Chapter 506: Prayer

"Uh-oh!" Emperor Kong's expression changed drastically.

The power of the Black Lightning was something he had just experienced within the Dark Cloud. It would take at least a Seventh Order expert to withstand it. However, even for him, there was no way to withstand so much Black Lightning.

Inside Rainless City, there were many residents of the Red Alert Empire!

As a high-ranking member of the Empire, if he couldn't even protect his own people, how could he go on?

In an instant, Emperor Kong thought of a solution: he would use his own domain to cover the entire city, even if it meant that his domain would be shattered, and he would be seriously injured.

Just as he was about to take action, a semi-transparent membrane suddenly enveloped the entire Rainless City. This membrane felt very familiar to him.

Countless bolts of Black Lightning rained down below, in the despairing eyes of the people, but they were all blocked by that seemingly inconspicuous membrane!

Outside, the Black Lightning was deafening, but inside Rainless City, people were unharmed. They knew that this thin membrane had saved them.

"This seems to be..." Emperor Kong looked at Spy.

"Yes, it's the Superweapon that the Red Alert Base possesses, the Iron Curtain Device."

Under the defense of the Iron Curtain Device, the Black Lightning had no effect. Unfortunately, the Dark Cloud in the sky had no intelligence; it only knew how to relentlessly bombard, with no sense of restraint.

Seeing that Rainless City was safe, Emperor Kong once again turned his attention to the Dark Cloud. This thing had to be dealt with, but he couldn't do it alone. He needed help from others.

Just then, a figure appeared not far from Emperor Kong—it was a former member of the Ghost Clan, an eighth-order expert.

"Emperor Kong, we have some records of this thing in the former Ghost Clan. It's created using the resentful energy from Shadow Ghosts combined with the techniques of the Ghost Master. Our former Ghost Clan's energy is very similar to that of the Ghost Master. Maybe we can eliminate the Dark Cloud."

Emperor Kong was overjoyed because as long as they got rid of the Dark Cloud, their city would not be under attack.

"Good, what do you need? I can provide it for you," Emperor Kong made his promise.

He knew that these former Ghost Clan members were currently under the control of Libra, but for now, they were on his side. Any disagreements could be dealt with after the Ghost Clan.

"We need a large quantity of Energy Crystals."

So far, Emperor Kong and his group had acquired a large number of black Energy Crystals. They couldn't use them directly; they needed an Energy Conversion Device to transform the energy inside before they could absorb and utilize it.

Due to the extensive battles and the influence of black Energy Crystals, the strength of their Earth human warriors had improved rapidly. If it weren't for the presence of so many Ghost Clan members, this would have been an excellent place for training.

Emperor Kong waved his hand, and many Energy Crystals were sent to the former Ghost Clan members.

He provided them with a place to stay in a corner of the city. They were well-behaved and didn't harm any humans.

Emperor Kong had some interactions with the former Ghost Clan members and found that they had no feelings toward humans. They didn't hate them, but they didn't particularly like them either. They had come here because of Libra's orders, and their hatred for the later Ghost Clan was beyond words.

Emperor Kong didn't know the full story of these former Ghost Clan members and why they despised their own kind, the later Ghost Clan. However, this situation was beneficial to them.

Humans were relatively weak and needed a powerful ally, and the arrival of the former Ghost Clan members was timely.

A large number of Energy Crystals were placed on the ground by the former Ghost Clan members. The eighth-order former Ghost Clan member stood in the center of the crystals, closed his eyes, and gradually, a faint energy emanated from the surrounding Energy Crystals, converging towards the top of his head.

At this moment, the other former Ghost Clan members around him assumed devout expressions, quietly reciting prayers as if they were praying to a deity.

Emperor Kong and his group stood nearby, quietly discussing.

"Do you think they are trying to invoke magic?" Emperor Yu was the first to speak.

"It does seem like it. Did any of you hear what they were saying? I thought I heard the word 'deity,'" White Emperor leaned in to hear more clearly.

Several Human Emperors listened quietly and indeed heard the words 'deity.' Were they praying to a deity?

When it came to deities, they immediately thought of a particular race: the Dream Shadow Clan.

They had received information from Su Chen that the Dream Shadow Clan was considered a deity in the minds of many races.

"The deity they are praying to couldn't be the Dream Shadow Clan, could it?"

Thinking of this possibility, even the usually composed Eastern Emperor felt uneasy.

The Dream Shadow Clan on Earth, if not for Su Chen's formidable strength, would have already wiped out Earth. If another Dream Shadow Clan were to emerge here, it would be disastrous.

At this point, the former Ghost Clan's prayer seemed to have ended. A pitch-black sphere appeared above the head of the eighth-order former Ghost Clan member, containing the energy from all the surrounding Energy Crystals. If this thing were to explode, it could probably destroy the entire city.

The eighth-order former Ghost Clan member raised the pitch-black sphere high and hurled it toward the Dark Cloud in the sky.


The pitch-black sphere slammed into the Dark Cloud with a dull thud, and then they saw it—the Dark Cloud was gradually dissipating on its own, as if it had triggered some kind of reaction.

In less than a minute, the Dark Cloud that had covered the entire Rainless City disappeared.

Su Chen witnessed this and immediately notified Su Er and the others of the solution. After all, his Iron Curtain Device could only be used once, and he couldn't help Su Er and the others' cities.

If it weren't for the appearance of the former Ghost Clan members, his city would have suffered heavy losses this time.

By the time Su Er and the others contacted the former Ghost Clan members to eliminate the Dark Cloud in the same way, a torrent of Black Lightning poured down.

"Everyone, attack the Dark Cloud! Those unable to fight, take cover!" Su Er and the others immediately gave orders. They urged the former Ghost Clan to eliminate the Dark Cloud, as they couldn't afford to wait.

The intensity of the Black Lightning attacks was at most equivalent to that of a Seventh Order expert. With the small Psychic shields on the Red Alert soldiers, they could withstand at least one round of Black Lightning. However, the city's residents did not have such protection.

With a deafening boom, a building vanished, along with the people inside.

In less than half a minute, Su Chen heard the voice of the System: "Casualties are approaching fifty percent. Please be advised that if losses exceed thirty percent, the mission will fail."

Time passed, and the casualties continued to mount. When the losses reached twenty percent, the Dark Cloud over the nine cities was finally destroyed, leaving behind a city pockmarked with craters.

Su Chen had never expected that this time, it would be the former Ghost Clan members under Libra's command who would help them complete the mission.

"When Libra returns, we must reward her generously. But what does Libra like?" (To be continued...)

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