Lex recalled that the mysterious, unnamed guest could not receive any MP and had to use a card given to him by Lex because the system couldn’t detect him. In fact, he had spent months within the Inn, and yet the system not only did not detect him, it didn’t put up any of the usual defensive measures it put up in the face of a Dao Lord.
Lex was incredibly intimidated by him, not because he was a Dao Lord of unspeakable power, but because he had the uncanny ability to detect any thought Lex had about him, even if he didn’t use his name. Hopefully, the distance of a realm made it so that particular guest could no longer sense Lex thinking about him.
If there was some notorious criminal hiding inside the Inn, then he was the only candidate that Lex could think up of. The problem was… he technically wasn’t even a paying customer of the Inn, yet Lex could not kick him out either. How dare he kick out a Dao Lord? In fact, the only complaint he had to begin with was that if he had been detectable by the system, he would have gotten some kind of reward for hosting a Dao Lord. But since he was undetectable, Lex was not only missing out on the MP, he was missing out on the reward as well.
Now though… if that guest really was some kind of criminal, and word about his presence at the Inn had spread, then it really might attract a kind of trouble that Lex really wasn’t ready to face.
“Hey Mary, is there any way I can trick the system into giving me another one of those Butter Knives? The full powered ones? If not then how can I raise the power of the Butter Knife so that it’s a serious threat?”
“I believe the system has already given you a list of items required to raise the level of the Butter Knife,” Mary responded.
“Yes, but that list is pointless,” lamented Lex. “I’ve never heard of a single one of those items, and even the Infinity Emporium hasn’t been able to locate a majority of them. Even if it is able to do that, how many levels are there before the knife can be a serious threat to enemies of a very high level? I mean like the Dao level.”
“Oh, that’s basically impossible,” said Mary. “At least until you help the system recover to 100% of its strength, that’s impossible. Even the full powered Butter Knife can, at most, be considered a peak Demi-Dao Lord item at best.”
“You say that, yet a lot of people are very impressed by the Karmic powers the Innkeeper displayed when that Butter Knife was used. In fact, it was because of that attack that so many people consider the Innkeeper a very powerful Dao Lord.”
“There’s no point in arguing with me. I’m telling you like it is. If you used that Butter Knife on a Dao Lord, it would not harm them at all. Only Demi-Dao Lords could suffer from its power. The point is, you already have a way to upgrade the Butter Knife. Now if it’s not easy, there’s nothing I can do about that.”
Lex groaned internally, but it was a fact. He’d even listed the required items in the Guild room of his Inn, but so far no one had responded to any of them.
For the moment, without any good option, Lex was forced to do pretty much the same thing he’d been doing since the very beginning of his cultivation journey – take things as they come and bluff through his problems.
“Well, as long as a guest does not break a rule of the Inn, the Inn will not turn anyone away,” said Lex to Licanderoth. “I’m sure the Innkeeper has things well in hand.”
Around the same time, within the Midnight Inn, Wu Kong was pulling back a chair for a charming young lady. Brandon finally compromised, and stopped pestering Wu Kong about going on a blind date with someone from his family.
Then, using a technicality, he introduced Wu Kong to a young lady from his wife’s family. Since they weren’t blood relatives, he technically hadn’t lied.
“My sincerest apologies for putting you through this,” Wu Kong said politely. At the moment he had taken on the appearance of a human with a blond beard, instead of the monkey appearance he usually preferred. Naturally, since he was going on a date with a human, he too had to appear as a human.
“Not at all. Uncle Brandon is super friendly, so when he recommended someone for a blind date, I knew he’d have good taste. I just didn’t expect his friend to be…”
The girl looked at Wu Kong, and then just blushed instead of completing her sentence.
Wu Kong chuckled appreciatively.
“Please, take a look at the menu and order something. I just need to freshen up for a moment.”
The girl nodded, not even questioning why a cultivator would need to go to the restroom. Wu Kong hurried to the restroom and locked the door.
His reflection in the mirror looked like his monkey form, in full armor, holding his spear.
“Don’t give me that look. Brandon pressured me into this,” Wu Kong said to his reflection, who only snorted.
The human Wu Kong plucked a few hairs from his beard and sprinkled them in the air and watched as they all morphed into more of him. Then, just for good measure, he did so with a few random hairs from all over his body. Soon, over fifty Wu Kongs were standing in the bathroom with him.
Each and every one of his clones, formed from his hair, could use the full strength that he himself had at his disposal.
“Please see to it that no guests interrupt my date. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen someone.”
Wu Kong got mixed responses, from whistles to groans, yet a moment later all his clones disappeared.
In a certain realm the fifty Wu Kong appeared and then began to pluck their own hairs, summoning more and more clones, until they went from fifty, to hundreds, to thousands, each of them just as powerful as the original Wu Kong.
Then they disappeared as well, gone to intercept anyone who might dare to interrupt his forced vacation.
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