Chapter 457: Illusionist

Both Veronica and Bai Huangdi knew that the fight that they will have right now was proposed by Fang Yu in order for her to deduce their abilities.

Obviously, Bai Huangdi and Veronica will not reveal all of their hidden cards.

But they will still show some things that will hopefully rattle Fang Yu.

“Boom!” Bai Huangdi’s body then began to glow as an ethereal smoke-like object manifested around his body.

When Fang Lin saw this, he shook his head as he remembered his fight with Beleth at the Future Timeline.

With his memories, Fang Lin was sure that like Beleth, Bai Huangdi was also a martial artist.

But he was not only a martial artist. Fang Lin was sure that Bai Huangdi was also a practitioner like him!

“So that is why Huo Huangdi picked you up.” Veronica muttered as she saw Bai Huangdi’s current state.

“You can cultivate, and you are also a martial artist with a martial aura. That kind of talent is enough to entice him.”

“But I am also a great talent!” After saying these words, Veronica’s entire appearance changed, as her body suddenly morphed into another form.

“...” Illusion Fang Yu gulped as she saw Veronica’s new form.

Instead of having 4 limbs, the current Veronica had 10, and all of these limbs are shaped like a scythe.

With just one look, everyone knew that each of these limbs can cut through anything with ease.

As for Veronica’s body, it became enlarged until it was as large as a truck.

Her skin has also changed, with it transforming into an exoskeleton armor that covered her whole body.

As for her head, it also changed, but Illusion Fang Yu could still not see Veronica’s face as the mask was still covering it.

But Illusion Fang Yu could see two extremely long teeth protruding below the mask, which just made the current Veronica more terrifying.

“What the hell is that?” Bai Huangdi exclaimed as he saw Veronica’s new form. “You looked great to me before, but now you are just as ugly as f**k!”

“Zip it!” Veronica’s garbled voice echoed out as her whole body faced Bai Huangdi, who looked uncomfortable with a 16-foot tall monster looking down on him.

“This is fun...” Illusion Fang Yu muttered as she looked at her two opponents staring down at each other. “Well, since they showed off something, it’s time for me to show something too.”

Fang Lin, who was watching from the sidelines, knew that the current situation of Illusion Fang Yu was not good.

After all, Illusion Fang Yu was just an illusion, so there is no way for her to fight against Bai Huangdi and Veronica.

Then there is that oath that Bai Huangdi made earlier.

If Bai Huangdi attacks Illusion Fang Yu now, then Illusion Fang Yu’s connection with Fang Lin will be discovered.

These two problems almost made it impossible for Illusion Fang Yu to win.

But Fang Lin did not regret making the three-way match happen, as he still knew that he can do something right now to win!

If Illusion Fang Yu has to win in her current situation, the only weapon that she can use are the Illusions themselves!


While Bai Huangdi and Veronica were about to pounce on each other, they suddenly saw something that made them tense.

They saw that Illusion Fang Yu, who was snickering at the two from a distance, suddenly increased in number!

Two, three, five, eight, thirteen, and so on and so forth...

The number of Illusion Fang Yus in the stage increased until there was 34 Illusion Fang Yus in the fighting arena.

Each of them looked identical with each other, so much so that even when Bai Huangdi and Veronica used their divine sense, they could not actually differentiate any of these Fang Yus!

“So, you are an Illusionist...” Veronica muttered as she gave Illusion Fang Yu an enlightened look. “So that is why you are not fighting back against me earlier! You employ illusions to fight!”

“Your illusions are certainly... impressive.” Bai Huangdi muttered as he looked at the 34 Illusion Fang Yus in front of him. “Even I could not discern your illusions.”

“Hehehe...” All of the 34 Illusion Fang Yus giggled as they looked at Bai Huangdi and Veronica with amusement.

“Try to find the real me now!”

But before Bai Huangdi and Veronica could attack, their eyes widened as they saw that all of the Illusion Fang Yus in front of them had vanished!

The two heroes looked around the arena, but they could not find any of Illusion Fang Yu at all!

“Hehehe...” Out of nowhere, Illusion Fang Yu’s voice sounded out, which prompted both Bai Huangdi and Veronica to be wary.

“How do you like this? With my illusions, nobody in this planet can ever hope to hurt me! I confess, my fighting skills cannot even hope to hurt you two, but with my illusion skills, you two would not be able to hurt me either!”

“Tsk!” This time, both Bai Huangdi and Veronica realized the real reason on why Illusion Fang Yu proposed the match.

“So Fang Yu, you just wanted to show us that you are an Illusionist, right?” Bai Huangdi muttered as he looked around him. “Instead of actually fighting us, you just wanted to show to us that we will have a hard time fighting you.”

“That is right!” Illusion Fang Yu’s lone figure suddenly appeared at the center of the arena, managing to shock most of the spectators.

For these soldiers, this was the first time that they saw someone like this!

Illusion Fang Yu ignored the stares given to her by the audience as she gave an amused look at both Bai Huangdi and Veronica.

She gave them a cheeky grin as she asked them,

“So, do you still want to fight me?”

After hearing this question, both Bai Huangdi and Veronica shook their heads as they thought,

“We can defeat your illusions, but in order for us to do that, we must use some of our trump cards! But, will we really use our trump cards this early? Of course not! We will just use them for emergencies, and what is happening right now is not an emergency.”

“Che, you just want us to see our hidden abilities!” Veronica muttered as he body shrunk back to her previous appearance.

She gave Illusion Fang Yu an accusing stare as she said,

“You must have planned to use this fight to force us to show our trump cards! Of course I will not allow that to happen!”

Veronica then left the arena with a huff as she said,

“I admit defeat! But remember Fang Yu, once you use your Illusion bulls**t on obstructing me later, I will not hesitate to use my hidden cards to defeat you!”

These are last words that came out of Veronica’s mouth as she flew towards her dwelling place.

As for Bai Huangdi, he gave Illusion Fang Yu an unwilling look before he said,

“Well, I also want to fight with you right now, but just like Veronica, I have to use some special techniques to beat your illusions. But right now, I am not willing to show these special techniques. So the only thing that I can do is to admit defeat too...”

“Woah!” The audience looked at the spectacle with wide eyes, as they did not expect that it would end like this!

“Everyone!” Before he left, Bai Huangdi turned to face the soldiers watching the match.

Bai Huangdi then gave them a ferocious smile as he said,

“Now that you saw a small part of the Heroes’ abilities, you must be confident now! With us three here, winning against Demon King Seigneur will be a piece of cake!”

“Oh!!!” The soldier started to feel pumped after hearing what Bai Huangdi said.

Bai Huangdi took advantage of this as he declared,

“Sleep well tonight everyone, for tomorrow, we shall start the preparations for the war! Always remember, everything that you do is for the Dragon Emperor Kingdom!”

“Ohh!!!!” The soldiers continued on cheering Bai Huangdi even if he already went back to his dwelling place.

As for Illusion Fang Yu, she also left for her dwelling place too.

With all the Heroes gone, the excited audience started to disperse towards their resting places.


Fang Lin, currently disguised as General Draco, let a smirk as he saw that his plan succeeded. “Now, I have them all fooled...”

While everyone was focused on the Heroes earlier, Fang Lin, who was in the sidelines, started to use the Illusion abilities of the Demonic Unicorn.

By this point, Fang Lin’s proficiency on using the Demonic Unicorn ability was so high that he was able to create 34 Illusion Fang Yus in almost an instant.

And just to make Illusion Fang Yu looked more intimidating, Fang Lin dispelled all of the Illusion Fang Yus that he created, which just made Bai Huangdi and Veronica wary of Illusion Fang Yu’s abilities.

Fang Lin’s real goal in this fight was to make everyone think that Illusion Fang Yu was an Illusionist.

By doing that, Illusion Fang Yu will be able to explain in the future why she was unable to fight with her body.

After all, some of the known Illusionists were known to be extremely weak on combat.

Now that everyone thinks that Illusion Fang Yu is an illusionist, it will be much easier for Illusion Fang Yu to do some things that she is unable to do so before.

“Well, now that Illusion Fang Yu had her perfect alibi, it will be now my time to make some moves.” Fang Lin muttered as he decided to follow the path that was traversed by Veronica.

After a few more minutes of walking, Fang Lin reached the house that Veronica was staying in.

Both Veronica and Illusion Fang Yu were given luxurious houses as their own place to stay in. After all, both of them are the Heroes, so they deserve to get some VIP treatment.

There were no security guarding around Veronica’s house, as there is no need for someone to guard Veronica’s house.

With her current status and strength, nobody would just brazenly approach Veronica’s house.

Only those people like the Great General and Bai Huangdi can easily go to her place.

Once he was in front of Veronica’s house, Fang Lin started to slow down until he was in front of the door.

He then assumed a carefree smile as he said,

“Hero, I, General Draco, is here to visit you!”

“Visit?” The door opened, and Veronica appeared in front of Fang Lin.

Veronica was back to her human form, with the mask still on her face.



Both Veronica and Fang Lin stared at each other for a minute, and the silence was only broken when Veronica shyly said,

“If it were other men who came here, I will not hesitate to cut them down. But since it was you, I think I can allow you inside my humble abode.”

“Well, thank you Hero for your kindness.” Fang Lin said as he followed Veronica inside the house.


The door then closed shut with a thud, and nobody from the outside knew what exactly will happen next to Fang Lin.

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