Chapter 3482: Path of Progress (Part 1)

Chapter 3482: Path of Progress (Part 1)

"Hi, Friya, nice to hear from you. How are you doing?"

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"It’s nice to hear from you too, Lith." Her hologram was sitting on a comfortable armchair that alone cost more than most houses in Lutia, sipping tea. "I’m fine, thank you. I’ve heard you are done with your mission and you are free in the afternoon.

"I expect your visit with trepidation. Bring Kamila, I want to say hi to Raldarak."

"I…" Lith tried to come up with an excuse but then remembered he hadn’t seen Friya since the day she had helped him with the operation to rescue Solus. "Who told you I’m free?"

"I did." Solus stood straight, her hands on her hips. "I’m sick and tired of waiting for you to remember we have friends. Move that ass, we are leaving."

"What about Kami?" Lith asked.

"I told her about the visit first thing in the morning." Solus replied. "She’s waiting for us at the tower."

"We’ll be there in a few minutes, Friya. Lith out." He sighed.

The country mansions Jirni had gifted her daughters stood on top of mana geysers to provide them with an infinite energy supply for their defensive systems. I also allowed Solus to imprint the geysers and reach the mansions in a single Warp.

"Nice. The tower got an upgrade but I have something to show you too." Friya said the moment Lith walked through the tower’s door. "Well, don’t you have anything to say?"

Friya stood straight under the magical lights of the room, with Nalrond just a few steps behind her. She was wearing a gorgeous bridal gown made of sky-blue silk and decorated with white lacework.

Precious and magical gemstones complemented the seven colored streaks in her hair that had been combed and straightened into a luscious, silky waterfall that reached the small of her back, shining like a cascade of jewels under the light.

There was no neckline and she wore evening gloves but the form-fitting dress highlighted her soft curves as much as the light makeup brought out her big eyes and perfect features.

"Nicely played, Friya." Lith walked around her, checking her out. "But I can’t marry you unless Kami agrees. You know the rules."

Nalrond and Kamila tensed up while Friya laughed her ass off. Hitting on each other when they met was a running inside joke between them.

"It’s not that, dummy. I was fishing for compliments." She replied. "Besides, I asked Nalrond if we could keep doing our routine but he said it’s rude and disrespectful…"

"Because it is." The Agni grunted and Kamila followed suit.

"So no more of this, okay? This was fine and dandy while we were both single but now it would offend our spouses."

"It actually annoyed me even before we got married." Kamila snorted. "Seeing your boyfriend flirting like that with another girl hurt back then no less than it does now."

"Same." Nalrond snarled.

"Nalrond!" Friya gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "Why didn’t you tell me sooner?"

"And be a buzzkill?" He scoffed. "I already had lots of trouble with my life forces and was holding back our relationship. I didn’t want-"

"Not that." She cut him short. "I’m talking about your boyfriend."

"This is not funny!" He became beet reed while Friya laughed harder. "You know what I meant."

"Sorry, I couldn’t resist the temptation." She wiped the tears off her face. "Well? What do you think, guys and girls?"

"You look gorgeous." Lith replied and went for a hug. "Congratulations, Friya. Congratulations, Nalrond."

"Thanks, but not so fast." The Agni was wearing a black-tie evening suit. "We were just rehearsing. We expect you to attend the actual ceremony."

"Of course we will." Kamila said. "You look so good in that dress that you should be classified as tier one Forbidden Magic, Friya."

"Thank you!" Friya added nothing, knowing how painful it was to admit something like that to another woman.

"I can’t believe you look like this despite Awakening as an adult and I look like this despite Awakening as a child." Solus had to stand on her tiptoes just for her arms to reach Friya’s back.

"Don’t say that, Solus. You are a beautiful woman." Friya said.

"She’s right, baby." Menadion came out last with the babies. "Nice to meet you, Friya, I’m Ripha-"

"Menadion!" Friya pushed Solus aside and grabbed the hand Ripha was offering her. "The First Ruler of the Flames. The Mother of Forgemastering. The mind behind the six great academies."

"Yes." Menadion was taken aback. "Are you a fan?"

"Big time." Friya nodded. "My master often talks to me about your work. It is an honor and a pleasure to meet you, Master Menadion."

"Please, call me Ripha." Menadion inwardly sighed.

"Hih! Hih!" Elysia flew into Friya’s arms, rescuing Ripha and doing her best to say her aunt’s name.

"Hi, baby girl. Gods if you’ve grown a lot since the last time I saw you." Friya peppered the small Tiamat’s snout with kisses, making her giggle.

"Fff… Frrrryia. Frrryia." Valeron was next.

"Very good! You are a really smart baby." She tickled his scaled belly and kissed his forehead. "Do you think our children will be like this, Nalrond?"

"No." He grunted coldly. "I expect them to look like me in their hybrid form. Unless you have other plans, of course."

"How can you say that." Friya went pale. "I would never-"

"Got you!" Nalrond burst into laughter. "Not so funny being on the other side of this kind of jokes, isn’t it?"

Friya went from white to bright red with fury.

’I would kick his ass if only he weren’t right.’ She thought. ’Damn if I hate when it happens.’

"Thanks, Nalrond." Kamila fist bumped the Agni.


"Nicely played, Nalrond." Lith patted his shoulders. "But there is a big difference between a long-standing joke and an improvised one."

"Which is?" The Agni asked.

"That if I catch you flirting with my wife, I’ll bury you so deep that they’ll dig your body in Zima." Lith said.

"And I’ll help him." Friya turned around and walked away with a furious clicking of heels. "Come, I’ve prepared a feast."

Quylla and Morok joined them a few minutes later and after lots of touching and cooing at Kamila’s womb, the three friends spent the afternoon reminiscing the old times and discussing their future.

"You two will soon be uncle and aunt. Be nice with your niblings." Quylla brought Elysia and Valeron to her swollen womb, making them chirp and giggle with joy.

"About that." Morok cleared his throat. "I need the training facility in the tower, if you don’t mind, Lith."

"The Firing Range?"

"The Nursery." The Tyrant scratched his head. "I need help practicing with diapers and have no parent I can ask for advice."

"That’s not true. You can ask my father." Quylla replied.

"No way." Morok cut the air with his hand. "Lith may scare me sometimes but Orion terrifies me. Always."

"Be my guest." Lith replied. "You can ask my parents to show you the ropes if you want. They will gladly help you."

Things went so well that the women planned another reunion a few days later and Kamila gladly agreed to drag Lith there if necessary.

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