Chapter 34: This Grandson Of Mine Is Really Smart

Chapter 34: This Grandson Of Mine Is Really Smart

The next day, Lady Callista came to visit Thirteen and his family.

Since he had already informed his mother of her impending arrival, Alessia did her best to clean the house, as well as prepare food for their guests.

It had been a long time since she last saw her mother-in-law, and she wanted to make her stay as comfortable as possible.

“Grandma!” Remi shouted happily before running towards the old lady, who was seated in a wheelchair.

The smile on Lady Callista’s face widened after seeing her adorable granddaughter run in her direction.

After catching the little one in a loving embrace, she kissed Remi’s cheeks, and the latter kissed her back happily.

“Thank you for coming to visit us, Mother,” Alessia said as she walked towards her mother-in-law with a smile.

“Alessia, it has been a while,” Lady Callista nodded her head as Remi sat on her lap, making herself comfortable.

It seemed that she liked to stay as close to her grandma as possible, and the old lady certainly wouldn’t have it any other way.

“It will be best if we all go inside the house first,” Thirteen, who was always the sensible one, said. “Welcome to our humble home, Grandma.”

Lady Callista looked at the five-year-old and the two other children who were standing behind him.

Gerald’s two other children, Mikhail and Shasha, looked at Lady Callista with curiosity.

Mikhail had seen his Grandma in the past, but she didn’t look this old back then.

She was still a beauty, making it so he did not recognize her right away.

Shasha, on the other hand, was still too young when Lady Callista last saw her, so she couldn’t remember her Grandma’s face.

But even if she did, she would still not recognize her now due to the effects of the poison that had spread inside the old lady’s body.

Still, after hearing Thirteen’s reminder, everyone went inside the house so that their guests could have refreshments.

Trisha observed Mikhail and Shasha, who were Gerald’s children. The Patriarch had asked her to check what their abilities were and report her opinion of them to him.

Thirteen, who was also subtly paying attention to the maid, smirked internally.

Since she wanted to see what his siblings were capable of, he would let her see it and report it back to the family.

Even though his father was kicked out of the Leventis Family, the fact remained that the Leventis Blood still flowed in their veins.

Any talented members of the family would be treated with great care and protected until they fully matured.

“Brother, sister, since Grandma is here, why don’t you have a sparring match to show your skills to them?” Thirteen proposed before glancing at Lady Callista, who was busy hugging and patting Remi. “Would you like that, Grandma?”

“Sounds good,” Lady Callista replied.

She was also looking forward to seeing to what extent her grandchildren had trained outside of the Leventis Family.

As their grandmother, she was very worried that they were not receiving proper training from her son and daughter-in-law.

The Monarch Clans and the Ten Prestigious Families each had a very strict training routine for their heirs and younger generations.

This was to ensure that they would excel and rise above the masses, befitting as a member of their families.

Simply put, each family took pride that their bloodline was strong and born to lead people, making them important figures not only in Solterra but in Pangea as well.

If her grandchildren’s performance wasn’t up to par, then Lady Callista would insist that one of her trusted subordinates come to train them, especially Mikhail, who only had two years before his First Wandering.

‘Is this Zion’s way of asking me to help train his siblings?’ Lady Callista mused. ‘This grandson of mine is really smart.’

Trisha had the same line of thought.

She even felt that Thirteen was shameless for hugging his grandma’s legs in order to gain guidance as well as resources from the Leventis Family.

Hans, on the other hand, remained silent. He hadn’t seen how strong the five-year-old’s siblings were either. Every time he had come to their residence, the two had either just finished their training or they were training somewhere else.

Mikhail and Shasha were quite happy that their brother had asked them to spar. Aside from their daily routine, the two didn’t have the chance to spar today because their mother asked them to be ready to meet their grandma at any time.

The two of them went back to their rooms to change into proper training gear since Shasha was unable to fight properly wearing the beautiful dress that her mother had picked for her.

While everyone was waiting for Mikhail and Shasha to return, they all headed to the training ground.

“Grandma, I have also started Remi’s training,” Thirteen commented.

“She’s training as well?” Lady Callista frowned. “She’s still too young to train. Even the Leventis Households only start the training of their children at five years old.”

“Well, it’s not really vigorous training,” Thirteen said. “I’m just teaching Remi a technique for self-defense. It’s called the Nutcracker Kick.”

“Nutcracker kick?” Lady Callista blinked in confusion. “What’s that?”

“Mmm, I’ll let you see it, Grandma,” Thirteen stated. “Remi, come for a bit. Let’s show Grandma your Nutcracker kick.”

Remi reluctantly went to her Big Brother because she also wanted to show off to her grandma.

She then raised her shoulders, allowing Thirteen to hold them in place to support her body.

The moment her brother gave the signal, Remi started to use her Nutcracker kick, making Lady Callista, and Trisha chuckle.




The little girl’s kick was quite amusing, and after seeing her kicking style, they immediately understood what Thirteen was trying to teach his sister, amusing the two ladies.

Hans, on the other hand, couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly due to the five-year-old’s antics.

After doing a few kicks, Remi returned to her Grandma, wanting to be praised.

“Good girl,” Lady Callista said as she patted her granddaughter’s head. “You did well.”

Remi smiled and hugged her Grandma lovingly after being praised by her.

It was also at this moment when Mikhail and Shasha appeared at the Training Ground.

Their auras were different from when they came to meet Lady Callista, making the old lady arch an eyebrow.

After bowing to each other as a sign of respect, the two took their fighting stances.

Both were holding real weapons, but with blunted edges, which was very normal for their age.

They just didn’t expect that Mikhail would be wielding an Axe, while Shasha held a Rapier in her hand.

A moment later, the two clashed against each other, surprising Lady Callista, Hans, and Trisha at the same time.

They weren’t using the Family Technique of the Leventis Family like they thought they would.

But the more the two fought, the more solemn the expressions of the three adults became.

Although their battle styles were still rough around the edges, they could see the potential of the techniques they were using.

This made Trisha, who was supposed to report this kind of development to her Patriarch, subtly activate a recording crystal so that Arthur would be able to see Mikhail’s and Shasha’s battle for himself once she returned to the Leventis Residence.

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