Chapter 1501 - 1501: Studying you

Shireen gave an expectant nod as she saw Lex’s reaction. She was long familiar with the behavior of the resort, and although they offered the very best services, they also charged similarly.

Considering that their primary target audience were Dao Lords, they weren’t really concerned that those of lower cultivation levels found their prices to be too high or outrageous. After all, even those of lower cultivation levels who visited their resort were, more often than not, affiliated with Dao level organizations.

Moreover, everything that the resort used was of the highest quality, and was not only rare and difficult to find, in certain cases it was practically impossible to acquire based solely on wealth. Being able to buy something from them was already the resort showing great favor, regardless of the price offered.

Meanwhile, Lex was looking at the figure quoted in front of him, his mind racing as he tried to explain it. With the immense self control he had, there was no way he could have allowed his jaw to drop unless he wanted it to. Yet he needed to show such a reaction, first to assuage Shireens expectations of the immense price he would have to pay, and secondly to satisfy the resort’s expectation. After all, they were offering to sell him the Brimming Dream Lotus for the whopping price of absolutely free!

The fact that Licanderoth asked him not to share the price could have been standard procedure, but Lex felt like it was because they didn’t want to spread word that they had given out something for free. What he didn’t understand was why they would do such a thing.

Even if the governor of the Origin realm had splurged to give him the Premium Package, it should not include the price for any shopping he wanted to do.

“This… I think I might need to talk to someone before accepting such a price. I was mentally prepared for a high price, yet something like this is highly unusual.”

“Such a response was already anticipated. If you would follow me, I can take you to our Concierge Atelier, who usually handles such requests from guests. Afterwards, you will be set to continue the remainder of your services. Due to some unexpected occurrences, the timing for your Baptism has moved forward.”

Lex nodded and turned to Shireen.

“Please excuse me while I handle this matter. I’ll come see you before I leave, and we can finalize the matter of your request.”

“Very well. I will wait for you. I wish you a fruitful negotiation.”

Lex gave her an appreciative nod, though he doubted it was possible to negotiate a deal better than the one he was already getting.

Lex followed Licanderoth into the light, and realized it was acting like a portal. Next moment he found himself inside a very comfortable looking office, though it was empty save him and Lincaderoth.

Lex assumed that they would wait for someone, but unexpectedly, Licanderoth walked up to the leather sofa right in front of him and took a seat.

“Please, Lex, have a seat. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to have an open chat with you. Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Lincanderoth Morvaine, company commander of the fifth Seraph Battalion. As you can probably imagine, acting as a guest valet is not usually under my purview.”

Lex was both surprised, and yet not so surprised by the sudden reveal. He took a seat opposite to Licanderoth, and took a moment to figure out how the Seraphim was able to sit on a sofa of a normal design with four massive wings on his back, folded though they may be.

It seemed like in their folded state, the wings turned into light, not impeding the Seraphim in any way.

“No, unless the Seraphim army operates quite differently from the armies I know, I doubt commanders often see to guests at a resort. I would introduce myself, but I suppose that’s not really necessary.”

“Hah, very good! No, no I assure you our army operates like a normal one. Please forgive me for introducing myself earlier. Outside of these walls, my identity is not really known. More importantly, since I had taken up a role as a valet, I had to act it out properly.”

“It’s no trouble. I suppose I have to thank you for the generous price I received for the lotus?”

“Oh no, I had nothing to do with that. I suppose I should explain. The truth is that your Heavens Guidance was a little abnormal compared to what we usually host, and though you suffered no harm, the resort is extremely apologetic for exposing you to potential danger.

“If you had not raised the request for the lotus, the resort would have presented you with another gift of some sort as a token of their apology. Since you made the request, you actually made life for the resort much easier. When you are ready to leave the resort, you will be given the lotus as long as you sign on a statement accepting that neither you nor the Innkeeper will hold the resort responsible for this slight oversight.

“By the way, I am not usually a part of the resort, so I have no reservations admitting that I’m impressed by how scared the resort is of the Innkeeper. I’ve never seen them behave this way. It makes one wonder what he’s done to deserve such a reputation.”

Lex had no idea why Licanderoth was so interested in him, especially since everything he had witnessed so far made it seem like the Seraphim were strongly against the Humanoid Alliance even if, so far, they were maintaining neutrality within the resort.

It couldn’t be helped. Even if it had been countless years, their history made it impossible for Lex to believe that they were neutral. That was exactly why he wanted so strongly to maintain the Inn as a neutral place. Yet his actions against the Fuegan, and the minor support he had shown for the human race might already be enough to paint a certain amount of bias towards a few groups.

Most importantly, at some point along the way, he must have done something that had an influence he wasn’t aware of, or else the Seraphim wouldn’t be afraid of the Innkeeper, as Licanderoth claimed – if he was telling the truth. Even if the Innkeepers reputation depicted him as being strong, there was no reason why the resort should have been afraid of a lone Dao Lord.

“If I had to guess, it would have something to do with them respecting him for being an excellent host. As far as I know, the Innkeeper has had no confrontations with anyone for there to be any ‘intimidating reputation’ to speak of. Speaking of reputations, I didn’t even know I had enough of a reputation to garner such attention from a company commander.”

Licanderoth chuckled, as if he found Lex’s statement amusing.

“Indeed, it is too early for you to begin seeing the effects of your reputation, but believe me, you very much have a very strong reputation that is only set to grow further. Since your primary focus is the hospitality business, I expect you’re not too familiar with the finer details of how the army works. Am I right?”

“What’s there not to understand? Armies are deterrents and weapons to be used against enemies. It’s not that complicated.”

“And yet, running an army is far from simple,” Licanderoth insisted. “Every officer needs to go through numerous training to ensure they’re properly qualified for the position they fill, and often enough officers are sent to allying realms to receive their latest training and as a form of exchange to keep relations close. I, myself, am set to be shipped off to the Origin realm soon to undergo training in Special Operation Strategies. Based on the brief I’ve gotten, we’re going to be studying your strategy to eliminate Sanguis Pluvia for the entire duration of our training.

“I’m sure the training won’t cover the more sensitive areas of your operation, for which information will surely remain classified. Even so, knowing that you oversaw the operations while being on the field yourself… I was very impressed. It’s a remarkable feat you’ve accomplished, one that countless have failed to do before you.

“When I found out you were coming here, I had to take the opportunity to meet you, and I must say, you did not disappoint. I won’t pry on how you did it, but just witnessing you experience Heaven’s Guidance for so many days without the slightest repercussion was an honor.”

Lex smiled softly, as if the recognition was quite flattering for him. In truth, he was realizing that he had never realized that others might study his actions in so much detail. He had to be even more careful in all his ventures moving forward.

“Please, you’re flattering me. In truth, I did nothing special. I was just at the right place at the right time, and I had a good team to back me up.”

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