With that plan in mind, Ryu Min drifted off to sleep.

Only to be immediately awakened by a call from Jeffrey.

“What’s going on?”

“Hello, Ryu Min-nim. I have something to report.”

Jeffrey had received orders from Yamti.

To serve Ryu Min like a master and report any incidents immediately.

That’s why he treated Ryu Min with such respect.

“Go ahead.”

“Christine will be visiting Korea soon to meet you.”

“Me? Why?”

“She wants to know the location of Black Scythe through prophecy. She wishes to meet with you and thank you personally, along with her father. She also seeks clues about the Necromancer.”

Now that he thought about it, Christine did have a fondness for him.

She had persistently followed him in the Otherworld.

‘Does she really just want to express gratitude? Doesn’t she have any other motives?’

Ryu Min couldn’t understand why both Seo Arin and Christine were so eager to meet Black Scythe in reality.

Meeting him wouldn’t change anything.

“Alright. End the call. There’s no benefit in being caught talking to me.”

“Understood. Goodbye…”

As the call ended, Ryu Min closed his eyes again.

To be honest, it was an easy problem to solve.

‘Meet Black Scythe in reality? That will never happen. Not now, not ever.’

To make an ally, it’s more beneficial to leave a debt than to meet and repay it.

Leaving them feeling guilty ensures they will always be willing to help.

‘I’ll deny knowing anything about the Grim Reaper. The same goes for the Necromancer.’

He needed her for the 12th round.

He couldn’t give Christine any information.

‘Besides, the organization Messiah is about to be established, and the Necromancer is likely to become a establish a connection with the International Organization Messiah, he needed to keep the Necromancer alive.

Denying knowledge of Black Scythe and the Necromancer would solve the problem.

What could she do if he claimed he hadn’t foreseen it?

After all, it was the prophet holding the leash.

‘Instead, I’ll give her information about the 12th round.’

That would be enough to satisfy Christine.

As he thought about this, his phone vibrated again.

It was a call from Ma Kyung-rok.

“Yes, President. Ah, I see. Alright, let’s meet then.”

It was a request to meet Christine together.

As expected.

But Ryu Min’s expression wasn’t pleasant after hanging up.

‘Looks like I won’t be getting any sleep.’

Sleep had completely eluded him.

Twelve hours had passed since returning from the Otherworld, but John Delgado hadn’t left his bed.

In fact, he couldn’t get up.

The vivid memories of his limbs being severed in the Otherworld lingered.

‘Are my limbs still attached?’

Lying down, he wiggled his fingers and toes to check.

They moved fine.

But he still couldn’t muster the courage to get up.

The awkwardness made it feel unreal that his limbs were intact.

But he couldn’t stay lying down forever, so he forced himself up.


There was no pain, but it felt like there was.

He walked slowly, as if undergoing rehabilitation.

As he walked through the living room, he recalled the one who put him in this state.

‘Black Scythe.’

He was overwhelmed by the urge to kill that bastard.

But John Delgado was a rational man.

He knew he couldn’t kill him with his own strength.

Revenge was out of hand in this situation.

‘Revenge? I should be satisfied with what I’ve achieved.’

Though he didn’t kill the Saintess, he achieved his goal by killing her followers.

With the rival faction destroyed, he just needed to expand the Church of Despair.

‘If I grow stronger, I might get the chance to tear that bastard’s face apart.’

Thinking this, John let out a self-deprecating laugh.

He had just decided revenge was out of hand, yet here he was, thinking about it.

‘Sigh… I need to let it go, there’s no chance.’

Just then.

Ding dong-

The doorbell rang, making him think a delivery had arrived.

But when he opened the door, there stood a man in a suit and sunglasses.

“Who are you?”

“Are you John Delgado, the Necromancer?”

John quickly equipped his gear.

“Who are you? How did you find my place?”

He pointed his staff menacingly, but the man raised his hands to calm him.

“Whoa, I’m not here to fight.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I’m just here to give you a business card.”

The man really did just pull out a business card from his pocket.

John took it and read the group’s name and nickname.

“Messiah affiliation? Spaniard?”

“We’re recruiting individuals suitable for the 12 Apostles of our newly established international organization, Messiah.”

“The 12 Apostles?”

“It’s an executive position made up of the top-ranked individuals from each country. We came to recruit you, the top in the US.”

“So you’re saying you’ll give me an executive position in Messiah if I join?”

“Exactly. Are you interested?”

John Delgado pondered briefly before speaking.

“Just one question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Is Black Scythe also joining the 12 Apostles?”

The Spaniard shook his head sadly.


“Why not? Black Scythe of Korea would be a top priority for recruitment.”


The Spaniard spoke in a low voice after a pause.

“Messiah was found to fight against Black Scythe.”

“Fight against Black Scythe?”

Seeing John’s shocked expression, the Spaniard elaborated.

“As you know, Black Scythe is an unrivaled existence at level 90. We, barely reaching level 50, have no choice but to be dragged around by him.”

“So you’re creating a means to counter him?”

“Yes. Just as employees form a union to counter a company’s unjust practices, we need to unite. We can’t let someone as unpredictable as Black Scythe continue to grow unchecked.”

As John nodded in agreement, the Spaniard sensed victory.

He was almost convinced.

“So, will you join Messiah?”


For John Delgado, who had been grinding his teeth in frustration a moment ago, it was an easy decision.

“Of course, I will, damn it.”

(T/N: Hi everyone, my patreon is currently deactivated, I will try to plea, until this is resolved I created a new Patreon.

I’m still shocked by the news, I never though this would happen to me, I lost nearly 100 subscriber and the earnings of 4 months.

but hey, we will do it again, I have hope!

I ask for your ultimate support in this hard time, and believe that you will once again support me like you always did.

much love everyone, and thanks for all the comments and private msgs you always send me, I really appreciate it <3

This is the new Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Hyung1

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