The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1598: Spatial Energy Shard

Chu Mu smiled bitterly. There was no point dwelling on such questions. What he had to do now was to solve the problem of his uncontrollable Devil Fire.

Chu Mu raised his head and never saw that pair of eyes again.

Perhaps just as Princess Jinrou said, it might be trapped on Black Sol.

A creature which was trapped on Black Sol. Chu Mu was confused about how a godly existence could be trapped, what kind of power could trap them?

Princess Jinrou was still examining that sigil, while Chu Mu sat down amongst the flames. He started attempting to absorb the Other type and darkness energy into his body to maintain his property balance.

Unfortunately, the black Devil Fire aura in this Evil Temple was very dense. If Chu Mu absorbed the energy, it would cause his black Devil Fire to become more and more dominant.

After some time, Princess Jinrou seemed to have given up on studying the sigil and looked at Chu Mu frustratedly.

Chu Mu shrugged his shoulders as he also could not do anything. Transmitting a message with a sigil was too difficult for him to decrypt.

“Young master, you can try entering the overlapping space. Various spatial and darkness elements filled the area. It may help you neutralize the rampaging Devil Fire in your body,” said Old Li.

Chu Mu nodded and flew towards the region with unknown layers of space overlapped.

After entering deep into the overlapping space, Chu Mu could clearly feel the abundant spatial and darkness elements. He closed his eyes and attempted to use soul remembrance to absorb the elements.

This process was similar to drawing out the energy from soul crystals. Chu Mu noticed that absorbing the energy into his body was really effective in neutralizing his Devil Fire, but the absorption rate was too slow.

Normally speaking, the environment would be filled with various types of elemental energy. Creatures, crystals and magic stones could absorb such energy to add to their own reserve. However, this kind of cultivation was very slow.

Other than raising one’s own level and fighting, soul pets mostly relied on vast energy vessels such as energy crystals and soul cores to strengthen themselves directly.

The spatial and elemental elements in this area were abundant. It was certainly a decent place for cultivation. However, if Chu Mu wanted to cultivate in this place, it would take at least four to five years to balance his properties.

Chu Mu did not have so much time to cultivate slowly like that. Hence, after trying to absorb some energy, he started roaming in this region to see if he could find some energy crystals that existed for a long time. This would save him a lot of time.

The overlapping space was vast. It took a long time to fly from one end to the other. Treasure hunting was Old Li’s expertise. It was not that Chu Mu was unable to persevere in cultivating, but he did not have enough time to slowly cultivate.

After searching through a few layers, he did not see a single energy crystal over hundred or thousand years old. Instead, the shards floating in the layers of space contained plenty of energy.

“If I can gather these shards and give them to Ye Qingzi to refine, she may be able to craft a pretty decent Other type crystal,” mumbled Chu Mu.

Almost every layer of space contained some shards. These shards were probably nurtured over a long period of time with the energy here. They were fundamentally different from normal rock shards. Any piece of them contained a certain amount of energy, but these shards were too scattered. It would take Chu Mu quite an effort to gather them.

Without any choice, he could only work hard to gather those shards since there was no proper energy crystals. It would be better than nothing.

“I will help you gather,” Princess Jinrou closed her eyes and unleashed her mind.

The shards in the space seemed to be captured by a magnet and kept flying towards Princess Jinrou.

With more and more shards gathered, Other type energy intensified. It felt like the small region these shards gathered became a vast space.

Chu Mu retrieved these shards into his spatial ring as he intended to give them to Ye Qingzi.

Next, Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou searched around in Evil Temple again.

Evil Temple was a huge labyrinth. The center was a spatial passage towards Sequence Lands earth core. In other words, the reason Nightmare Holy Region existed and Nightmares manifested was due to the ancient path with countless layers of overlapping space connected between Nightmare Holy Region and Sequence Lands. Over the long period of time, there would be some Nightmares which crossed through the long journey to reach Nightmare Holy Region, then started reproducing and developing in Nightmare Holy Region.

There were still quite a number of Immortal Items in Evil Temple. These were enough to let a Dominator rank Nightmare reach Immortal rank. Whenever Chu Mu saw one, he would keep it without hesitation. Although these Immortal Items could not strengthen himself, they could strengthen Nightmare Dynasty and New Moon Land.

“There doesn’t seem to be any more things,” While searching around Evil Temple’s other places, Princess Jinrou was still thinking about that sigil.

“Yes,” Chu Mu nodded.

Evil Temple certainly contained many unknown things, especially that abyss which could view Black Sol directly. However, Chu Mu had reached high class Immortal rank after all. No matter how unique the other regions of Evil Temple were, there was nothing really entering his eyes.

“I think that it must be telling us an important matter,” said Princess Jinrou.

Chu Mu smiled bitterly, “There’s no point making too many assumptions. If we get a chance to visit Sequence Lands, we may obtain the answer when we face Black Sol directly.”

“When are we going to Sequence Lands?” Princess Jinrou’s beautiful eyes started sparkling.


Sequence Lands was the true Nightmare Land. They should also be considered the seventh major race in this world, even humans never stepped into their territory.

Speaking of Sequence Lands, Chu Mu had another doubt. Why was the Southern Forbidden Region flattened?

Wupan Continent and Zhengming Continent was separated by Southern Forbidden Region in the northwestern side. Ning Family army also entered New Moon Land from the flattened Southern Forbidden Region.

Chu Mu was really confused about why Southern Forbidden Region disappeared.

“Leaving aside whether we will go to Sequence Lands or not, we have to make a trip to Zhengming Main City,” said Chu Mu.

“Why are we going there?” asked Princess Jinrou.

“The reason my Devil Fire went out of control is due to absorbing too much evil aura. This Evil Temple cannot let me recover and digest this power, so I can only let that woman take the advantage,” said Chu Mu.

“Evil Good Queen?” asked Princess Jinrou.

“Yes, I need to rely on her to help me shoulder the burden,” said Chu Mu.

“Just tell her to come here,” said Princess Jinrou.

Chu Mu already called her to return, but that woman would not listen to him. She clearly indicated to let Chu Mu go to Zhengming Main City to find her.

Although her Flower’s Stamen was still in his hands, he was reluctant to kill her out of spite. After all, without Yu Suo messing up the enemy’s rear, the war against the eight major factions might not end so fast.

“She seems to have guessed this outcome. She should have a method to resolve the problem,” said Chu Mu.

“I will accompany you,” said Princess Jinrou.

Chu Mu saw Princess Jinrou appearing to be rather nervous and explained, “She doesn’t pose a threat to us now.”

“An overly beautiful woman like her is very dangerous,” said Princess Jinrou.

During the stay in Zhengming Main City, Princess Jinrou noticed Evil Good Queen often seducing Chu Mu while she was still a specter.

Evil Good Queen possessed a charming aura and beauty that could seduce any man. She was also very cunning, Princess Jinrou was afraid Chu Mu might really be seduced by her.

Seeing Princess Jinrou’s jealous attitude, Chu Mu smiled, “If that’s the case, you’re much more dangerous than her.”

Princess Jinrou blinked cutely. She suddenly noticed Chu Mu was not as idiotic as he appeared. He at least knew how to praise others.


After leaving Evil Temple, Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou returned to Wanxiang City.

Similarly, nobody could approach within one meter of Chu Mu.

Princess Jinrou probably felt guilty and hid herself when Chu Mu went to visit Ye Qingzi.

Princess Jinrou felt that she snatched Chu Mu away from Ye Qingzi. She could chat with Ye Qingzi in the past, but she really lost the courage to face Ye Qingzi now. For some reason, Ye Qingzi’s eyes always gave off a feeling that could see through one’s heart, as if any thoughts or emotions could not be hidden from Ye Qingzi.

Chu Mu handed over those energy shards to Ye Qingzi, while Ye Qingzi simply stared at him.

Chu Mu thought his affair with Princess Jinrou was seen through and felt guilty. He wanted to hug her, but his Devil Fire caused him unable to approach Ye Qingzi.

“Even the black Devil Fire in Evil Temple cannot melt them, how am I supposed to refine them?” lectured Ye Qingzi.

“Oh, oh, that’s true,” Chu Mu scratched his head and realized a serious mistake he made.

“How long can she sustain her life?” asked Ye Qingzi casually.

“About two months......” answered Chu Mu on reflex.

“I see,” Ye Qingzi did not say anything further.

Two months of life was a really short time.

Actually, Ye Qingzi did not know if she should pity others, since she might become that pitiful person herself if she was not careful.

Chu Mu watched Ye Qingzi and felt sorry.

Ye Qingzi walked closer instead and leaned onto Chu Mu’s chest.

Chu Mu also wanted to hug her, but looked at the uncontrollable Devil Fire on his body, “It will burn you.”

Ye Qingzi shook her head, “Just let it burn.”

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