Chapter 883 - 883: He Brought Treats

“Well, Nachtia, why don’t we borrow you for a ladies’ day on the town? We can show you around all the highlight spots and then come back for dinner and get you settled in?” Dana suggested.

“Oh, that is a great idea. How many do we have? I know that Sister Lotus will be up for a trip.”

“I think that we can get Tessa and Ophelia as well. I’m not sure about the others.”

Dana paused and caught caretaker Jo’s eye. The old woman smiled and nodded, then sent Mara forward in her maid uniform.

From the workshop Ashbringer called out. “Take Wendy and Loros as well. They need a break.”

Davis smiled. “In that case, you might as well take Mick. It’s cloudy enough that with a parasol, she shouldn’t have too much trouble outdoors.”

Nachtia looked confused for a second, then realized that the girl in the black and white dress was a vampire.

Karl turned toward the kitchen. “Ladies, do you want to join them?”

A hand appeared in the door and waved him away. “We’re watching the pastries. We will tour the city on our day off.”

Dana turned Nachtia by the shoulders, and Karl waved goodbye as the cleric was escorted out of the property.

“Well, it looks like you hit a hidden trap.” Ashbringer joked once he was sure the ladies were out of earshot.

“Oh, I don’t think that one was very well hidden. Bringing back not only a dragon, but a female dragon cleric, was bound to cause an explosion. It actually went better than expected. I think they’re going to get along well together.” Karl replied.

“Despite her being a black dragon? Yeah. If she would get along well with any Guild, it would be this one. Where did you meet a black dragon? I thought that you were going to see the Dwarves and their dungeon?” The demon asked.

“Oh, I did. I joined the group that she was with for a trip. That dungeon is crazy, it’s a whole city, and it takes half the day to clear it. But with the team, we did pretty well. The group of dragonkin that she was with weren’t big on hanging out with Nachtia, so we ended up shopping together.

Oh crap, Rae has a whole stack of meat wraps. Where did she go?”

{She’s with the group, but she left the rest for us. Here.} Remi greeted them with snacks in all her hands.

“You’re a lifesaver, Remi. I totally forgot about the food until everyone had already run away. Apparently these are a specialty of the Dwarven city, and we got enough for everyone, including the apprentices, so I’ll go pass them all out.” Karl explained.

Remi handed him a wrap and shook her head.

{I’ll deliver them all. We’re on a break from the potion lab anyhow. You have to let their brains rest, or they get cranky.} She explained.

Davis shook his head in dismay. “They’re only demons, you can’t work them day and night.”

Remi nodded in agreement, but didn’t seem at all repentant about working her apprentices until their brains overloaded. In her mind, that was the most efficient way. Like building muscles, you had to train to failure, right?

At least they were properly appreciative when she brought them snacks.

The ladies were gone for most of the day, and returned fully caffeinated before venturing into the Library for a girls’ movie night. That let Karl get some much-needed rest while they bonded, and Nachtia made new friends among the Clergy.

He was up right at dawn, thanks to the quiet evening, and went for an early breakfast before heading to the workshop to see what needed to be done.

Karl took the chance to make a number of items that were waiting for Rune work, according to the list that had been left on the table in the sculpting area.

But before he got too involved in the process, he dropped all the rough ore that the illusions had mined from the dungeon, along with the weapon drops. He put the spider totem statue in Remi’s space, next to the other Shaman Statue.

This one was the more powerful of the two, but Karl wasn’t sure if the Spider Shaman totem would be well suited to Remi or not.

“The weapons are all mediocre, but they’re Overlord Ranked. I say we let the Guild Members pick anything they want, and then you can sort the rest. The first quarter of the ore is piled in the corner, I will put the rest in the bulk storage of the Guild Bank. It’s just too much to put in the forge.” Karl explained as Ashbringer came in behind him.

“Did you just take all the ore from the run?” The demon asked.

“Nobody wanted it, and I mined it with illusions, and the Butterfly’s help. I also got a free entry pass to the Dungeon, so the whole group got to enter free of charge. That was apparently worth more than their share of the ore.”

Ashbringer nodded. “I have heard that the dungeon there is prohibitively expensive to enter, but now that I see what you can recover in a single run, plus presumably some coin, it is more than worth it.

Going with more groups that don’t want the ore will keep the guild stocked forever. Even this portion will take me months to finish working, and it’s all Overlord Ranked crafting materials.

Wait, are there gems in there?”

Karl nodded. “I didn’t sort anything, we just shovelled it into a space, and then I dumped it out for you. There are a lot of Overlord Ranked rough gems in the ore pile. But you can pass them to the crafters to carve into either elemental stones or cute statues.

Tell them not to upgrade those ones, I will do that. No need to waste the expensive materials on Commander Rank Runes.”

Ashbringer laughed and began to sort the pile into five different piles by ore type.

“This is a wonderful start. There is even Mythril in here. It’s a core component in Elven steel, but the Dwarves make entire Totem Rank and higher weapons out of it. Just what I’ve found here is enough for two pure Mythril blades. It’s basically the perfect material for making Artifact Grade items.” Ashbringer praised as he worked.

Karl looked up from carving runes into an [Easy Childbirth] charm, which was highly requested on the list of items to be made.

If that many people wanted the same type of charm, surely someone wanted an Overlord Ranked one, which was pushing the limits of the Monarch Ranked wood that Lotus had been making for them to carve.

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