The Conquerors Path

Chapter 621-Not Following The Plot.

Chapter 621-Not Following The Plot.

"So.....what now?"

Azrail asked as he looked down at the elven woman crushed into the ground while an extremely powerful elven soldier floated up above the ground, his eyes focused down at them with burning murderous intentions, seemingly just waiting to burst towards them.

"What do you think we can do?"

Sabrina asked back in a tired voice as she looked at Austin, right now they had just finished a battle filled with powerful members that could have ended their lives, yet after just one movement, they were thrown back to where they began from, to an impossible situation.

"Cough.....I will hold him back with my please take the rest and just escape."

The leading elven woman spoke as she coughed out blood, her bloodied eyes focusing on the floating soldier above, with that, she burst forth towards the top, her skin seemingly becoming drier as she punched towards the male elven soldier that went flying. She turned to look at Austin and Sabrina as she spoke.

"Hurry! get out of here with the rest!"

As she said this, she waved her hand at the remaining people below, all of them being moved through the forest for their rescue, while the woman in question seemed to be burning her lifespan to get some boost in her power, a very moving heroic display to give her people some more time.

"Austin let's get the hell out of he-"

Sabrina turned around as she spoke, her words meant to scream for them to run away yet it suddenly stopped at the situation in front of her. It was Austin seemingly sitting on a very comfy chair he got out of god knows where, in his hands seemingly tasty-looking popcorn as he sat there eating it.

And now for the first time since Sabrina's existence, her mind came to a pause, even with her great logical processing power she was unable to understand the sight in front of her, seeing so Austin waved his hand at her as he spoke, pointing the bucket of popcorn forward.

"Want some?"

Once again Sabrina couldn't grasp the change in situation, they were within this deadly forest around, surrounded by powerful enemies, one that could kill them with a thought floating above, while a fearsome elven warrior woman above gave up her life so that they could escape, yet here sat Austin eating popcorn and chilling like he is in the middle of a goddam vacation!

"You don't want it?"

Austin spoke seemingly questioning her lack of not having any hunger in this deadly situation.

"We need to run!"

Sabrina screamed, and just as she did the elven warrior once again hit back to the ground, her body now looking like a broken twig, her dying breath leaving her as she turned to look at the odd duo, betrayal filling her eyes as she spoke.


That cracked call sounded out filled with questions, to this, Austin smiled as he popped another popcorn in his mouth as he spoke.

"Yeah, I have no interest in dealing with some long-range drama that you are throwing my way, I gave you your fun, now it's my turn."

As Austin spoke this, he held a single piece of popcorn in his hand, wrapping it in dense destruction energy, as he rose his powers to the level of Lala connecting to her, once doing all that in a split second, he turned to look at the man floating in the sky and waved his hand, firing the popcorn faster than the man in question can react.

This prompted Sabrina to turn around, as she sat up, her eyes focusing on the woman sitting at a table sipping coffee, seeing her Sabrina's eyes widen as she spoke.


"Indeed it's nice to meet you face to face, finally....."

As she said so the woman, the owner of this historic world snapped her finger, resulting in Sabrina quickly appearing in front of the table with a drink in her hand, the hotness of the tea, filling her hand, while its smell started to clear her head.

"It's a rare tea leaf that's extinct in your time."

Hearing this Sabrina held all her questions in her mind for now as she started to take small sips, the taste filling her mouth, relaxing her mind and at the same time purifying her mana and making her body stronger.

"Good tea."

Sabrina finally spoke as she placed the teacup back on the table, her eyes focusing on the beautiful elven warrior in front of her as she spoke.

"What happened?"

"What do you remember last?"

The woman asked back to Sabrina, whose mind started to play the last of her scene, the scene itself making her unable to believe in herself as she spoke.

"I saw-"

"No need, I saw what you saw, got to say you have some extremely high evaluation of the boy."


Seeing the confused look of Sabrina, the woman started to speak.

"Till now you have been in an illusion playing upon the innermost thought process of yourself."

This sudden revelation takes Sabrina back, her mind playing through all the scenario yet everything looks perfect, everything looks real such that she is finding it hard to believe that everything was playing upon her thought process.

"The background of the battle and information is something I inputted but the way, your actions, and life every moment have all been your own thought process, depending on your ideology and understanding."

This reply from the woman in front of her made Sabrina silent, her mind being shaken up by the woman's words, especially linking it to all she was dreaming about.

"Have to say the two of you make a cute couple."

This wording from the woman in front of her makes Sabrina snort but her inner mind already accepts the fact that she already places Austin in a very high regard.

"My name's Elerium, what's yours?"

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