513 I Missed You Arianna

She had to act natural, Arianna couldn’t give out to the intruder that she had noticed his presence and at the same time, figure out what to do. It couldn’t be Marcel’s men, they wouldn’t sneak in through the window, but the door because they had been authorized to keep her safe.

Marcel had sent her here because he wanted to keep her safe from his father. And though he said Daniel couldn’t offend Leon, he didn’t exactly say this place was impenetrable. Arianna swallowed down thickly as she realized something, since her death couldn’t be traced back to him, had Daniel hired an assassin after her?

What was she going to do? She needed help and for the first time, she regretted living in such a spacious room. Before she would run to the door, the assassin would have killed her already. What was she going to do? It dawned on Arianna that she was on her own here.

With an exaggerated sigh, Arianna bent down and pretended to pick up the books, but in reality, her hearing was as sharp as a wolf and she was trying to find out where the assassin was hiding.

“I’m so sick and tired of being kept in here,” Arianna intentionally murmured with a huff, taking her time to raise the stool and pick the books one after the other.

The assassin finally moved, silently and swiftly, but Arianna heard it. When you learned how to steal from a bunch of thieves, you would discover that swiftness is a needed skill as well. Stealing in a crowd, a millisecond was enough to determine your life. She tensed up but Arianna willed her body to calm down.

If she panicked, she would end up dead. But if she could think clearly, she might be able to escape through that door on time and call for help. Hence, while Arianna was picking the book, her hand curled around a ballpen and hope surged in her heart. She would defend herself with it.

By the time Arianna stood up to her feet, she could feel the assassin from behind and the hairs on her back stood on edge. Without warning, Arianna whirled around with precision, aiming for his throat, but she was wrong. He knew she had the pen. Hence, when she lifted it to stab him, he grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Arianna grunted while struggling, however, she found out that he was too strong and tried to punch him, he was faster too and grabbed the other hand with his iron grip. He then lifted both of her hands above her head, while Arianna persisted like a fish out of water.


She saw his face, and couldn’t recognize him. Arianna had not seen him anywhere, nor in Marcel’s army.

And for her to see an assassin’s face meant that he didn’t intend to keep her alive tonight. But then, Arianna was determined, she was not dying tonight.

So she headbutted him with all of her strength and he groaned, letting go of her. Kicking him right in the face, the force pushed him away and she saw that as an opportunity to run away. Arianna took to her heels and had just grabbed the doorknob only for him to pull her by the hair and she shrieked, however, he cupped her mouth so her scream wouldn’t get out.

“Don’t scream,” He warned into her ears, but Arianna had never been one to obey instructions, especially not from one planning to end her life.

Arianna bit his palm and he let go instantly, but the moment she let out a shout, his hand palmed her mouth again. For an assassin, he wasn’t showing any killing intent, Arianna found out, however, she was not staying to find out why.

But in the process of fighting against him, the assassin missed his footing and fell. Unfortunately, since he held on to Arianna tightly, it meant that the both of them fell to the ground with Arianna on top of him.

By the time Arianna recovered from the fall, she was confused about what was going on. The assassin was a strange one. And then, she looked down into his eyes out of sheer curiosity and froze.

No way.

Those electric blue eyes stared right back at her and it hit her, the only person she had seen with that special kind of eyes.


That moment of hesitation from Arianna was all the opening Elijah needed. He rolled the both of them so that he was on top of her while she was beneath him on the floor.

Eyes wide and realizing the kind of ambiguous position the both of them were in, Arianna tried to push him away, but Elijah was faster and pinned both hands above her hands. He overpowered her and she couldn’t escape.

“You! What are you -?!”

The rest of the words were swallowed because Elijah claimed her lips in a kiss.

What the hell? Arianna was horrified by the act, but there was nothing she could do as Elijah kissed her hungrily as if he waited so long for this. When she clamped her teeth together and refused to let him in, Elijah bit on her lower lips and almost drew blood had she not whimpered loudly.

His tongue then slipped into her mouth and kissed her demandingly and passionately. Arianna tried hard to not feel, but she was fighting a losing battle. Elijah was her ex and she didn’t realize until now, that there were still some lingering feelings left. Hence, she couldn’t fight the lust for long and found herself kissing him back.

Arianna was transported to the past when it was just the both of them and things were perfect between them. Her now free hands dug into his hair and pulled hard as she kissed him hard and he moaned.


The sound of the moan reminded her of Marcel and it suddenly hit Arianna what she was doing. Oh no, she broke up the kiss and the both of them came up for air. While Arianna had a bewildered look on her face as to what just happened, Elijah’s was filled with nothing but adoration.

He traced her face with his hand happily as he said,

“I missed you so much, Arianna.”

Arianna gulped, what has she done?

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