Systemless Villain

Chapter 170 A New Classmate

Chapter 170 A New Classmate

Long Tian stepped into his villa, clad in nothing but a towel. Making his way to his room, the intention to don clothing lingered in his mind. Yet, an unexpected surge of warmth enveloped him from behind. Turning to the side, he discovered Li Yue'er, her arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace.

"Did you kill Qin Chen?" Li Yue'er inquired, her words devoid of any discernible emotion.

Long Tian pivoted, his hands cupping Li Yue'er's cheeks. "I ended his life and reduced him to ashes, erasing every trace," he disclosed.

Rather than responding verbally, Li Yue'er opted for a different approach. She undid her shirt, revealing an alluring expanse of exposed skin.

A subtle smile curved Long Tian's lips. Without hesitation, he released his towel, embracing Li Yue'er and leading her to the bed.

The bed creaked and swayed, harmonizing with the symphony of passionate moans that echoed in the midst of the chilled ambiance.


The relentless march of time persisted, ushering in the early morning with the sun withholding its radiance, signaling the arrival of a new day.

Long Tian stirred in the bed, his eyes fluttering open. His gaze naturally gravitated to the side where Li Yue'er lay, still immersed in the gentle cocoon of his embrace.

Carefully, he guided Li Yue'er's hand to her side, gently disentangling himself. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, the remnants of sleep clinging to his senses.

Draped in comfortable pajamas, a testament to the uneventful night, Long Tian pondered for a moment. Subsequently, he strolled toward the window, his eyes drawn to the world beyond.

The rain, once unyielding, had now relented, giving way to a gentle drizzle. Since the moment he extinguished Qin Chen's life, the rain had maintained its relentless assault, but now, a subtle sign hinted at its imminent conclusion.

Long Tian's gaze lingered on the captivating view of the forest and mountains, emitting an atmosphere of tranquility. With Qin Chen now dead, he embraced a newfound serenity, a pleasure he had not experienced before.

As he contemplated stepping away, a sudden warmth enveloped his back—Li Yue'er embraced him from behind.

"Long Tian, let's share a shower," she suggested, her tone drowsy, yet her face bore a playful smile.

Raising an eyebrow, Long Tian remarked, "It's uncommon for you to propose that. Usually, you're rather reserved."

"I don't know. Maybe I just feel at ease with you?" Li Yue'er replied, a lingering smile gracing her face.

Long Tian reciprocated with a smile. Turning around, he effortlessly lifted Li Yue'er.

"Then, I'll carry you, milady," he declared.

Li Yue'er's smile deepened, a rosy blush gracing her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around Long Tian's neck, drawing him closer. Together, they left the room, making their way to the bathroom.


The sun ascended, casting its warm rays upon the world, heralding the dawn of a new day.

Within the dining room, Long Tian and Li Yue'er took their seats for breakfast, clad in their school uniforms.

However, today they forwent their sports attire, Long Tian opting for a white shirt and pants, while Li Yue'er with a short skirt.

"By the way, Yue'er, during my absence from school, you must have faced challenges after the incident with Liu Qian," Long Tian inquired.

"Well, I did experience guilt, but the school principal provided me with an opportunity to apologize in front of the students, and it went smoothly. I also maintained my regular training routine," Li Yue'er responded.

"Is that so? Well, that's a positive turn. I assume your former position as the student council president played a part," Long Tian remarked.

"Yeah, I believe it granted me certain privileges," Li Yue'er nodded.

The two continued their breakfast conversation, savoring the meal and exchanging thoughts.

Upon finishing, they prepared to grab their bags and then headed to the car, driving towards Tianzhou High School.


The rumble of car engines resonated in the school area. Long Tian effortlessly parked his car and stepped out, Li Yue'er at his side.

All students today donned their standard uniforms, as the teachers in each class were set to unveil the mid-semester grades. Tomorrow, the selection test for the annual Han Empire survival competition loomed.

Li Yue'er smiled, finding comfort in the familiar school atmosphere. "It's almost time for us to graduate, Long Tian. The mid-semester is over, and the final semester has begun," she remarked.

"Yeah, nearly three years now in this school. Anyway, where will you go after graduation?" Long Tian inquired.

Hearing this, Li Yue'er fell silent for a moment before responding, "I don't know. Maybe I'll join you."

"I'll be attending Xuantian Academy in Shanghai. So, I don't think it will be difficult for you to pass the entrance exam," Long Tian said. "And do you still plan to overthrow your father's position?" he asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

Li Yue'er's expression turned colder upon hearing this. "I won't be satisfied until those old bastards are dead," she declared, her voice icy.

"Then you have to become stronger. After school, let's go to Tianhai," Long Tian suggested.

"Why?" Li Yue'er inquired.

"Maybe visit some sects? Perhaps there's a sect that specializes in dark elements," Long Tian responded.

"Alright," Li Yue'er nodded.

They strolled and conversed, making their way toward the classroom area. Eventually, they parted ways, each heading to their respective classes.


Long Tian strolled down the third-floor corridor when a familiar figure caught his eye—a student with a slightly chubby physique.

"Hey, Bai Li, wait up," he called out.

Hearing the voice, Bai Li, in the midst of walking, promptly halted and turned around, spotting Long Tian approaching.

A smile graced his face, "Yo, Long Tian, you finally made it to school. Where have you been these past two days?" he inquired.

"There was some important business I couldn't neglect. But now, everything is clear," Long Tian responded.

Bai Li nodded, "Alright, let's head to class," he suggested.

Long Tian acknowledged with a nod. And so, the two continued their stroll.

As they traversed the corridors, the duo engaged in conversation about various topics. Friends since middle school, they were close associates of Li Guowu and four others.

In this particular class, Bai Li happened to be Long Tian's deskmate.

After a while, they entered the classroom, where 46 students were seated. There were 10 classrooms for senior students, each accommodating 40 to 60 students.

Long Tian occupied his desk casually, Bai Li seated beside him.

"Ah, I missed this seat. After 5 days of nothing but training, I think this is the best spot," Bai Li remarked, a smile playing on his lips.

"Well, intense training has its merits. So, are you gearing up for that survival competition?" Long Tian inquired.

Bai Li sighed in response, "Yeah, but it's not my choice; it's my parents'. Besides, who willingly walks into hell? Only those seeking death would sign up for that survival competition," he explained.

"Then, why the rigorous training?" Long Tian questioned.

"Well, you know, Long Tian, girls these days fancy guys with six-pack abs. Moreover, I just got rejected by my crush because of my weight. It hurts, but I swear to change!" Bai Li declared with fervent determination.

Long Tian simply smiled and shook his head.

"And, Long Tian, please, as a master, share some tips on winning a woman's heart!" Bai Li suddenly requested, his tone ablaze with determination.

Long Tian chuckled, "Well, my friend, first you need to be confident. Confidence is attractive. Then, a bit of mystery, keep her curious. And of course, be a good listener, show genuine interest in what she says. Oh, and a sense of humor never hurts. Make her laugh, and you're halfway there."

Bai Li listened intently, absorbing Long Tian's advice like a sponge.

"But remember, always be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not just to impress someone else. Authenticity is key," Long Tian added with a smirk.

Bai Li nodded, a spark of determination in his eyes as he made mental notes. "Alright, confidence, mystery, good listener, sense of humor, and appearance... Got it!" he exclaimed.

Long Tian responded with a subtle smile, acknowledging Bai Li's newfound determination.

As the rhythmic ticking of the clock continued, the school bell suddenly rang, announcing the commencement of the day.

Shortly after, a woman in her early 30s, impeccably dressed in formal attire, her long black hair elegantly tied back, entered the classroom. Carrying a stack of books, she exuded an air of sophistication. This captivating figure was none other than their homeroom teacher, Yu Qing'er.

The students, especially the boys, couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. Yu Qing'er gracefully placed the books on her desk, her gaze then turning towards the students. "Alright, students, it doesn't feel like we've been together for 4 months in this final year. And now, today is the announcement of your mid-semester grades," she announced.

The students listened attentively, the charm of Yu Qing'er keeping the classroom in quiet anticipation.

"But now, we will postpone the announcement of the mid-semester grades because, due to a technical error, you will be getting a new classmate. Lin Fan, please come in," Yu Qing'er said, her eyes directed towards the door.

The students, including Long Tian, shifted their focus to the door as it opened, revealing Lin Fan, an 18-year-old student with a decent appearance. Standing tall at 185cm, he had black hair and eyes with a distinctive purple hue, making for a striking entrance into the classroom.

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