Hunters. I regret not having a camera with me, as unlike most inns intended for Hunters which focus on practicality, this one was careful of its appearance.

“I was asked if we were newlywed.” (Sytry)

“……” (Cry)

Said Sytry with narrowed eyes and cheeked dyed in red. I think that was just flattery. Because I don’t think a newlywed couple would take a room for seven people.

And it is probably better to not tell her that I am getting a lot of stares that said why is some guy like him with her. I am just a Hunter, that’s it……

Not only the exterior, the Ryokan’s interior also didn’t disappoint.

The room we were shown to was spacious and had tatami mats. This is also quite different from inns intended for Hunters.

Inns intended for Hunters are basically designed to be accessed even if they are full of blood, flesh and filth and even let them maintain their equipment in their rooms.

Rooms with tatami mats are not that rarely seen in the Imperial Capital. Before I became a Hunter, I admired rooms with tatami mats.

Since I became a Hunter, I have experienced living in one several times, but no matter how many times I see it, it is always nice.

What’s great you ask, it is because you can *gorogoro* lie down and roll anywhere on the mats.

By the way, I had thought of installing tatami mats in my private room in the Clan House, but Evan pointed out that it was a bad idea. Well, it is because it gets dirty easily.

By the way, a room with tatami mats in Zebrudia is quite expensive. If the price is the same as in the Imperial Capital, it must be about ten times more expensive than an ordinary room. I am sure Eva will scold me again if she finds out I rented a place like this.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Well looks like Cry seriously loves Onsen and tatami mats.

And I am sure Sytry was seriously pleased when they said that she was wed to Cry. Do you think she will give a large, large tip because of this? XD

Tchao à plus!


Onsen Manju: It’s a traditional japanese sweet. Manju is a round steamed cake which is filled with a sweet red bean filling. An Onsen Manju is a manju steamed with Onsen’s (hot springs) water.Ryokan: A Ryokan is a type of traditional Japanese inn that typically features tatami-matted rooms, communal baths, and other public areas where visitors may wear yukata and talk with the owner.

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