Chapter 3464: Dichotomy (Part 1)
More gushing and a second explanation later, Zinya agreed to help.
"Can you go, Tezka?" She asked.
"Please, Uncle Tezka. Just this once!" Filia and Frey joined their mother in her plea.
’Fuck!’ The Suneater kept seeing them like Fylgja cubs and found the idea of causing them to worry unbearable.
"I’ll send one tail." He replied in defeat. "I need the rest here to protect the children. I’ll deploy more tails only in case of emergency."
"That shouldn’t be necessary, thank you." Lith nodded, telepathically thanking his wife for her unwitting help. "I’ll let you know the details of the meeting as soon as we define them.
"You are free to come to the Blood Desert now, if you want. You’ll be my honored guests."
"Can we?" Bytra looked at Ripha with a begging look.
"Yes. I meant it when I said I don’t resent you."
"Can we, young sparrow?" Tezka asked, knowing that Salaark couldn’t be far away.
"Yes, old fox. You have my word, but only as long as you behave." The voice of the Guardian echoed.
"Don’t touch my children and I’ll be sweeter than honey." The Suneater replied, narrowing his eyes.
The meeting between the Verhens and the Vastors only became more awkward when Aran and Leria revealed to their friends they had Awakened.
Not only did Frey and Filia grumble at Aran and Leria for keeping them in the dark, but they also renewed their plea to Tezka to Awaken them. This time, no number of toddlers could fix the situation.
Luckily for Lith, he was already away when it happened.
He could have reached Esor in a single step if he accepted the Sapling’s invitation and used the plants’ Gate Network but preferred using the beasts’. Feela guided him to his destination, where hundreds of Awakened Emperor Beasts armed to the teeth waited for them.
"This should be a friendly meeting but when dealing with World Saplings and Trees it’s better to be safe than sorry." Feela said, her booming voice further amplified by an air magic spell. "Expect and prepare for the worst, my brothers and sisters.
"If I give you the signal, my contact rune becomes unavailable, or you hear so much as a peep, take Esor by storm. Kill first, question later. Is that clear?"
Experience tales at empire
The Emperor Beasts beat their armor with their weapons, producing the clangor of a quake.
"Was this really necessary?" Lotho the Treant, plant representative of the Council, asked. "Isn’t my presence and word enough?"
"Respectively yes and no." Feela the Behemoth replied, shapeshifting from her human to her hybrid form. "We are dealing with a World Sapling who has already admitted being infected with the Yggdrasill’s madness.
"Maybe they are being honest or maybe they are lying. Maybe they will lose it the moment the Sapling sees Lith and Tezka. I don’t know and I don’t care. The only thing that matters to me is that if things go south, I can protect one of my own.
"Is that clear?"
Lotho rapped his battle gauntlet on his chest in reply, sighing.
"Tell the young acorn not to worry. I’ll stay outside." The one-tailed Tezka said. "Also, tell them that if they make me come in, I’m going to burn everything down."
"Listen well, you-" Lotho felt confident until the Shadow Dragon eclipsed the sun.
"He what, Treant?" Xenagrosh whispered but her voice was the rumble of an avalanche. "Careful what you say next. Summer is almost over and trees turn red at fall."
"Nothing." Lotho caught the meaning of both her words and the flames slithering from the corners of her mouth. "Let’s go."
’I can deal with a one-tailed Suneater but the Shadow Dragon is beyond me.’ He thought, having no idea how wrong he was.
The barrier cloaking Esor from the rest of Mogar came down and the Emperor Beasts roared and clangored to renew their threat. Tezka did the same, showcasing Endless Night and his Suneater armor.
Only a few beasts looked at him with fear. The rest swelled with pride and rejoiced at being reunited with their long-lost brother.
Despite his ill-reputation and the atrocities he had committed, Tezka was still considered the only Emperor Beast to have ever ascended to the level of a Divine Beast without having a Guardian ancestor.
After the stories of his battles against Salaark and Roghar had spread, he was considered the one true challenger to the Guardians. If not for his condition as an Eldritch, the Emperor Beasts would have hailed him as their symbol of hope.
"Did you just Warp us to our destination without any cloaking? I thought the location of Fae cities was a well-kept secret." Lith asked while admiring Esor’s landscape.
"It is a secret, but only to rogue Awakened like you were and non-Awakened." In her hybrid form, Feela looked like a humanoid feline covered in purple fur and feathered wings on her back. "Every member of the Council knows where the World Saplings are.
"Accessing a Fae city, however, is an entirely different matter."
Like Laruel, Esor was built from the roots of the World Sapling emerging from the ground. Parks and green areas were born from a single branch while the tree-buildings where Fae and plant folk lived sprouted out of roots.
The city extended as far as the eye could see in a marvel of nature and civilization, with creatures evolved from all kinds of plants living together. Its beauty was soured solely by two discordant notes.
The first was the harshness of the glares the citizens of Esor threw at their guests. Not even the beauty of the plant folk could soften the spite and outrage the plant folk exuded.
The second was the dissonance in the world energy enveloping the city. Awakened were very sensitive to their surroundings and the anomaly of Esor was so intense that it would have alarmed even a fake mage.
The air smelled wrong, the green of the trees was that of rot instead of life, and all elemental forces twisted onto themselves. There was no harmony on any level of existence and the inhabitants of Esor were no less affected by it than the houses they lived in.
"Verhen scum." A Thorn said.
"Murderer." A Treantling spat a slimy lump of sap.
"Death walker." A Dryad muttered like it was an insult.
"Okay, I don’t know what this is about but this is wrong." Lotho the Treant needed sheer willpower to keep the infection from taking root in his wooden body.
"Are you telling me you don’t know?" Feela was flabbergasted. "This is your turf."
"Know what?" The plant representative shrugged. "It’s my turf, true, but it’s not like you know what every single magical and Emperor Beast does. I’m no different."
"I’ll explain it to you later." Lith had enough of the local hospitality so he conjured a Warp Steps leading straight to the colossal tree he saw on the horizon.
’It will shorten our trip and confirm dimensional magic has not been sealed.’ He thought.
"Thank the gods you are here, Verhen." Dir the Redcap, Sovereign of Esor, said. "I don’t know what illness plagues my Sapling friend but whatever it is, they say you are the only one who can stop it."
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