Chapter185,Part1: 1 - Trust ③

Chapter 185 Trust ③

Part 1

Term and Kechakchakka, what an unusual duo.

When they are together like this, even if they are both Magi, the proper Term and the dubious Kechakchakka have completely opposite impressions.

However, even though they were a group of people I randomly gathered, they are now reassuring allies I have with me. Let’s flatter them a little. Because if a dragon appeared again, I would once again have to ask them to fight it……

Term widened his eyes as I smiled at him. His gaze went to Kruz, who was holding her chest on the floor.

“…… Did something happen?” (Term)

“Un? Aaah, well…… Multiple things happened. But you don’t need to worry about that.” (Cry)

Even if she did it to herself, it is unacceptable for a highly proud Spirit People to say that they ate Amuzu Nuts and destroyed their stomachs.

Kruz glared at me with tears in her eyes when I took into account her feelings and moaned in a small voice.

“It’s exactly, as what Yowaningen, said, desu. Don’t worry about it, desuuu.” (Kruz)

If she has enough energy to put on a facade, then she will be fine. But it is a pity that Magi gets stomach aches when they eat Amuzu Nuts.

“Are you here to talk about the guard shifting? If that is the case, I am going to have Term and Kechakchakka work together as before………… Everyone in the Imperial Guard does a lot of work, but I am not sure I would want to leave it all up to the Imperial Guard.” (Cry)

While keeping a badass smile on my face, I implicitly praise the Hunters up.

The decision to pair up Kechakchakka with Term is extremely rational.

First, I am not confident that I can communicate with Kechakchakka during the escort. I am also worried about teaming him up with Kilknight as I don’t know what he might do. Kruz is even worse than me in communication, so by process of elimination, I have no other choice but to push Kechakchakka to Term. This was one of the downsides of a Dark Pot.

“Oh yeah, you want some?” (Cry)

Term frowned and said in a reluctant voice when he saw the words printed on the large bag of nuts that I offered.

“………… Amuzu Nuts interfere with your magic manipulation. It isn’t something a Magi should eat during an escort.” (Term)

“Un, un, that’s right……” (Cry)

Kruz’s face turned red and looked up at me with resentment while she was clutching her chest. I am not a Magi, so I *poripori* stuffed myself with the nuts.

You don’t need magic power if all you want to do is to activate a Relic.

“But if I can say something, if you try hard enough, you can withstand Amuzu Nuts’ magical inhibition. You can use it for training, you know.” (Cry)

That was what Sytry said. And Lucia also approved this.

One of the reasons I love Amuzu Nuts is because, back then, I stuffed my belly with it when we found a box full of it.

Kechakchakka was looking at me as if he was looking at something suspicious. Well, I am not telling you to eat it.

“And so, if it isn’t about your shift, what do you want?” (Cry)

Maybe he wanted to talk about the fact that he can’t follow a Leader like me anymore. Fine, you are now the Leader.

Term made a stern expression when I was *paripori* chewing on the crunchy nuts, and said as if he was whispering a secret to me, who didn’t have a feeling of tension at all.

“《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》…… You have a 『Tail』, right?” (Term)

“…… Heh?” (Cry)

Due to my confusion, I opened my eyes. A stupid voice came out of me. However, Term’s expression was extremely serious.

Impossible…… It can’t be. Where did it leak out……?

I am sure no one else should know about it. The only people who know that I have a tail are the Members of my Party, 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》, and I doubt they would let it slip.

However, there was a strong conviction inside Term’s eyes. So it shouldn’t be a random statement.

Originally, there was no way that I, a human being, would have a tail, and it was unlikely that I could deceive him.

I guess this is what it means when you say that you can’t completely silence something. There was a possibility that I might have gotten drunk and talked about it.

This is troubling…… I had decided to keep it a secret though.

I said to Kruz, who was crouching down with a blank expression on her face. I am sorry to say that while your stomach hurts, but this is an information that Kruz shouldn’t learn.

In reality, Kechakchakka and Term also shouldn’t learn about this information either……

“Kruz, I am sorry, but could you leave the room? I have an important discussion to do.” (Cry)

“Wha…… Ah? What are you…… Kuuh……” (Kruz)

“This is…… A very sensible matter. Sorry. This time I am the Leader, right? I will get it over quickly.” (Cry)

“Ughu…… I’m going to tell it, to Lucia-san, desuu……” (Kruz)

I watched over Kruz who walked out while moving like a caterpillar. Next time, I will buy her sweets that aren’t nuts.

I took a deep breath and looked at Term and Kechakchakka.

A 『Tail』. To be exact, it isn’t a tail, but a living mass of Mana Material.

We once encountered the 【Lost Inn】 and surrendered without any semblance of resistance, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t bring anything back with us.

There was only one thing that we brought back. Or, to be more precise, it was forced upon me.

It was a tail. As proof of our survival against the 【Lost Inn】, we were given the last of the thirteen tails that grew on the monster fox.

We called the part of the boss that was forced upon us, that dangerous lump of magical power that shows no signs of disappearing even now, several years after it was detached and had to bring it back with us, 『The End?of the Divine Fox』.

§ § §

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

No decent Magi will eat Amuzu nuts during a mission! Right, Kruz? hahaha!

And finally time for Term and Kechakchakka confrontation with Cry!

How will Cry dodge all the bullets!?

Tchao à plus!


In Japanese there is a double meaning for its name. The end can mean the rear or the tip of the tail or the tail of the end as in tail of death.

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