The Demon Monarch System

Chapter 248 - The Headmaster Beseeches


As Typhir's process of demonization continued, Apollo feigned a state of Soul Weakness. If anyone asked the reason behind Typhir's abrupt recovery, he would simply use his current state as an excuse. If that didn't suffice, he even possessed the alternative, which was to disclose to Geneva that his Spirit possessed a type of one-off ability, where it could sacrifice a portion of his Soul to reinvigorate the individual of his choosing.


However, he also thought up of a backlash and the like to go with it. Such a technique could only be used once a beyond. Beyond that and it would begin to affect his lifespan. All of the bases of questioning had been covered by him. Whether it was Geneva or the others, he possessed the means to quell their interrogation. 

Now that he possessed a viable alibi to clear the suspicion around Typhir's recovery, Apollo remained by his bedside. In the meantime, he closed his eyes and started to absorb the ambient essence to recuperate. In addition to this, Apollo also started to silently chant the mantra of his stigmata.

As the remaining Ira seethe in his body, it started to propagate. One portion split in half and this process continued at a slow pace. During that period, Fuhrer never returned to his shadow. On the contrary, he continued to look at Typhir and his current state, 'Fascinating, how exactly did he warrant this? If I'm not mistaken this transformation shouldn't be possible. I expected him to become a demi-demon, however, it seems to me he will become a full-blown Lesser Demon.'

Fuhrer continued to marvel at the changes Typhir was undergoing. The more he witnessed, the surer he became, 'It's him. I have yet to see someone born with nearly identical parameters, it's uncanny. If he practices efficiently, there is no doubt this boy can reach the Noblesse stage. If he can show even more merit, perhaps my search for a successor will come to an end.'

Meanwhile, Apollo didn't pay attention to Fuhrer's antics. He was focused on recuperating at the moment. After all, something told him he would need a substantial amount of energy within his body soon enough. If not, he was sure his plans would fall through.

Suddenly, a series of knocks were heard on the door. Apollo slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the door. At the same time, Fuhrer performed the same actions, however, a sharp glint flashed through his eyes as he peered past the door. When he saw who it was, Fuhrer relayed the information to Apollo.

"I believe it's either for you or this boy laying in the bed, either way, the girls have returned," Fuhrer revealed while turning back towards Typhir. On the other hand, Apollo announced for them to come in. Since he asked for the room, in truth, both Nadida and Odessa never left, they just simply took a seat outside. However, they grew restless as a few hours since then had already passed.

Thus, without delay, the two opened the door and entered inside before closing it behind them. Almost immediately, Apollo's deathly pale appearance entered their view causing them both to gasp, "Oh my goodness, Apollo! What happened?"

In response, Apollo pointed towards Typhir, "I simply helped him. Now, his state is much better than what it was. I just need to recover and this issue will pass," Apollo said before attempting to close his eyes again.

Unfortunately, he was in the presence of an overly emotional girl. Nadida ran up and clutched with jubilance apparent in her eyes, "I knew it! You have a heart, you're not just some madman looking to kill everyone, there is still compassion inside you. But...this state you're in, you don't look very good. What exactly did you do?"

Before Apollo could answer, Odessa narrowed her eyes and inspected him down to the finest detail, "All of his symptoms are related to a weakness in the soul. Tell me, does that current state have something to do with utilizing your Spirit? And, is your Spirit currently hurt?"

When Apollo heard this questioning, his eyebrow jumped. However, it was not because he was surprised by her in-depth questioning, it was because of how easy it was to dupe her into believing this was truly the case. Naturally, Apollo played along as this was closely related to the excuse he conjured.

When he revealed that it was the truth, Odessa surprisingly didn't question any further. On the contrary, she seemed to be a bit worried. Finally, she opened her mouth and voiced what was plaguing her mind, "Please tell me you didn't affect your potential by doing this. I've warned you before that the matters pertaining to the safety of Spirit is very sensitive."

"No, my potential is just fine. My body is simply exhausted of vitality. As long as I absorb enough essence, I'm sure to make a full recovery," Apollo responded with a small smile. Be that as it may, a part of Odessa still didn't believe him. Thus, she moved forward and raised her hand while performing a small chant.

The Lineage Spirit she possessed was invoked as she assessed Apollo's current state. Upon finding out that his Soul was in fact untouched, Odessa breathed a sigh of relief. Furthermore, since she only activated the Spirit to check Apollo's condition, the backlash wasn't too great. There was just a slight throbbing sensation present in her mind.

At that time, Typhir's eyes suddenly opened. Like Apollo's they underwent a change as the previously amber color was mixed with purple as well now. Since this was all new to him, when he sat up, a burst of energy emitted from his body. 

Due to his awakening, Apollo received a collection of notifications detailing a few restrictions as well as unknown abilities. 

〈System Alert! Your Demonic Acolyte has been born, please name them to grant them ownership of their abilities.〉

Without much thought, Apollo simply gave him the same exact name, 'Typhir.' All of a sudden, his eyes illuminated with power before calming down.

〈System Alert! The creation of your Demonic Acolyte is complete. You must not, a Demonic Servant and Acolyte are different. Servants can be summoned but Acolytes are seemingly a part of you. There is a larger connection present than with a servant.〉

〈System Alert! Typhir, your Demon Knight possessed dual-paths, his fate is interlocked with a piece as is yours. All steps that a taken are predetermined.〉

As the notification resounded, Apollo watched as Typhir clutched his head, "So it was really true, I didn't think you were actually capable of it. But, why do I also feel so different? It's almost as if anyone who threatens you will have to fall before my sword," Typhir uttered.

He then was about to continue, but what he wanted to say appeared in Apollo's mind. Thus, he raised his hand and uttered, "Silence." Without fail, Typhir shut his mouth. When Apollo saw this, he was quite shocked.

'Don't be confused, this is an ability granted by the Monarch's Dominance Intent. Since he was birthed from your Sin, you have control over him as long as your power retains sovereignty over your acolytes,' Fuhrer revealed.

  Concurrently, another message appeared before Apollo's eyes.

〈System Alert! W A R N I N G: Due to your current state, there is a restriction you need to become aware of, there is a restriction on your current creation limit. In light of your current state of demonhood as well as your Sin Mastery and number of activated Sins, the number of acolytes you create at the moment can't surpass 4.〉

Upon hearing this, Apollo rubbed his chin. Truthfully speaking, he didn't think about turning more people, but now that this information appeared, this opened a new route for him to explore. Still, the system also indicated another need to know.

〈System Alert! Based on the Sin used as the base for demonization, their core being will be affected by that Sin. As a result, there is a chance of you creating an entirely new being. Nevertheless, their loyalty towards you is still absolute, except for some rare cases.〉

On top of the notifications, Apollo felt his pocket vibrate. As he looked at it, he realized the Headmaster was beckoning for him. It appears she needed him to appear before her in her office. 

Thus, once he made sure Typhir's state was stable, he prepared to leave, "Wait until your body is completely under your control and then you can move. Furthermore, consider that issue dealt with. In the meantime, just focus on growing stronger," Apollo said before disappearing under the embrace of the night skies.

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