Chapter 394: A Kiss Under FireworksChapter 394: A Kiss Under Fireworks
Cinder’s interest visibly piqued. “Explosions… of light?” Her gaze shifted toward the sky, as if trying to imagine it. “And you say they are used for celebrations?”
“Yeah,” Alister confirmed. “They’re not meant for battle or destruction—just for people to enjoy watching.”
After Alister finished explaining what fireworks were, Cinder frowned slightly, arms crossed as she considered his words. Then, with a tilt of her head, she asked,
“Isn’t my fire breath brighter and more amazing? And… can’t we just fly into the sky instead of using this…”
“Ferris wheel?” Alister completed for her, raising an amused brow. He then chuckled. “You’ve got a point.”
Cinder leaned in slightly, her crimson eyes narrowing with mischief. “Then why don’t we?”
Alister smirked, but before she could say anything else, he gently placed a finger on her lips.
“Those may undoubtedly be better options,” he admitted, “but we’re going with this because there’s a certain beauty to it.”
“Beauty?” she repeated.
Alister leaned back in his seat and gave her a knowing smile. “Well… you’ll see.”
Cinder slowly nodded, a rare hint of childlike curiosity lighting up her usually composed expression. “I see… I would like to witness these fireworks from the Ferris wheel, then.”
Alister chuckled.
A ride operator gestured for them to step into one of the gondolas. As the door shut and the wheel slowly began to turn, Cinder gazed at the horizon, waiting to see what these fireworks were all about.
Alister simply grinned as the Ferris wheel began to ascend, the city lights stretching out beneath them like a sea of twinkling stars.
As the Ferris wheel continued its slow ascent, Cinder sighed, resting her chin in her palm.
“This thing moves like a lazy lizard basking in the sun,” she said, watching the city lights shift ever so gradually beneath them. “Are we supposed to enjoy this?”
Alister chuckled. “Patience, Cinder. The higher we go, the better the view.”
She huffed. “I could’ve taken us to the sky in an instant.”
“But that would ruin the experience.”
Cinder glanced at him, unimpressed. “What experience?”
Alister simply smirked. “You’ll see.”
Minutes passed, and the Ferris wheel creaked softly as it carried them higher. Cinder tapped her fingers on her knee, shifting in her seat. Just as she was about to complain again, a sudden explosion of color lit up the sky.
Her breath caught.
Vibrant streaks of red, blue, and gold burst above them, blooming into intricate patterns that crackled and shimmered like stars. More fireworks followed, filling the night with dazzling displays of light. Cinder’s eyes widened, the reflection of the explosions shimmering in her crimson irises.
“They’re… incredible,” she whispered, watching as another set of fireworks took off, forming the shape of a phoenix before fading away into golden embers.
Alister smiled, watching her reaction more than the fireworks themselves.
Cinder suddenly pointed at a burst of green and blue. “That one looked like a dragon!” she said excitedly. “And—look! That one resembles a fox!”
Another explosion followed, and this time, streaks of red and silver formed glowing letters in the sky:
Happy 6-Year Anniversary, Starfall Park!
Cinder gasped, nudging Alister’s arm. “It writes words too!”
Alister chuckled. “It’s a special kind of firework. They design them to explode in patterns.”
Cinder’s excitement was undeniable. She continued watching in awe, pointing out each new display. But after a while, she turned back toward Alister, ready to make another comment—only to realize just how close he was.
Her breath hitched.
Alister’s golden eyes were locked on hers, his face only inches away. She hadn’t noticed before, but sometime during the fireworks, they had unconsciously leaned toward each other.
Cinder’s cheeks flushed. She swallowed, yet she didn’t move away. Instead, she found herself leaning in just a little more.
Alister’s eyes widened slightly at her action. For a brief moment, the sounds of the fireworks and the distant cheers of the crowd below faded away.
There was only her—the warmth in her gaze, the flickering firelight reflecting in her crimson irises, the way her breath came just a little faster.
Then, as if drawn by an unseen force, he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss.
Cinder stiffened at first, but only for a heartbeat. Then, her eyes fluttered shut, and she melted into the kiss, her fingers curling against the seat beneath her.
The fireworks continued to explode above them, but for Alister and Cinder, the real spark was right here, between them.
As they pulled apart, the lingering warmth of the kiss still tingled on Cinder’s lips. Her breath came in quick, uneven gasps, and when she finally gathered the courage to look at Alister, she noticed the slight look of shock in his golden eyes—though it was fleeting, quickly replaced by something deeper, something unreadable.
She swallowed, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. “My lord, I… I-I’m sorry,” she stammered, her voice quieter than usual. “I didn’t mean to be so… l-lustful—”
Alister placed a finger against her lips, silencing her. His touch was firm yet gentle, his golden eyes steady as he looked at her.
“Hush,” he murmured. “We both know that’s not true. You can’t be sorry for something you wanted.”
Cinder’s breath hitched again. She turned her gaze away, her fingers gripping the hem of her dress. “I did, but—”
“But I did too,” Alister interrupted, his voice leaving no room for doubt.
Cinder’s eyes widened, and before she could say anything else, Alister bit down on his tongue, drawing a thin trail of blood. Then, without hesitation, he leaned in again, capturing her lips in another kiss.
This one was deeper, more intense. The taste of his blood mixed with their shared warmth, igniting something inside her. A soft growl rumbled in her throat as she pressed into the kiss, feeling her dragon instincts stir. This was dangerous. This was intoxicating. And yet, she didn’t pull away.
When he finally withdrew, a thin crimson thread lingered between their lips before fading. Alister wiped the corner of his mouth and looked at her with an intensity that made her shiver.
“From now on,” he said, his voice carrying the weight of something absolute, “you are more than just my sharpest fang.” He reached out, his fingers brushing against her cheek before he gently cupped it, tilting her face toward him.
“You are my queen.”
Cinder’s eyes widened, her breath catching once more.
“Tell me,” he continued, his tone unwavering. “Isn’t that a role you would like to take on?”
For a moment, Cinder simply stared at him, her heart pounding in her ears. Then, slowly, her lips curled into a smile—not a soft or shy one, but something sharp, something fierce.
She narrowed her eyes, her crimson gaze burning with newfound determination.
“It is,” she said, her voice filled with certainty.
A system notification echoed in his thoughts.
⫷『Congratulations player. Cinder Von Abiks-Void has been registered as a spouse.』⫸
䄺䞶䋝 䩍䋄㥺 䞶䋄㥺㗻 䞶䓗㗻䞶㸸 䊧䛤䩍㚼䓗㥺㗻 䩍䞶䛤䛐㓚 䩍䞶䛤䤐㙞㺨䩍 䛤䊧䛐㙞䩍䩍 㚼䞶䋝 䛐䋄㥺㺨䛤䚃䑃 䄺䞶䋝 㺨䓗㥺䤐 䊧䛤䛐䛐䓗䋝䤐 㚼䞶䋝 㾅䛤䓗㥺㚼 䩍䊧䋝㥺㚼 㙞㾅 䖗䋝㚼 㾅䋄䋝㚓䑃 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䩍㚼㙞㙞䤐 䩍㚼䓗㚓㚓㸸 䞶䛤㥺䤐䩍 䊧㚓䛤䩍㓚䋝䤐 䚂䋝䞶䓗㥺䤐 䞶䓗䩍 䚂䛤䊧䇫㸸 䞶䓗䩍 䊧㙞䛤㚼 䚂䓗㚓㚓㙞㺨䓗㥺㗻 䩍㚓䓗㗻䞶㚼㚓䚃䑃 䄺䞶䋝 㙞㚼䞶䋝䛐 䚂㙞䛤䛐䤐 㥂䋝㥂䚂䋝䛐䩍 㙞㾅 䘞䋝㗻䛤䊧䓗㚼䚃 㠪 㚓䓗㥺䋝䤐 䋄㓚 䚂䋝䩍䓗䤐䋝 䞶䓗㥂㸸 䛤㚓㚓 㺨䛤䓗㚼䓗㥺㗻㸸 㚼䞶䋝䓗䛐 䋝䶌㓚䛐䋝䩍䩍䓗㙞㥺䩍 㥺䋝䋄㚼䛐䛤㚓㸸 㚼䞶䋝䓗䛐 㓚㙞䩍㚼䋄䛐䋝䩍 䛐䓗㗻䓗䤐䑃
䯝㚓㚓 㺨䋝䛐䋝 㓚䛐䋝䩍䋝㥺㚼 䋝䶌䊧䋝㓚㚼 䦪䓗䛐䛤䑃
㚗㙞㙞㥺㸸 䛤 䚂㚓䛤䊧䇫 㓚䛐䓗䠳䛤㚼䋝 䖗䋝㚼 䛤㓚㓚䋝䛤䛐䋝䤐 䓗㥺 㚼䞶䋝 䤐䓗䩍㚼䛤㥺䊧䋝䑃
䄺䞶䋝 䖗䋝㚼 䤐䋝䩍䊧䋝㥺䤐䋝䤐㸸 䓗㚼䩍 䩍㚓䋝䋝䇫 䚂㚓䛤䊧䇫 䚂㙞䤐䚃 䛐䋝㾅㚓䋝䊧㚼䓗㥺㗻 䋄㥺䤐䋝䛐 㚼䞶䋝 䩍䋄㥺㚓䓗㗻䞶㚼䑃
䄺䞶䋝 䋝㥺㗻䓗㥺䋝䩍 䛐㙞䛤䛐䋝䤐 䛤䩍 䓗㚼 㚼㙞䋄䊧䞶䋝䤐 䤐㙞㺨㥺 䩍㥂㙞㙞㚼䞶㚓䚃㸸 䛐㙞㚓㚓䓗㥺㗻 㚼㙞 䛤 䩍㚼㙞㓚 䤐䓗䛐䋝䊧㚼㚓䚃 䓗㥺 㾅䛐㙞㥺㚼 㙞㾅 㚼䞶䋝㥂䑃
䄺䞶䋝䛐䋝 㺨䛤䩍 䛤 㓚䛤䋄䩍䋝䑃 䄺䞶䋝㥺 㚼䞶䋝 䤐㙞㙞䛐䩍 䞶䓗䩍䩍䋝䤐 㙞㓚䋝㥺䑃 䯝 䛐䋝䤐 䊧䛤䛐㓚䋝㚼 㺨䛤䩍 䛐㙞㚓㚓䋝䤐 㙞䋄㚼䑃
䄺䞶䋝 䛤㚼㥂㙞䩍㓚䞶䋝䛐䋝 䩍䞶䓗㾅㚼䋝䤐䑃
䄺䞶䋝㥺㸸 䞶䋝 䩍㚼䋝㓚㓚䋝䤐 㙞䋄㚼䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 㺨䛤㚓䇫䋝䤐 㺨䓗㚼䞶 䊧䛤㚓㥂 䩍㚼䋝㓚䩍㸸 䞶䓗䩍 䚂䛐㙞㺨㥺 䛤㥺䤐 㺨䞶䓗㚼䋝 䞶䛤䓗䛐 䩍㺨䋝㓚㚼 䚂䛤䊧䇫䑃
䵴䓗䩍 㗻㙞㚓䤐䋝㥺㤒㚼䛐䓗㥂㥂䋝䤐 䩍䋄䓗㚼 㗻㚓䋝䛤㥂䋝䤐 䋄㥺䤐䋝䛐 㚼䞶䋝 䩍䋄㥺㚓䓗㗻䞶㚼䑃 䵴䋝 䋝䶌䋄䤐䋝䤐 䛤䋄㚼䞶㙞䛐䓗㚼䚃㸸 䚂䋄㚼 䞶䓗䩍 䋝䶌㓚䛐䋝䩍䩍䓗㙞㥺 㺨䛤䩍 䊧䛤㚓㥂䑃 㠗㙞㥺㚼䛐㙞㚓㚓䋝䤐䑃
䄺䞶䋝 䚂㙞䛤䛐䤐 㥂䋝㥂䚂䋝䛐䩍 㾅㙞㚓㚓㙞㺨䋝䤐 䞶䓗䩍 㚓䋝䛤䤐㸸 㗻䓗䠳䓗㥺㗻 㚼䞶䋝䓗䛐 㗻䛐䋝䋝㚼䓗㥺㗻䩍䑃
“䉕䋝㚓䊧㙞㥂䋝㸸 䩍䓗䛐䝥” 㚼䞶䋝䚃 䛤㚓㚓 䩍䛤䓗䤐䑃
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䩍㚼㙞㙞䤐 䩍㚼䛐䛤䓗㗻䞶㚼 䛤㥺䤐 䋝䶌㚼䋝㥺䤐䋝䤐 䛤 䞶䛤㥺䤐䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 㚼㙞㙞䇫 䓗㚼 㾅䓗䛐㥂㚓䚃㸸 䩍䞶䛤䇫䓗㥺㗻 䓗㚼䑃
“䯝㥺䤐 䚃㙞䋄’䠳䋝 䛤㗻䋝䤐 㺨䋝㚓㚓㸸” 䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䩍䛤䓗䤐 㺨䓗㚼䞶 䛤 䩍㥂䓗䛐䇫䑃 “㚗㚼䓗㚓㚓 䇫䋝䋝㓚䓗㥺㗻 䋝䠳䋝䛐䚃㚼䞶䓗㥺㗻 䓗㥺 㙞䛐䤐䋝䛐 䞶䋝䛐䋝㸸 㠪 䛤䩍䩍䋄㥂䋝㧮”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䊧䞶䋄䊧䇫㚓䋝䤐䑃 “䯝䩍 㥂䋄䊧䞶 䛤䩍 㠪 䊧䛤㥺䑃 㠸㙞䛤䛐䤐 䤐䋄㚼䓗䋝䩍 䛤㚓㺨䛤䚃䩍 䇫䋝䋝㓚 㥂䋝 㙞㥺 㥂䚃 㚼㙞䋝䩍䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䋝䶌䞶䛤㚓䋝䤐㸸 䩍䞶䛤䇫䓗㥺㗻 䞶䓗䩍 䞶䋝䛤䤐䑃 “䉕䋝㚓㚓㸸 䩍㙞㥂䋝㚼䞶䓗㥺㗻 䊧䛤㥂䋝 䋄㓚㸸 䩍㙞 䩍䞶䋝 䊧㙞䋄㚓䤐㥺’㚼 䚂䋝 㓚䛐䋝䩍䋝㥺㚼䑃”
㠪㥺 䛤䊧㚼䋄䛤㚓䓗㚼䚃㸸 䞶䋝 䇫㥺䋝㺨 䩍䞶䋝 㺨䛤䩍 㥂䓗䩍䩍䓗㥺㗻䑃 㠗㚓䛤䋄䩍 䞶䛤䤐 䓗㥺㾅㙞䛐㥂䋝䤐 䞶䓗㥂䑃 㚗䞶䋝 䞶䛤䤐 䛤㚓䩍㙞 㥂䛤㥺䛤㗻䋝䤐 㚼㙞 䋝䩍䊧䛤㓚䋝 㺨䓗㚼䞶 㺨䞶䛤㚼䋝䠳䋝䛐 㚼䞶䛤㚼 䊧䛐䚃䩍㚼䛤㚓 㺨䛤䩍䑃 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䊧㙞䋄㚓䤐㥺’㚼 䚂䛐䓗㥺㗻 䋄㓚 䩍䋄䊧䞶 䛤 㚼㙞㓚䓗䊧 䛤㚼 㚼䞶䓗䩍 㚼䓗㥂䋝㸸 䩍㙞 䞶䋝 䩍䓗㥂㓚㚓䚃 䩍䛤䓗䤐 䩍䞶䋝 㺨䛤䩍 䚂䋄䩍䚃䑃
“㠪 䩍䋝䋝䑃”
䯝 㥂㙞㥂䋝㥺㚼 㙞㾅 䩍䓗㚓䋝㥺䊧䋝 䩍䋝㚼㚼㚓䋝䤐 䚂䋝㚼㺨䋝䋝㥺 㚼䞶䋝㥂㸸 㾅䓗㚓㚓䋝䤐 㙞㥺㚓䚃 䚂䚃 㚼䞶䋝 䤐䓗䩍㚼䛤㥺㚼 㺨䞶䓗䛐䛐 㙞㾅 㥂䛤䊧䞶䓗㥺䋝䛐䚃䑃 䄺䞶䋝㥺㸸 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䩍㓚㙞䇫䋝䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫’䩍 㚓䓗㓚䩍 䊧䋄䛐䠳䋝䤐 䩍㚓䓗㗻䞶㚼㚓䚃䑃 䵴䋝 㗻䋝䩍㚼䋄䛐䋝䤐 㚼㙞㺨䛤䛐䤐 㚼䞶䋝 㺨䛤䓗㚼䓗㥺㗻 㚓䓗㥂㙞䋄䩍䓗㥺䋝䑃 “䉕䛤㚓䇫 㺨䓗㚼䞶 㥂䋝䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㥺㙞䤐䤐䋝䤐 䛤㥺䤐 㾅䋝㚓㚓 䓗㥺㚼㙞 䩍㚼䋝㓚 䚂䋝䩍䓗䤐䋝 䞶䓗㥂㸸 㗻䋄䓗䤐䓗㥺㗻 䞶䓗㥂 㚼㙞㺨䛤䛐䤐 㚼䞶䋝 䩍㚓䋝䋝䇫 䚂㚓䛤䊧䇫 䠳䋝䞶䓗䊧㚓䋝䑃
“䄺㙞 䩍䋝䋝 㥂䚃 䊧䞶䓗㚓䤐䛐䋝㥺䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㾅䛐㙞㮴䋝䑃 䵴䓗䩍 䚂䛐䋝䛤㚼䞶 䊧䛤䋄㗻䞶㚼 䓗㥺 䞶䓗䩍 㚼䞶䛐㙞䛤㚼䑃 䵴䋝 㚼䋄䛐㥺䋝䤐 䩍䞶䛤䛐㓚㚓䚃㸸 䋝䚃䋝䩍 㥺䛤䛐䛐㙞㺨䓗㥺㗻䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 㙞㥺㚓䚃 䩍㥂䓗㚓䋝䤐䑃
䄺䞶䋝䚃 䛐䋝䛤䊧䞶䋝䤐 㚼䞶䋝 㚓䓗㥂㙞䋄䩍䓗㥺䋝䑃 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㙞㓚䋝㥺䋝䤐 㚼䞶䋝 䤐㙞㙞䛐 㾅㙞䛐 䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫㸸 㺨䞶㙞 䩍㚼䋝㓚㓚䋝䤐 䓗㥺䩍䓗䤐䋝 㾅䓗䛐䩍㚼䑃 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㾅㙞㚓㚓㙞㺨䋝䤐㸸 㚼䞶䋝 䤐㙞㙞䛐 䊧㚓䓗䊧䇫䓗㥺㗻 䩍䞶䋄㚼 䚂䋝䞶䓗㥺䤐 䞶䓗㥂䑃
“㚗䓗䛐㸸 䩍䓗㥺䊧䋝 㺨䞶䋝㥺 䤐䓗䤐 䚃㙞䋄 䞶䛤䠳䋝 䇫䓗䤐䩍㧮”
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䩍㥂䓗㚓䋝䤐 㾅䛤䓗㥺㚼㚓䚃㸸 㗻㚓䛤㥺䊧䓗㥺㗻 㙞䋄㚼 㚼䞶䋝 㺨䓗㥺䤐㙞㺨 䛤䩍 㚼䞶䋝 䠳䋝䞶䓗䊧㚓䋝 䚂䋝㗻䛤㥺 㚼㙞 㥂㙞䠳䋝䑃
䯝㥺㥺䛤 㺨䛤䩍 㚼䞶䋝 䛤㚓䓗䛤䩍 䯝㚓䋝㙞’㴦䋝䓗䛤 㺨䋝㥺㚼 䚂䚃 㺨䞶䓗㚓䋝 䩍䞶䋝 㚓䓗䠳䋝䤐 㙞㥺 㟒䛤䛐㚼䞶㸸 㚼䞶䋝 䩍䛤㥂䋝 㺨䛤䚃 䁅䋄’䦪䋝㚼㙞 㺨䋝㥺㚼 䚂䚃 䁅䋄䋄㚼㙞—䛤㥺 䓗㥺㚼䋝㥺䤐䋝䤐 㥂䋝䛤䩍䋄䛐䋝 㚼㙞 䞶䓗䤐䋝 㚼䞶䋝䓗䛐 䓗䤐䋝㥺㚼䓗㚼䓗䋝䩍 䛤㥺䤐 㓚䛐䋝䠳䋝㥺㚼 㚼䞶䋝 䤐䛤䛐䇫㥺䋝䩍䩍 㾅䛐㙞㥂 㚼䛤䛐㗻䋝㚼䓗㥺㗻 㚼䞶䋝㥂䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䋝䶌䞶䛤㚓䋝䤐㸸 䞶䓗䩍 㗻䛤㮴䋝 㾅䓗䶌䋝䤐 㙞㥺 㚼䞶䋝 㓚䛤䩍䩍䓗㥺㗻 䩍䊧䋝㥺䋝䛐䚃䑃 “䠴㾅 䊧㙞䋄䛐䩍䋝㸸” 䞶䋝 䩍䛤䓗䤐 䉿䋄䓗䋝㚼㚓䚃䑃 “䘞䚃 䩍㺨䋝䋝㚼 䯝㥺㥺䛤 㺨䛤䩍 䋝䠳䋝䛐䚃㚼䞶䓗㥺㗻 㚼㙞 㥂䋝䑃 㠪 䊧㙞䋄㚓䤐㥺’㚼 䤐䛤䛐䋝 㚓䋝㚼 䛤㥺䚃㙞㥺䋝 䛐䋝㓚㚓䛤䊧䋝 䞶䋝䛐䑃”
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫’䩍 㾅䓗㥺㗻䋝䛐䩍 䊧䋄䛐㚓䋝䤐 䩍㚓䓗㗻䞶㚼㚓䚃 䛤㗻䛤䓗㥺䩍㚼 䞶䓗䩍 䇫㥺䋝䋝䑃 “㠪㚼 㚼䋄䛐㥺䋝䤐 㙞䋄㚼… 㚼䞶䛤㚼 䩍䞶䋝 䞶䛤䤐 㙞䋄䛐 䊧䞶䓗㚓䤐䛐䋝㥺 㚼㺨䋝㥺㚼䚃 䚃䋝䛤䛐䩍 䛤㗻㙞䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓’䩍 䋝䶌㓚䛐䋝䩍䩍䓗㙞㥺 㚼䋄䛐㥺䋝䤐 㚼㙞 㙞㥺䋝 㙞㾅 䩍䞶㙞䊧䇫䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 㥂䛤㥺䛤㗻䋝䤐 䛤 䚂䓗㚼㚼䋝䛐 䩍㥂䓗㚓䋝䑃 “㠪㥺䤐䋝䋝䤐䑃”
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䊧䞶䋄䊧䇫㚓䋝䤐 䤐䛤䛐䇫㚓䚃㸸 䩍䞶䛤䇫䓗㥺㗻 䞶䓗䩍 䞶䋝䛤䤐䑃 䵴䓗䩍 㾅䓗㥺㗻䋝䛐䩍 䤐䛐䋄㥂㥂䋝䤐 䛤㗻䛤䓗㥺䩍㚼 㚼䞶䋝 㚓䋝䛤㚼䞶䋝䛐 䩍䋝䛤㚼 㙞㾅 㚼䞶䋝 㚓䓗㥂㙞䋄䩍䓗㥺䋝䑃
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䩍䛤㚼 䓗㥺 䩍㚼䋄㥺㥺䋝䤐 䩍䓗㚓䋝㥺䊧䋝 㾅㙞䛐 䛤 㥂㙞㥂䋝㥺㚼㸸 䞶䓗䩍 㥂䓗㥺䤐 䛐䛤䊧䓗㥺㗻䑃 䵴䋝 㚼䋄䛐㥺䋝䤐 㚼㙞 㾅䛤䊧䋝 䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 㾅䋄㚓㚓䚃㸸 䩍䋝䛤䛐䊧䞶䓗㥺㗻 䞶䓗䩍 㙞㚓䤐 㾅䛐䓗䋝㥺䤐’䩍 㾅䛤䊧䋝 㾅㙞䛐 䛤㥺䚃 䩍䓗㗻㥺 㙞㾅 䩍䛤䤐㥺䋝䩍䩍 㙞䛐 䤐㙞䋄䚂㚼䑃
䯝㥺䤐 㚼䞶䋝䛐䋝 䓗㚼 㺨䛤䩍䑃 䯝㚓㚼䞶㙞䋄㗻䞶 㾅䛤䓗㥺㚼㸸 㚼䞶䋝 㓚䛤䓗㥺 䓗㥺 䞶䓗䩍 䋝䚃䋝䩍 㺨䛤䩍 䋄㥺㥂䓗䩍㚼䛤䇫䛤䚂㚓䋝—䛤 㾅䓗䛐䩍㚼 㾅㙞䛐 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓䑃 䯝㾅㚼䋝䛐 䛤㚓㚓㸸 䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䞶䛤䤐 䛤㚓㺨䛤䚃䩍 䚂䋝䋝㥺 䇫㥺㙞㺨㥺 㾅㙞䛐 䞶䓗䩍 䋄㥺㺨䛤䠳䋝䛐䓗㥺㗻 䊧㙞㥂㓚㙞䩍䋄䛐䋝䑃
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䋝䶌䞶䛤㚓䋝䤐 䩍㚓㙞㺨㚓䚃㸸 㾅䓗㥺㗻䋝䛐䩍 㚼䛤㓚㓚䓗㥺㗻 䛤㗻䛤䓗㥺䩍㚼 㚼䞶䋝 㚓䋝䛤㚼䞶䋝䛐 䩍䋝䛤㚼䑃 “䁅䋝䩍䑃 䯝㥺䤐 䞶䋝 䞶䓗䤐 㚼䞶䋝㥂 㾅䛐㙞㥂 㥂䋝䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓’䩍 䚂䛐㙞㺨䩍 㾅䋄䛐䛐㙞㺨䋝䤐䑃 “䉕䞶䚃㧮”
“㠸䋄㚼 㠪 㗻䋄䋝䩍䩍 䓗㚼’䩍 䛤 䩍㙞䛐㚼 㙞㾅 䠳䋝䓗㚓 㚼䞶䛤㚼 䊧㙞㥂䋝䩍 㺨䓗㚼䞶 㚓䓗䠳䓗㥺㗻 㾅㙞䛐 䩍㙞 㚓㙞㥺㗻䑃 㠪㾅 䚃㙞䋄 䤐㙞 䩍㙞 㺨䓗㚼䞶 㓚䋝㙞㓚㚓䋝 䛤㥺䤐 㥺㙞㚼 䓗㥺 䩍㙞㚓䓗㚼䋄䤐䋝㸸 䚃㙞䋄’䤐 䊧䞶䛤㥺㗻䋝 䩍㙞 㥂䛤㥺䚃 㚼䓗㥂䋝䩍 䚃㙞䋄 㥂䓗㗻䞶㚼 䋝㥺䤐 䋄㓚 㥺㙞㚼 䇫㥺㙞㺨䓗㥺㗻 㚼䞶䋝 䛐䋝䛤㚓 䚃㙞䋄䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㚓䋝䛤㥺䋝䤐 䚂䛤䊧䇫㸸 䛐䋄䚂䚂䓗㥺㗻 䞶䓗䩍 㚼䋝㥂㓚㚓䋝䑃 䄺䞶䓗䩍 㺨䛤䩍 㚼㙞㙞 㥂䋄䊧䞶 㚼㙞 㓚䛐㙞䊧䋝䩍䩍䑃
䯝㥺䤐 䛤㚓㚓 㚼䞶䓗䩍 㚼䓗㥂䋝㸸 㚼䞶䋝 㥂㙞䩍㚼 㓚㙞㺨䋝䛐㾅䋄㚓 㥂䛤㥺 䓗㥺 㚼䞶䋝 䎢㥺䓗㙞㥺—㚼䞶䋝 䠳䋝䛐䚃 䛤䛐䊧䞶䓗㚼䋝䊧㚼 㙞㾅 㚼䞶䋝 㥂䋝㗻䛤䊧䓗㚼䓗䋝䩍—䞶䛤䤐 䊧䞶䓗㚓䤐䛐䋝㥺 䞶䋝 㥺䋝䠳䋝䛐 䇫㥺䋝㺨 䛤䚂㙞䋄㚼䑃
㠪㚼 䩍㙞䋄㥺䤐䋝䤐 㚓䓗䇫䋝 䛤 䚂䛤䤐 䖗㙞䇫䋝䑃
䄺䞶䋝 䛤䓗䛐 䓗㥺 㚼䞶䋝 㚓䓗㥂㙞䋄䩍䓗㥺䋝 㾅䋝㚓㚼 䞶䋝䛤䠳䓗䋝䛐㸸 㾅䓗㚓㚓䋝䤐 㺨䓗㚼䞶 䋄㥺䩍㓚㙞䇫䋝㥺 㺨㙞䛐䤐䩍 䛤㥺䤐 㚼䞶㙞䋄㗻䞶㚼䩍 㥺䋝䓗㚼䞶䋝䛐 㥂䛤㥺 䠳㙞䓗䊧䋝䤐䑃
䯝㾅㚼䋝䛐 䛤 㚓㙞㥺㗻 㓚䛤䋄䩍䋝㸸 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㾅䓗㥺䛤㚓㚓䚃 䛤䩍䇫䋝䤐㸸 “䉕䞶㙞 䛤䛐䋝 㚼䞶䋝䩍䋝 䊧䞶䓗㚓䤐䛐䋝㥺 䋝䶌䛤䊧㚼㚓䚃㧮 㠪㾅 䚃㙞䋄 䤐㙞㥺’㚼 㥂䓗㥺䤐 㥂䋝 䛤䩍䇫䓗㥺㗻䑃”
“䘞䚃 䩍㺨䋝䋝㚼 䯝㚓䓗䩍㚼䋝䛐 䛤㥺䤐 䘞䓗䚃䋄㸸” 䞶䋝 䩍䛤䓗䤐㸸 䞶䓗䩍 䠳㙞䓗䊧䋝 䩍㙞㾅㚼䋝䛐 㥺㙞㺨䑃 “䘞䋝㥂䚂䋝䛐䩍 㙞㾅 㚼䞶䋝 䉕䞶䓗㚼䋝 㠗㙞㥂䋝㚼䩍䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䚂㚓䓗㥺䇫䋝䤐㸸 䞶䓗䩍 㚼䞶㙞䋄㗻䞶㚼䩍 䩍䊧䛐䋝䋝䊧䞶䓗㥺㗻 㚼㙞 䛤 䞶䛤㚓㚼䑃 䵴䋝 䩍䛤㚼 䋄㓚 䩍㚼䛐䛤䓗㗻䞶㚼䋝䛐䑃 “䯝㚓䓗䩍㚼䋝䛐… 䄺䞶䋝 䉕䞶䓗㚼䋝 㠗㙞㥂䋝㚼䩍䑃 䄺䞶䋝䚃 䛤䛐䋝 㥂䋝㥂䚂䋝䛐䩍 㙞㾅 䞶䓗䩍 㗻䋄䓗㚓䤐㧮”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 㚓䋝㚼 㙞䋄㚼 䛤 䚂䛐䋝䛤㚼䞶 㙞㾅 䤐䓗䩍䚂䋝㚓䓗䋝㾅䑃 䵴䋝 䞶䛤䤐 䞶䋝䛤䛐䤐 㚼䞶䛤㚼 㥺䛤㥂䋝 䊧㙞䋄㥺㚼㚓䋝䩍䩍 㚼䓗㥂䋝䩍 䛤㚼 㚼䞶䓗䩍 㓚㙞䓗㥺㚼—䯝㚓䓗䩍㚼䋝䛐㸸 㚼䞶䋝 䛐䓗䩍䓗㥺㗻 䩍㚼䛤䛐 㙞㾅 㚼䞶䋝 䉕䞶䓗㚼䋝 㠗㙞㥂䋝㚼 䰃䋄䓗㚓䤐䑃
䯝㥺䤐 㚼䞶䓗䩍 䘞䓗䚃䋄… 䵴䋝 䞶䛤䤐 㙞㥺㚓䚃 䛐䋝䊧䋝㥺㚼㚓䚃 䞶䋝䛤䛐䤐 㙞㾅 䞶䋝䛐 䛤䩍 䯝㚓䓗䩍㚼䋝䛐’䩍 䩍䓗䩍㚼䋝䛐䑃
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓’䩍 㗻䛤㮴䋝 䩍㥺䛤㓚㓚䋝䤐 䚂䛤䊧䇫 㚼㙞 䞶䓗䩍 㙞㚓䤐 㾅䛐䓗䋝㥺䤐䑃 “䯝䛐䋝 䚃㙞䋄 䊧䋝䛐㚼䛤䓗㥺㧮”
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫 䊧䞶䋄䊧䇫㚓䋝䤐㸸 䩍䞶䛤䇫䓗㥺㗻 䞶䓗䩍 䞶䋝䛤䤐䑃 “䁅㙞䋄 㚼䞶䓗㥺䇫 㠪 㺨㙞䋄㚓䤐㥺’㚼 䠳䋝䛐䓗㾅䚃 䓗㚼㧮 䄺䞶䋝 䚂㚓㙞㙞䤐 䤐㙞䋝䩍㥺’㚼 㚓䓗䋝㸸 䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓䑃 䄺䞶䋝䚃 䛤䛐䋝 㥂䓗㥺䋝䑃”
䰃䛤㚓䓗䩍䇫’䩍 䋝䶌㓚䛐䋝䩍䩍䓗㙞㥺 䤐䛤䛐䇫䋝㥺䋝䤐 䩍㚓䓗㗻䞶㚼㚓䚃䑃 “䙱㙞䑃 䯝㚼 㚓䋝䛤䩍㚼㸸 㥺㙞㚼 䚃䋝㚼䑃”
䯝䋝㚼䞶䋝㚓 䞶䋝䩍䓗㚼䛤㚼䋝䤐 䚂䋝㾅㙞䛐䋝 䛤䩍䇫䓗㥺㗻㸸 “䉕䞶䛤㚼 䤐㙞 䚃㙞䋄 㓚㚓䛤㥺 㚼㙞 䤐㙞㧮”
䵴䋝 㚓㙞㙞䇫䋝䤐 㙞䋄㚼 㚼䞶䋝 㺨䓗㥺䤐㙞㺨㸸 䞶䓗䩍 䋝䚃䋝䩍 㾅䓗䶌䋝䤐 㙞㥺 䛤 䞶㙞㚓㙞㗻䛐䛤㓚䞶䓗䊧 䛤䤐䠳䋝䛐㚼䓗䩍䋝㥂䋝㥺㚼 㾅䋝䛤㚼䋄䛐䓗㥺㗻 䛤 㾅䛤㚼䞶䋝䛐 㚓䓗㾅㚼䓗㥺㗻 䋄㓚 䞶䓗䩍 䊧䞶䓗㚓䤐䑃
䵴䋝 䩍㥂䓗㚓䋝䤐㸸 㚼䞶䋝㥺 䩍䛤䓗䤐䑃
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