Chapter 528: A Living Example

Taru wasn't the only one curious about this deity; Su Chen was equally intrigued. After all, it went against scientific logic for Ghost Clan to gain tremendous power simply by praying to a deity.

"How do you plan to proceed?" Su Chen asked.

"I intend to enter the core of the Ghost Clan and inquire about relevant information."

"With your current body?"

Taru fell silent. It seemed he had just realized that he was no longer the same as before. In his prime, he possessed strength equivalent to that of a Small Galaxy-level expert. However, he was now using a newly created body that had no power except for a bit of Psychic power.

"I will have someone else handle this matter. Your current task is to continue researching Qiluo Civilization's technology with Yun Ru. Base development takes precedence. I'll inform you once we discover the true identity of the Ghost Clan deity."

"Understood, Commander," Taru replied, following Su Chen's orders and returning to the research laboratory.

With Taru's assistance, breakthroughs were made in various technological research areas, especially in the most powerful Qiluo Civilization spatial technology. According to Taru, he could modify the Hyperspace Teleportation Device to extend its teleportation range beyond its current limits.

For Su Chen, this was of paramount importance. He had used the Hyperspace Teleportation Device powered by the System to arrive on Yan Yun Star so quickly. Otherwise, he wouldn't have known how long it would take to reach Yan Yun Star using a Warship.

After Taru left, Su Chen contacted Spy Number Three directly.

"Number Three, do you have any confidence in extracting information about the Ghost Clan deity from other Ghost Masters?"

"Commander, Number Three will complete the mission without fail!" Spy Number Three's tone was serious. She knew this mission would likely expose her identity, but she was willing to fulfill Commander's request even at the cost of her life.

"With your current abilities, it might be a bit challenging. I will have Number Two join you for this mission."

As a disguised City Lord, Spy Number One couldn't easily make a move, so only Spy Number Two could assist.

However, their positions were somewhat distant, and it might take some time.

Su Chen quickly briefed Spy Number Two on the mission.

"Commander, my current identity is that of a Ghost King from a medium-sized tribe. Sneaking away inconspicuously might be troublesome. Unless I abandon my current identity and create a fake death scenario," Spy Number Two suggested.

"Don't rush into faking your death just yet. The identity of a medium-sized tribe's Ghost King should not go to waste. You can do this..."

After listening to Commander's instructions, Spy Number Two felt a deep sense of admiration. Commander truly lived up to his reputation and far surpassed her in strategic thinking.

Su Chen's method was simple—make the most of the existing resources. Since Spy Number Two intended to abandon her current identity, she could use her role as a medium-sized tribe's Ghost King to leave a lasting impact, making her death meaningful.

Coincidentally, the reputation of the Restoration Army had been on the decline recently. This mission was an opportunity to remind the world of the Restoration Army's strength.

Yes, Prince Hewlett had work to do again.

When he received Su Chen's orders to lead the Restoration Army to attack a medium-sized tribe of the Ghost Clan in a distant location, he was utterly bewildered. There were Ghost Clans much closer; why go so far?

"Could there be a deeper meaning behind this?" Hewlett couldn't fathom that it was simply a passing thought of Su Chen's.

Wasting resources was not a good habit.

Su Chen issued his orders, and Prince Hewlett had no choice but to lead the Restoration Army there. However, this time, Su Chen didn't provide them with large transport aircraft; they had to travel entirely on the ground.

Prince Hewlett's face turned pale upon hearing this. They were expected to march all the way there?

Certainly, they would encounter many Ghost Clan on the way, and by the time they reached their destination, their army would likely suffer significant losses.

"Commander, isn't this too troublesome?" Prince Hewlett didn't dare to openly oppose the order and had to find an indirect way.

"Not at all. If we run out of soldiers, we can easily recruit more. Many people have expressed a desire to join the Restoration Army lately."

With this response from Su Chen, Prince Hewlett knew he had no choice but to carry out the mission.

The mobilization of the Restoration Army raised eyebrows, especially among the Ghost Clan and the Human Alliance. They were curious about why the Restoration Army was causing trouble again. However, they couldn't comprehend why the Restoration Army was heading in this particular direction.

At this moment, Tanya's voice came through, "Commander, a soldier just reported to me that in a small tribe, all the Ghost Clan members died from poisoning. The death toll among the Ghost Clan has reached eighty thousand, including an 8th Order Early-Term Ghost King."

Poisoning an entire small tribe of Ghost Clan was an extraordinary feat that could not be accomplished by ordinary means.

"Who could have done this?"

"Based on the investigation by our soldiers sent to that area, it's highly likely the work of the Parasitic Species."

Su Chen suddenly remembered the Parasitic Species, a character he had almost forgotten. The toxicity of the Parasitic Species was astonishing, as it could poison an eighth-order Ghost Clan member to death. This made him wonder if it would also affect ninth-order Ghost Clan members.

A thought crossed his mind: if he sent the Parasitic Species to a large Ghost Clan stronghold, could it poison all the Ghost Clan members to death?

"Parasitic Species, where are you?"

"Commander, I'm currently near a Ghost Clan tribe, preparing to poison them. How can I assist you?"

Su Chen wiped his brow in exasperation. Why had this individual suddenly developed a penchant for poisoning, a potentially promising skill?

"Did you poison that small tribe earlier?"


"Can your toxin kill ninth-order Ghost Clan members?"

"I haven't tried. I don't know."

Parasitic Species remained as straightforward as ever, but that was precisely what Su Chen needed.

"If you have the opportunity, find a ninth-order Ghost Clan member to test it on. Make sure you don't get yourself killed."

After ending the communication with Parasitic Species, Su Chen contacted Su Er and the others. It had been some time since they had been stationed in their respective cities, and he wanted to know the situation there.

"Commander, as per your orders, we have gradually accepted some people into the Red Alert Empire. However, we rejected those involved in criminal activities. These individuals started causing trouble behind the scenes, but we apprehended them all and conducted a public trial. This action seems to have strengthened the cohesion of the new residents toward the Empire."

"What about the former Ghost Clan members?"

"They are living peacefully in the designated areas we assigned to them. A small number of people seem to have started interacting with them without any conflicts." Su Chen nodded slightly. Ever since Taru became part of his team, he had considered the Ghost Clan as potential subjects. However, he mainly referred to the former Ghost Clan members. Among the latter, many were involved in wrongdoing and had to be eliminated. To make the Ghost Clan submit, they had to be terrified, preventing any ulterior motives.

Earth's Mutant Beasts and Mutants were living examples of this. (To be continued)

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