The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 236 - Wolf Hidden Amongst Sheep


With Valerie's help, they once again started to slaughter the Terror. But, they also kept in mind the fact that they needed to alert the others about this situation. If there was an existence on this planet that could now empower them, then that was a matter they needed to treat with the utmost importance.


Furthermore, it would call for a time of unity. Amongst the three Supreme Families, the Dongguang was the most detached from the rest. Since they pride themselves on individual strength, they always sought to accomplish any endeavor they participated in by themselves.

On the other hand, he possessed a very good relationship with the other Supreme Families unlike the rest of his family. Due to Zarel's actions, he understood the importance of foresight. His family was blind to solely rely on themselves. There would come a time where their individual strength would prove insufficient.

Soon enough, the Terrors in their area had all fallen. As a result, Suren recalled Ascalon. Although he was interested in matters pertaining to these obscene ripples, the origin he perceived was too far to travel to. The only way to get to Pangea Island was through transportation circles and flying.

But, he had yet to reach the level of flight and the current area was void of transportation circles. Not to mention, there was none located nearby in case the Terror's invasion ever exacerbated to new heights where control was something impossible to achieve. 


Meanwhile, the battle between Ragna and Fuhrer reached its peak. Both of them looked at each other with small smirks. This was the first time Fuhrer since he confined himself to the cave that he experienced a worthwhile battle. Unfortunately, he couldn't enjoy it any longer. 

In addition to the fact that he knew his actions were garnering far too much attention, Apollo's body was finding it difficult to deal with the constant expenditure of Fuhrer's actions. Thus, Fuhrer immediately did something.

"Sin Shroud: Wrath's Blanket!" Fuhrer uttered. The entire area was then encapsulated, allowing none of the other ripples to bypass his sealing. However, he was far from done as he took matters a step further.

"It isn't the time to play games with you any longer. While the fact that your strength surpasses this world is commendable, I have more important matters to attend to. Since you don't want to conform to my ideals, I will force you to do so. A Daemos is unquestioned in their demands," Fuhrer uttered. 

Afterward, the atmosphere around him began to bubble. At the same time, he took on his complete demonic form adorned in obsidian armor that leaked death. But, there was also a difference about him, an unshakeable pride appeared in his eyes.

"Mastered Superbia: Juggernaut's Pressure!"


A torrential pressure poured from Fuhrer's body that rendered both Astraya and Ragna immobile. All they could do was marvel at the grand posture Fuhrer took as he walked towards them. At first, he thought about simply killing them but then he assessed the situation rationally.

'That boy was put here for a reason. If I intervene too much, it'll hinder his purpose. Very well, I'll simply punish them for their disrespect,' Fuhrer inwardly thought while lifting his sword.

First, his pressure split in half, then with two slashes, each half of the pressure assaulted Astraya and Ragna respectively. When he withdrew the pressure, each of them bore a haggard appearance. 

"This is your punishment for intervening. Now, make yourself sparse before I change my mind," Fuhrer voiced before sheathing his blade at his hip. Despite his words hinting at him letting them go, Astraya still held a troubled expression.

Before she could speak, Ragna grabbed her arm and shook his head, "He is stronger than me, he is an opponent I can't handle. What is to happen will happen. It is not our fault, the omen is already underway. The master foretold this inevitable event."

In response, Astraya nodded and cut her losses. Along with Ragna, she disappeared. But, the moment they disappeared, Fuhrer retracted his pressure, 'Any longer and that lad would have fainted. I'm sure the backlash of me activating a mastered Sin should have presented a sudden shock. Fortunately, I can do this.'

Fuhrer spread out his hand and absorbed all remnant auras from the world. This rang true even for the fragments of his aura in the carcasses of the slain Terrors. Whatever energy that wasn't pulverized, she used the reverse function to channel adequate energy back to Apollo through their connection.

"Hooo, that should be enough. Also, I should move," Fuhrer muttered before vanishing from the area. Not long after he left, Geneva arrived. As she looked around, she frowned. The area had been wiped clean of all signs of battle. It was like an expert in cleaning up had taken care of the situation.

"Forget tracking, I can't even tell how many people were involved in the clash. Whoever or whatever has come to this world, it is an understatement to call it an issue," Geneva sighed before turning around to head back towards the campus grounds. 

To get here, she had to go through special channels and arrive at an independent space residing just outside of the guarded space of the Vermillion Night Academy. Now that her efforts turned out to be useless, it wouldn't be a lie to say that she wasn't worried.

With all these anomalies taking place, the future was starting to look as if it was going to be full of events. Whether it be good or bad, that all depended on how they deal with the situations that arise.

Several moments later, Fuhrer arrived before the seated Apollo. Since he returned a large portion of the utilized energy, Apollo's state wasn't as bad as he expected. The moment he arrived before him, Apollo opened his eyes.

"Did you just go against the world? I could sense the turmoil of the atmosphere," Apollo asked while looking at Fuhrer.

In return, Fuhrer's eyebrow rose, 'Hoh? This lad's will is growing stronger without pause. To sense the turmoil from that distance, it'd require a complete elementary grasp.'

On the other hand, Fuhrer nodded, "Indeed. The restriction that exists on others does afflict us. However, this is something that I want to warn you of. If you don't move cautiously, this fact will be exposed. Furthermore, always keep enough Anima within your body to have my Daemonic Avatar active."

"I'm guessing the world will attempt to target in retaliation for your actions?"

"Correct and based on their current levels, you'll be incapable of handling. Thus, until you can do so, I'll thwart anything they intend to throw at you. However, if I estimate it within your capabilities, I will refrain from intervening," Fuhrer answered.

Apollo nodded and continued to sacrifice his Anima Crystals. Be that as it may, a knock was soon heard on his door. Concurrently, Fuhrer smirked, he noticed this aura. "Tread carefully, she is rather strong. But, she won't be able to sense me."

Before he could answer, the door opened and Geneva walked inside, "I'm not sure how strong your mind is so you may not have felt it, but there was a commotion involving the entire planet and a foreign presence."

Despite the fact that she was telling him this, Geneva was in fact looking for a change in expression. Any sign that would give her solid proof that he was involved in this incident. Unfortunately, she was messing with a freak.

Apollo feigned surprised, "What type of incident? Is this related to the noise outside in the barracks?"

"Ah, yes yes it is," Geneva nodded before continuing, "You may continue with your actions." As she left, she inhaled. A familiar scent and taste made her freeze before resuming. While she walked away, there was a pleasant smile on her face, 'There may not be any proof, but his flame is definitely growing stronger.'

When Fuhrer returned the energy to him, his body subconsciously emitted some Hellfire to expunge the excess he couldn't absorb immediately. But, what she didn't know was that as she spoke to Apollo, Fuhrer examined her closely.

Fuhrer appeared once the door closed with a hint of interest in his eyes, "Tell me lad, are you interested in women? If so, that lady would make a fine specimen. When you're strong enough, you should claim her."

Once again, Apollo choked. Azridan had posed this same question. This made Apollo question, what was it with demons and wanting to conquer. All Apollo could do as he and Fuhrer hid under the unsuspecting eyes of the human. The wolves took on the guise of sheep to avoid any watchful eyes.

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