Chapter 812 The Hunter And The Hunted [Part 4]

Chapter 812  The Hunter And The Hunted [Part 4]

Although the Azothrall immediately started to suffer from third-degree burns, its regeneration ability and its body’s swift adaptation to the current environment allowed the monster to survive its current predicament.

However, it would still take some time before it fully adapted to the river of magma around it.

Time that Zion wouldn’t waste, not even a second.

Rocky’s jaws clamped on the body of the Alien-like Monster and dragged it down into the river of Magma, where it was hottest.

Azothrall fought back until Rocky’s face was destroyed.

Regaining its freedom, it hastily tried to resurface, but it was once again bit down by the newly formed head of the Magma Bal-Boa.

This was the main reason why Thirteen and Rocky decided to bring the battle deep underground where the river of Magma was located. As long as there was Magma, Rocky was invincible.

While it might not win against Azothrall in a battle of strength, at the least, Azothrall would be helpless against it.

Unless, of course, it found a way to eliminate the Magma in its surroundings.

The two fought tooth and nail, with Zion slowly gaining the upper hand.

As Rocky bit into Azothrall’s body, the Demons under Tiona’s control would sacrifice themselves to attack their enemy. They would target the wounds Rocky had created through his bites, injecting their venom deep inside Azothrall’s body.

This infuriated the monster, who found this tactic incredibly annoying.

Above ground, it could still molt its exoskeleton, allowing it to shed the poison spreading on its body.

But underground, surrounded by magma, it couldn’t do anything much, so it only did the thing that it could do and thrash around.

It fought Zion, who was possessing Rocky with everything it had while trying to resurface at the same time.

Thirteen still hadn’t fully recovered from his earlier clash with the Alien-like Monster, so he was soon forced to relinquish his control on Rocky after fifteen minutes of fighting Azothrall.

Rocky, who had regained control of his body, didn’t hesitate to fight against their opponent and finish what his Master had started. However, the Magma Bal-Boa lacked the ability to think ahead of the opponent’s moves, giving their foe an opportunity to make a hasty retreat.

Rocky was about to give chase when his Master’s voice reached his ears.

“Don’t follow it, Rocky,” Thirteen ordered. “Leave while we still can!”

Knowing that the monster would once again attack them after it had recovered from its injuries, Thirteen wanted to increase the distance between them as much as possible.

This was the only solution he could think of at the moment, for the enemy was simply too powerful to be killed in a short period of time.

This game of tag lasted for many days, making Zion look extremely haggard.

Erica, Sherry, and Shana did their best to tend to the teenage boy using potions and healing magic to help him recover his strength.

However, this wasn’t enough because the mental strain was taking a toll on Zion’s body.

During the past few days, the most sleep he managed to get was an hour or two at a time before Azothrall returned and once again fought them with a vengeance.

“Sleep,” Erica said as she lightly patted the young man’s head. “Tiona will wake you up when that monster returns, so rest for as long as you can.”

The Sorceress then rested the young man’s head on her bare chest, allowing Zion to finally regain a bit of calm before closing his eyes.

He was simply too tired, so he no longer resisted Erica’s invitation.

Rocky, who was also tired from the constant fighting, rested in the river of Magma, healing the injuries he received in his recent battle with Azothrall.

Ten minutes after Thirteen finally fell asleep, the door of the room opened.

Shana entered the room and looked at the teenage boy currently sleeping soundly in Erica’s embrace.

The Saintess didn’t even bat an eye when she saw that her friend’s upper half was practically naked.

She simply looked at Zion’s exhausted form, which made her feel an ache inside her chest.

Shana then crawled onto the bed and placed her hand on the teenage boy’s head before using her healing magic on him.

Right now, she and Erica were doing their best to help Zion recover as much as possible before he once again opened his eyes to fight for her sake.

‘How long will this continue?’ Shana thought, feeling helpless about their current situation.

Suddenly, Zion opened his eyes and tried to rise up on the bed, surprising Erica and Shana.

The two ladies were about to stop him, but Zion only said two words.

“It’s back.”

This immediately made them freeze in sport and look at the young man with pained expressions on his face.

“Can’t you fight it while resting at the same time?” Erica proposed. “Shana will heal you as well, so how about we try it?”

Thirteen, who was a bit muddle-headed after fighting continuously for many days, no longer had the strength to resist as Erica made him lie on the bed.

But just as she was about to embrace Zion once more, Shana made her move and laid on the bed beside him.

She then made Zion turn in her direction and pulled the teenage boy into her embrace.

“Let me care for him for the time being,” Shana said softly. “It will also be easier for me to heal him in this position.”

Erica, who saw Shana’s determined expression, decided to let her do what she wanted.

“Okay,” Erica said, hugging Zion from behind. “I’ll let you take care of him for a while.”

Just like the teenage boy, Erica was also very exhausted.

She couldn’t get any sleep because she was constantly worrying about him as he fought their enemy alongside Rocky.

Truth be told, Erica was feeling frustrated. If he’d let her, she wanted to fight with Zion.

However, she also understood that doing so would not help him and might even hinder him, putting greater strain on his already exhausted mental state.

Shana was not as bold as Erica and still had her clothes on.

However, she still allowed the young man to rest his head on her chest while she used her healing magic to help him recover.

Thirteen also did his best to relax as his consciousness merged with Rocky’s consciousness and fought against their persistent foe for the umpteenth time.

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