The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 433: Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Chapter 433: Pot Calling the Kettle Black

The Minister of Agriculture tried to stay calm as he ignored what the 4 brats were doing to him.

He gave Wang Hao a sneer as he said,

“You are right Prince Wang. I am just an extra Minister, something that was just supposed to be there. But even if I am like that, I still have my own agenda!”

“Eh? So If I become the Yama Successor, what will you do then?” Wang Hao asked as he sneered back at the Minister of Agriculture. “Someone like you have their own ambitions too, right?”

“Hmph, try to win first.” The Minister of Agriculture replied as he turned his back on Wang Hao. “Right now, you can just ask one more help from me during the Final Trial. Do not waste it, or else you will embarrass me.”

“Embarrass you? Hmph, we shall see!” Wang Hao angrily said as he crossed his arms. “We will see later who will regret not supporting me!”

“How do I say this...” Fang Yu muttered as she saw what Wang Hao and the Minister of Agriculture were doing. “They seem to be not fond with each other...”

But before any of these two aforementioned persons could give a retort, a dazzling figure suddenly appeared from above, which slowly descended towards them.


At the instant that the Underworld Ministers saw this figure, they immediately bowed down as they pressed their foreheads in the ground, with none of them attempting to make a move at all.

“What the hell are you doing? Bow down now!” The Minister of Agriculture hissed as he saw Wang Hao and his companions not bowing down like them. “You must pay respects to the current Yama Successor!”

“What?” Fang Yu looked up and sure enough, she could feel a sense of awe at the descending figure.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, this figure was the current Yama Successor.

Once the new Yama Successor was chosen, the current Yama Successor will step down and pass the power to the new Yama Successor.

So, the current Yama Successor appearing here was actually of no surprise at all.

“Why are you not bowing?” Aside from Wang Hao and his companions, Huo Huangdi, Jieshu, and their companions were all not bowing down too.

All of them stood still as they looked up at the current Yama Successor who was still descending down.

The appearance of the current Yama Successor could not be seen as there was a thick, dark miasma that was covering his/her whole body. This added more to the sense of awe and dread that Fang Yu was feeling right now.

But before the other Ministers could rebuke the ‘disrespectful’ people, the current Yama Successor started to talk, and from the tone of his/her voice, he/she seems to be amused with the situation.

“No need to scold them. After all, my time as a Yama Successor is about to end.” The Yama Successor said, and with a jolt, Fang Yu realized that the voice that came out form the current Yama Successor was a woman’s voice!

The current Yama Successor, which had been confirmed to be a female, let out a tittering laughter her feet landed on the ground.

She seemed to be extremely happy seeing the Princes that will replace her as the Yama Successor.

“Hahaha! Finally, the time that my work will end has come! Once I step down as the Yama Successor, I will make sure to find a good husband for myself! Huhuhuhu, I want to get married now....”

The mood of the current Yama Successor turned from joyous to morose in just a second. Fang Yu and the others winced as they realized they were hearing something that they were not supposed to hear.

“Huhuhuhu, its always work, work, and work!” The current Yama Successor wailed as her body started to tremble. “But what can I do? I am the Yama Successor after all...”

“Your Majesty, thank you for all the sacrifices that you gave for the Underworld!” The Minister of Order said as he stayed on his bowing position. “All your hard work will not be for nothing! And Majesty, I am also sure that once you step down, there will be many husband materials that will come flocking to you!”

“Is that true Minister of Order?” The current Yama Successor asked as her body’s tremblings started to slow down. “Many of them will flock towards someone like me? Even if I am already old?”

This time, it was all of the Underworld Ministers that shouted to reply. “Of course Your Majesty! They will all come towards you!!! You will find a husband in no time after you step down!!!”

“Yosh, now I am pumped up!” The current Yama Successor said as she assumed an ‘I can do it’ pose.

She took some deep breaths, which was then followed by her saying,

“Now that all of the Underworld Princes are here, it is time for us to start the Final Trial for the new Yama Successor!”

At the instant that she finished saying these words, all the bowing Underworld Ministers stood up as they assumed an orderly line behind the Underworld Princes that they are supporting.

“Ok then...” The current Yama Successor, whose face was also covered by miasma, looked at Huo Huangdi, Jieshu, and Wang Hao as she said,

“First things first. Underworld Princes, introduce your chosen living followers. If I or any of the Underworld Ministers see that your chosen living follower is just another dead person, then you have to choose another living follower or else you will be disqualified.”

She pointed her fingers at Huo Huangdi as she said,

“Prince Huo, since you arrived the latest here, you will be the first one to introduce your living follower. Make sure that your follower will be a living being...”

Huo Huangdi had a solemn look on his face as he said in a respectful voice.

“Your Majesty, I scoured the Material Universe for the best living follower that I can get, and it seems like Lady Luck has blessed me! I am sure that I will win the Final Trial with the living follower that I got!”

A figure then walked out from behind Huo Huangdi, and this figure slowly walked forward as Huo Huangdi finished his introduction.

The figure was a teenage guy who was around the same age as Fang Yu.

He had long, white hair that reached his ankles, and red eyes that seemed to pierce through everything that he will look at.

He’s wearing white robes with black tint lining its edges.

He’s handsome, but not on the elegant side. His looks can be said to the pinnacle of masculine beauty, if that is a term.

Huo Huangdi was nodding to himself appreciatively as he said,

“This lad right here is my living follower. His name is Bai Huangdi! As for what his abilities are, hehehe, it will be up to the others to know during the Final Trial!”

Bai Huangdi seemed to be a decent guy. However, Fang Yu noticed one thing about Bai Huangdi that lowered her disposition towards him.

And that is that Bai Huangdi was currently staring at Fang Yu unabashedly with that eyes of his!

“....” Fang Yu had to stop herself from lashing out as she realized that Bai Huangdi’s eyes were roaming all over her voluptous body.

“That bastard...” Fang Yu gritted her teeth, as she knew that later in the Final Trial, she will have a chance to bash that pervert’s head in. “Just you wait...”

The current Yama Successor seemed to have ignored what Bai Huangdi was doing as her gaze went towards Jieshu, who took that as the cue to present her living follower.


A female wearing a mask walked from behind Jieshu, and she only stopped walking when she was three paces away from Jieshu.

Jieshu did not say any words at all to introduce her living follower, it was as if showing her was already enough.

Jieshu’s living follower had blood-red hair that flowed gracefully from her back. Aside from that, there was also a 2-meter long stick that was strapped behind her.

While her face was covered by a mask, her clothes could not hide the shapely curves of her body.

Even Fang Yu, who was criticizing Bai Huangdi of being a pervert, could not help but stare at the masked female’s curvaceous body.

The masked female suddenly jerked as she felt Fang Yu shamelessly checking her out.

Sounds of gritting teeth could be heard behind the mask as the masked girl obviously started to think poorly of Fang Yu.

Bai Huangdi, who saw what Fang Yu was doing, staggered from where he stood as he realized that Fang Yu was actually swinging on that side.

He began to look uncertain as he realized that he had no hopes of acquiring Fang Yu’s love.

But Bai Huangdi’s face suddenly went red as his gaze went back and forth from Fang Yu and the masked girl.

From the looks of it, he’s imagining an exclusive girl to girl action in his mind right now.

“Sigh, my living follower’s name is Veronica.” Jieshu curtly said as she stepped forward, hiding Veronica from Fang Yu’s intense stare.

Fang Yu could only let out a regretful sigh as Wang Hao realized that it was his turn now to speak.

“Ehem ehem.” Wang Hao let out a light cough as he placed his shoulders on Fang Yu.

He began to smile wide as he said,

“As for my living follower, you can say that she was already my disciple before I went here to the Underworld. After I became an Underworld Prince, I used my resources to meet her at her home planet and bring her here!”

Wang Hao then pushed Fang Yu forward as he said,

“My living follower’s name is Fang Yu, and she will be the one that will lead me to victory!”

“Victory huh.” Both Huo Huangdi and and Jieshu muttered as Fang Yu gave them a dazzling smile. “We shall see later if she can really do that.”

“Fang Yu... Fang Yu... Fang Yu...” Bai Huangdi was like a creep who muttered her name repetitively as if he was trying to engrave them on himself.

“Ugh...” Fang Yu could not stop herself from cringing as she suppressed her intent to stomp Bai Huangdi’s face right now.

As for Veronica, she was also muttering Fang Yu’s name but in her case, there were some traces of anger and disgust in her voice as she muttered her name.

That’s definitely not a good sign for Fang Yu.

“OK ok!” The current Yama Successor clapped her hands to break the tension. She looked at Huo Huangdi and Bai Huangdi, Jieshu and Veronica, and finally at Wang Hao and Fang Yu as she said,

“Now that we have verified that you did not cheat regarding your followers, we can then officially start the Final Trial.”

After the current Yama Successor said these words, the door that was in front of them the whole time suddenly let out a resplendent glow.

This door then started to slowly open until it created a gap that a person can fit through.

“Underworld Prince and their living followers. Enter this door right now to start the Final Trial” The current Yama Successor’s voice turned solemn as she pointed at the door. “And once you enter, you can only leave once the Final Trial is done. As for what the Final Trial is, it will be up to you guys to know!”

“Here we go then.” Fang Yu thought to herself as she remembered Xue’er and all her friends that are dead right now.

Only by winning the Final Trial that she can surely revive them!

So no matter what happens, Fang Yu will do her best in this Final Trial!

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