518 A Close Call

“I think you got a message,” Leon said when the phone’s light flashed on his face. He had not meant to take a nap, but when you just have the best sex of your life, sleep comes naturally.

Luca groaned, taking the phone from his grip without looking at it. He wanted to sleep after what they had just done, but he couldn’t. However, the offer was too tempting and he had stolen a bit of sleep, knowing Arianna was in safe hands, his men would have alerted him otherwise if something were to happen.

That was why he readily accepted the phone in case it was important. However, the moment he opened the message, his eyes nearly dropped to the ground and every trace of sleep left his eyes.

“Shit!” Luca cursed, getting off the bed in a hurry with Leon noticing his distress.

“What is it?” He asked, worried.

“Marcel is here.”

“Oh,” Leon said without further questioning.

Luca was slacking off duty, the Marcel he knew would skin him alive if he knew that, especially when it involved protecting his woman. Perhaps, he shouldn’t have tempted Luca and waited till he was free. However, Leon knew inwardly that he might not have gotten another opportunity like that one, and the mood was right.

He had to help him.


Luca was as confused as hell as he didn’t know where to start. Where was his damn cloth? No, Marcel would see the sleep in his eyes, he had to wash his face. No, there was no time for that.

“Calm down,” Leon said, placing a hand on his shoulder to assure him, “I’ll buy time for you,” He told him, picking his shirt from the bed and putting it on before leaving through the door.

Luca was finally able to breathe, but he couldn’t linger here anymore and had to get out of here, after all, he couldn’t tell how much time Leon could hold Marcel off. This was why he couldn’t get distracted, but the deed has already been done. It was good to know this was a one-time thing and he wouldn’t have any more reason to see Leon in the future. They had fun and now it was time to return to reality.


Marcel doubled his steps in the hallway that he was almost sprinting. He could not wait to see Arianna, hence one could guess how annoyed he became when a sudden interference came his way.

“Marcel, my man!” Leon intercepted him out of nowhere, throwing all of his weight on him and Marcel who wasn’t prepared for the extra pounds of flesh lost his footing and together, they fell to the ground.

Marcel groaned as the breath was knocked out of his lungs. This was the kind of welcome he wanted from Arianna, not the little son of a biscuit he would kill once he’d got up on his feet again.

“Isn’t this romantic?” Leon grinned at him as they remained on the floor. He went on to say, “Are you sure Arianna wouldn’t give in to the idea of a threesome between us? After all, I heard two hot men going at it arouses women,”

And that was it!

Marcel rammed his knee into him, missing the spot where the sun never shines with just mere inches, however, Leon still felt the raw pain on his thigh and rolled off him

“You are still as savage as ever,” Leon rubbed the spot where Marcel almost murdered him.

However, Marcel growled at him animalistically, as if there was no man but a beast inside of him. The idea of sharing Arianna not just with Leon, but with any other man fueled Marcel with great rage. Arianna was his and his alone, no asshole was sticking his herpes-infected stick inside her cunt, that pussy was meant for him alone.

Seeing the murderous look on Marcel’s face, Leon knew that he had crossed the line this time and knew to back down.

“It was just a joke,” He explained.

“Don’t try such an expensive joke on me again especially when it involves my woman, or else I might forget we’re allies,” Marcel passed the warning across and Leon nodded in understanding.

“Come on then, let me show you to her room,” Leon said, standing to his feet and banishing the remaining pain by sheer will. He has offended Marcel and he had to make up for it. But on the bright side, he just bought enough time for Luca.

Marcel didn’t say anything and followed him, the silence between them was tense. Not long after, they arrived at the room and Leon released a small breath when he saw Luca standing at the door.

He made it.

Marcel stopped before him, “Where were you when I sent a text of my arrival?”

Luca straightened up, “Nature calls,” was the quick answer he gave Marcel.

Honestly, he never thought that Marcel would come to pick Arianna himself which was why he let himself loose in the first place. Luca thought he would bring Arianna home instead; he had everything under control until Marcel arrived.

Marcel didn’t say anything and was about to pass through when he stopped suddenly and Lucas’ heart stopped with him. His features were puckered up as he sniffed close to Luca and Leon held his breath the entire time.

Marcel stopped with a thoughtful look on his face and for a moment there, Luca swore that he had caught him until he said,

“Your poop must have smelled badly you even applied perfume.” He shook his head and grabbed the doorknob, going into the room and shutting it right after him.

Luca released the breath he had been holding in and Leon didn’t look any better. The perfume Marcel smelt on him belonged to Luca and he applied it because there was no time to refresh and he didn’t want Marcel getting the smell of sex on him.

“That was close,” Leon muttered, leaning against the wall.

“Yeah,” Luca admitted, it was a close call indeed.

And would never happen again.

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