Tempting Fate

Tempting Fate
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As a kind of punishment, the wings of a demon king were cut, and he eventually lost all of his power. To get back his power, he made a deal with the angel. He will go to the realm of humans to find a special girl with a special skill who is meant to be her queen. If the woman got pregnant, all of his sins would be forgiven, and he will regain all his powers. But he didn’t think that knowing her would be an adventure for him as the king of demons in the human realm.
6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter 173 - 173 Chapter 173: The King Plead
- Chapter 174 - 174 Chapter 174: The Villain Killed
- Chapter 172 - 172 Chapter 172: The Cousins: Dynhir and Eve
- Chapter 171 - 171 Chapter 171: The Traitor
- Chapter 170 - 170 Chapter 170: The Portal is Closing
- Chapter 169 - 169 Chapter 169: The Beginning of the War