The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 199 - Convinced By A Paragon


Shortly after the shockwave took place, Elaia opened her eyes. As she did, numerous mental fluctuations exited from her eyes. As she looked down at her hands, she felt there was something irregular about her body, but she couldn't put her finger on it. However, if she had to take a blind guess, she was sure it was due to being in Apollo's presence.


'Based on what my parents told me, even if I have a Royal Bloodline, my mind is too strong for a Rank 4. It's like it was empowered during the point of advancement,' Elaia thought as he glanced at Apollo and Odessa conversing.

Due to her disturbance, the two stopped and turned towards her. Although there was a short silence, Odessa soon broke it, "I'm guessing this is the beast that you took control of in the Dark Labyrinth? If so, it's shocking that you've already allowed her to increase a cultivation realm. How did you do so? Did you sacrifice part of the resources I gave you?" 

"No," Apollo replied while continuing to inspect Elaia. Overall, he was pleased by what he saw. Although it was indiscernible to her, Apollo could see traces of Wrath flowing within her mind. Subtly, it was empowering her mind to become more lethal and volatile. Soon enough, she could become one of his weapons.

"Then how did you," Odessa pressed on.

"Stop asking so many questions. Do you not know what the word privacy means?" Apollo retorted before walking towards Elaia. He then tapped her forehead and felt the signature of her mental power. When he saw traces of his own signature inside, it opened his mind to other possibilities.

'This must be the reason behind the recipients of the contract being unable to defy the issuer of the contract. Interesting, but they also seem rather weak. Thus, I can only control a summon near my own level. Anyone beyond it, I'll have to tempt them into a fair contract or,' Apollo paused and looked down at the medallion in his hand.

'According to Fuhrer, if a demon enters a household, based on the ranking I bestow them, a certain amount of absolute loyalty is generated. But, there are still workarounds. My Sin must always overpower theirs or our goals must stay uniquely aligned. I should be able to pull this off,' Apollo thought to himself.

As he moved his hand from her forehead, he looked at Elaia, "How do you feel?"

"Stronger, much stronger. I don't know what you did to me, but thank you I'm one step closer to-" Elaia thanked. However, Apollo interjected with a certain look. 

'Don't mention that goal to the public. Are you trying to attract hostile intentions towards yourself? Without a doubt, if the current leaders are aware of your existence, then they'll surely suspect you of harboring a grudge for what they've done. Therefore, watch your words and speak normally,' Apollo warned through the mental link.

While she became silent, Apollo looked back towards Odessa, "So, tell me. What exactly did you come here for? You said you had been looking for me for days? It can't be as simple as wanting to check on my progress."

In response, Odessa smirked and placed her hand on her hip, "I want you to either join the student council with me or join the disciplinary committee. I want you to start building a name for yourself early. Not only will you be rewarded by the academy if you pass the exam, but I will also reward you as all. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like a hassle. Like I'll be spending too much time with you and away from cultivation. Doesn't that sound counterintuitive?" Apollo responded. 

If she wanted him to advance with haste and upkeep a certain image, then joining these student bodies would result in a decrease in the time spent undergoing cultivation. However, it wasn't a position that only came with consequences, there were also matters that could benefit him faster.

For example, once per month, the council members were allowed to meet with the Headmaster and submit a report detailing how the school can be made to better suit everyone. Furthermore, there was also the chance to enter a special division directly under the Headmaster.

Not only did this require talent, but it also required the individual to deal with the masses and hold a position on one of the student bodies. In place of the instructors and staff, the student council and disciplinary committee could be seen as the youthful sword and shields.

"Not at all. While on duty, there is an area dedicated to cultivation. Additionally, the rewards at the very least are Spirit Stones and Academy Credits. As you gain more of those, you can use the special facilities here. For example, did you know there were areas here to sense elements and familiarize yourself with Intent?" Odessa questioned.

Upon hearing this, Apollo's eyebrow arched. As soon as he heard the word intent, he perked up. At first, she had his curiosity, but now, she had his attention, "Is that true? Then where are they? We weren't shown this on the tour of the Outer Barracks."

"That's because it isn't located in the barracks. It's located in the center of the academy between the two institutes. But, their cost is astronomical and the spots are limited. So, freshmen rarely obtain the chance to experiment with this until they become sophomores. However, if you join the committee and overpower the ones from the prior year, you can get in there faster," Odessa revealed.

"So what you mean to say is, I have to create enmity to gain a chance?" Apollo answered. Although her words didn't say this, what individual would accept their spot being taken from them forcefully? There was bound to be retaliation. Nevertheless, Apollo wasn't one to shy away just because of signs of conflict.

"Well, no but yes. You could say that is true, but how about I back you up? Would that suffice?" Odessa questioned with an earnest expression.

Be that as it may, Apollo frowned. In truth, that would make it worst. On top of their being unknown suitors of this girl, he would gain a reputation of being protected by a girl stronger than him. With his pride, he didn't know if this was something he could accept.

Thus, he shook his head, "While you can assist in the shadow with the administration, leave the actual students to me. It's better for me to gauge the strength of my upperclassmen. After all, sooner or later, we'll find ourselves in battle. If this place is like my family member described, there will be ample clashing of egos."

"Very well, I can operate like this. So, then come with me? We'll head to the Administration Hall to make this concrete. I'll tell them you'd like to put your name down on the list. Come," Odessa urged while pulling his arm.

In the meantime, Apollo glanced back at Ouroboros and Elaia. Through the mental link, he spoke to them and gave light orders " You two continue cultivating, I'll be back later. Ouroboros, the things pertaining to your growth is under the bed."

After leaving this message, both Apollo and Odessa left the living quarters. As they walked through the barrack grounds, small whispers surrounded them. Contrary to what one would expect, their attention was focused on the uniform Odessa wore. Since this was the freshmen area, they had yet to see the attire of the student council.

"You're attracting unwanted attention Odessa, care to speed this trip up," Apollo whispered while taking note of the outside murmurs.

"Fine," Odessa replied with a tinge of attitude. Nonetheless, a cluster of light gathered around her legs as she took a step forward. Similarly, Apollo utilized the Partial Shade Silhouette. Just like that, their two figures disappeared from the area.


Several minutes later, the two landed before the Administration Hall. However, before entering, Apollo turned towards Odessa with apparent surprise, "I was under the assumption that your family moves along the supportive line. Aside from support tactics, you're pretty fast."

"Well, a true supporter should be able to survive. If my ability to travel is lacking, then the chances of me dying increase. Not to mention, if I have to constantly heal myself, that would compromise my usefulness on the battlefield. And, that won't only disgrace my family, it'll disgrace my position as a Paragon. Nevertheless, let's go it," Odessa answered.

In return, Apollo nodded. There wasn't much on his agenda for the day and his body also needed to finish regulating. The Iraym form seemed to leave residual effects that were benefiting his body. They just seemed to take more effort to digest in this world.

Fortunately, he was given an abundance of Anima Crystals. Although he had yet to check how much Anima was inside the crystals, he was sure they should sustain his cultivation until he headed back to Ashiraem. When he returned, he found out the cooldown of the portal didn't begin until he returned from Ashiraem.

Thus, there were still 30 days until he could perform his next visit with Fuhrer. And, during that time, he swore it be different. 

On the other hand, as he entered the Administration Hall, Apollo was temporarily shocked by the grandiose interior.

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