The Devil’s love

Chapter 247 - It's Her......

"What is happening?" Yichan frowned.

Rewinding it for the third time, Yitian answered, "The footage has been tampered, probably the part when sister Ning met that woman has been deleted." ​​

Gritting his teeth, Guiren scoffed, "Great, now how are we supposed to find out whether Angella is really alive or not?"

Thinking for a while, Yitian inquired, "Sister Ning didn't you say that you met that woman twice?"

"Ah yes, I did bump into her in Bruce's store," Ning answered.

"There are more than thirty cameras in his store, how are we supposed to know which is the one?" Meili asked.

"Hmm I guess we can call Bruce and ask for his help?" Nuying suggested.

Without wasting any more time, Ning quickly took out her cell phone from hee bag and called Bruce.

"Hello Ning darling, how are you?"

"I am fine honey." Without wasting any more time, she stated, "I want a favor from you."

"What is it?"

"Remember the last time I visited your store with Mei, Nuying and sister Suyan?" Without waiting for his reply, she further explained, "i think it was a day before my wedding banquet." When Meili nodded her head, she stated, "Yes, it was a day before my wedding banquet."

"Okay honey, how can I help you?"

"I bumped into someone outside the trial room, can you tell me which camera number is that?" Ning inquired.

"Hold on, let me ask my staff. Let me call you back okay?" Without waiting for her reply, he hung up the call.

Keeping the phone on the table, Ning sighed, "He is trying to find out."

Running his hand through his face, Lucas sighed, "What will we do if Angella is really alive?" He was having a really hard time believing that there was a very high chance of his sister being alive who was supposed to be dead. Though he did not share a really close relationship with Angella, she was still his sister. The news of her sudden death shook him and he did feel a bit traumatized.

"First, we need to find out if Roger knows about it and if he doesn't, we need to tell him about it first," Yichan answered.

Nodding his head in agreement, Guiren added, "Our second task will be to find out what exactly happened after we brought Angella to the hospital that day."

"Guiren is right and if Angella is still alive then we all need to be extra careful. If she really did approach Ning twice then her motive doesn't seem very positives. We cannot trust her, let's not forget that she tried to push into the water because she thought something was going on between her and Yichan." Pausing for a while, Yufan continued, "And Ning is Yichan's wife."

"Hmm, I also think that she is still into brother Yichan, if not that then why would she approach sister Ning?" Yitian stated.

Snapping his finger, Lucas exclaimed, "Little Li has a point, I also think she is still into Yichan."

Scrunching her brows, Ning grabbed Yichan's arm and scoffed, "She can keep dreaming."

Just then Ning's phone started ringing. Letting go of Yichan's hand, she quickly received the call. "Bruce? Did you find out?"

"Ah yes babe, it's the twelfth camera and it's the only one near the trial room." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "The footage on the other hand is very clear and of a really high quality but I would have help you secure it too but the man in charge is on a leave for a couple of days so—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "It's completely alright, I'll manage everything. Thank you so much for the information, I'll talk to you later." After hanging up the call, she told Yitian, "It's the twelfth camera."

"Do you know the time? A rough idea?" Yitian inquired.

Pursing her lips, Suyan thought for a while before answering, "Hmm I think it was around two in the afternoon."

Without saying anything, his fingers started ramming on the keyboard.

Looking at his fingers which were moving so fast that it made Ning feel dizzy, she poked Yichan's arm and whispered, "Yi, I think Yitian is good at these things. Look at his fingers, its so—"

Wrapping his arms on her shoulder, he sighed, "You haven't seen Jason working yet, right?" when she shook her head, he continued, "Don't worry, you will get used to it."

Kissing the top of her head, he took a deep breath. With so many things already going on, this new revelation was like an unexpected bomb. If Angella was really alive and she had approached Ning, then he had to make sure that she doesn't harm her in any way but little did Yichan know that everything was webbed together and soon it would all start making sense.

After a couple of minutes, Yitian raised his brows and grinned at Suyan, "You were so accurate, I can see that sister Ning bumped—or rather this woman bumped into sister Ning exactly at 2:06 in the afternoon."

Scrunching her brows, Ning snapped, "Wait what? So that means she purposely bumped into me? Why did I apologize to her then?"

Without wasting any more time, everyone quickly surrounded the laptop and started watching the footage.

Widening her eyes in shock, Yuri exclaimed, "Oh God, This woman looks like Angella."

Pausing the footage midway, Yitian zoomed on the woman's face. "Here, a better view."

Pursing his lips, Lucas sighed, "This is Angella."

"I know, she is Angella. She is alive but how?" Hannah couldn't believe what she was seeing. She had been partially blaming herself for Angella's death for years now and it killed her from inside making her feel guilty. But now when there was a very high chance of her being alive, Hannah couldn't help but feel very wronged. Had she been feeling guilty over some kind of a trick?

"Angella was alive when we brought her to the hospital." Scrunching his brows, Muchan added, "There is a high chance that something might have happened in the hospital."

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Lucas frowned, "I think this has something to do with dad, he is definitely involved in all this."

"Why do you think that way? I mean, why would a father want his daughter to be declared dead?" Guang curiously inquired.

"You guys don't understand, it's complicated." Without waiting for anyone's reply, Lucas explained, "I don't know how to put this but for some odd reason, father loves daughters and this is why Angella has always been his favorite. He did not love Roger and me or even his two wife's as much as he loved Angella. He would never show up on our birthdays or for any occasion but he would drop a week before her birthday. A single phone call from her and he would come running leaving whatever he was doing behind. Anyway, the point is that though he loved her so much, he did not react or do anything after Angella died, I mean, he has been super quiet and calm. He did not even try to harm any of you which makes it even more strange now."

"So you think that he did not react because he knew that Angella is alive?" When Lucas nodded his head, Boing frowned, "It does make sense."

"I am telling you guys, it has to be him," Lucas exclaimed in full confidence. Though he did not share a very close bond with his hand and had hardly seen him while he grew up, he knew how sly that man was.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Meili inquired, "What now?"

"First, we need to find out what exactly happened in that hospital that day and then we can decide what our next move should be," Bojing stated.

Taking out his phone, Guiren said, "Hmm I'll ask Linhou to take care of that."


Helma City.

"What happened after that?"

"We don't know boss and neither do the men, the young master has a very private talk with them and all our men were asked to walk out." When Kareem William raised his brows, the man added, "Including Latif."

Taking a puff of his cigar, Kareem chuckled, "My son is obsessed with that girl isn't he?"

Helplessly shaking his head, the man sighed, "Though he hasn't done anything that proves he is still obsessed with her, I think he is."

"What a pity, I wonder how Roger will react after he learns the truth?" Rubbing his chin, Kareem chuckled, "What do you think Wolus? How will he react?"

"He will definitely be shocked and—"

Cutting Wolus off, he added, "And join hands with the other group to destroy his own father?" When he nodded his head, Kareem mockingly scoffed, "Both my son's are good for nothing, they are useless."

Without waiting for his reply, Kareem curiously inquired, "What about that Mo guy?"

"Who? Mo Yichan or Mo Yihong?"

Rolling his eyes, he sighed, "Oh no, both of them are old news now, I am talking about the new Mo member."


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