The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 533 The knife hanging on everybody’s necks

Chapter 533 The knife hanging on everybody's necks

Jiang Zhen walked in front of his guards, taking heavy steps as if they were on a guillotine. The guards were extremely terrified. The tension in the air was unbearable. Nobody dared to speak.

He shot a cold and threatening stare at everybody, making a chill run through their spine.

"How did Li Dong come to know that Yang Mingshen and I were going to meet Wei?"

Silence. Inwardly, everybody was confused.

"Some guard told his guard about our meeting and Li Dong called me asking for an explanation," he tilted his head. "I don't like explaining myself to anybody, especially not someone like Li Dong. So who leaked the news?"

The guards furiously shook their heads.

"We didn't, Boss. N-Nobody met here any of Mr. Li's guards."

"You mean to say that I am lying?"

He paled. "Of course not, Boss!"

"That means somebody told Li Dong about me. I am amazed. Since when did my guards get the courage to gossip about things behind my back? Somebody dared to bring trouble to me?"

Nobody responded.

"I see. None of you will come out to spit the truth," he smiled.

The same guard stammered as he spoke, "B-Boss we have always been loyal to you. I swear on behalf of everyone here. Nobody said anything to Mr. Li's guards…"

The chill increased.

Jiang Zhen twirled the gun in his hands carelessly and narrowed his eyes.

"Guess nobody wants to answer so…"

He stood in front of the guard who was speaking this whole time. He trembled and lowered his head.

Jiang Zhen clutched his hair and forced him to look up. The terror was visible in his eyes. Q monster stood in front of him, carrying his death sentence.

"Well then I have to kill somebody to quench my anger. I don't like people to tattle tale. I thought I had been clear when you first came into this world. Alas…"


He shot a bullet through his mouth that tore apart the back of his throat and escaped. Blood and some sticky parts spew out, making the others want to puke. The guard collapsed, dead.

Jiang Zhen let out an amusing and evil chuckle. "Oops. My finger slipped. Poor man died. I didn't mean to."

A sharp silence descended in the air.

"Then who will be next?"

Their legs shook.

"Does the traitor feel like coming out now? Either one of my guards is leaking out information or Li Dong has slipped one of his guards into my army. If it's the latter, then I commend his courage. He wants to trap me the same way I trapped Wei."


"Tsk. I always knew it was a bad choice teaming up with Li Dong. But I didn't know he would show hiscl colors so soon. Jiang Zhen doesn't tolerate betrayal."

The stench of blood blew in the air, making everybody nauseous.

"I am giving you until tomorrow," Jiang Zhen yawned. "Nobody would step out of the base until then. As long as I don't find the traitor, I will keep this game going. So this is up to you when it will end. Actually, this is fun," he laughed, "The innocent guards here will keep on begging for their innocence. But I will kill them nevertheless. It's better to not have any suspicion at all, right? Then the last one standing would be the traitor," he brightened. "Am I correct?"

Even though they were grown men who had callously killed a lot of men, women and children and seen a lot of deaths and blood, they still shivered in fear. Nothing could beat the sadistic streak in Jiang Zhen.

He didn't just kill people. He enjoyed himself in the act. They had no idea how he would kill the next time? Bullet? Knife? Acid? What kind of torture would he choose next?

"Decide among yourself."

The moment Jiang Zhen left, they felt the pressure disappear. Everybody collapsed on the ground and realized their knees were shaking this whole time.

One of the guards kneeled in front of the man who just killed. He bit his lip hard.

"You…you idiot! I always tell you not to open your mouth unnecessarily. It will get you killed! If you had remained silent, Boss wouldn't have made you his target!"

"Hey why are you crying for him?" Another asked.

He glared at him. "Shut up!"

They were all strangers to each other so they didn't know about each other's backgrounds.

The guard who grieved the death had joined the Underworld with him around the same time. They didn't exactly call themselves as friends, but they had certainly grown more familiar than just guards doing their jobs.

"At least he stood up for us. He swore on our behalf that nobody is a traitor! You could be a little respectful to that. Did you have the galls to speak? Neither did I! Only he had!"

"You…this is a cold place! There is no use getting emotional here, dumbass!"

The other guard leapt on his feet and attacked him. "I know! I know more than anyone else how cold this world is! That doesn't mean I can act as if nothing happened! Boss killed him in front of us!"

"Yeah, so what?" He retaliated. "Are you gonna rebel? Get over it. Don't act as if you haven't killed innocent people!"

He clenched his jaw.

The other men stopped their fight. "Enough! This is not the time to fucking fight among ourselves! Who is the traitor here? Just come out!"

Naturally, nobody did.

Another one exclaimed. "This is ridiculous! If this goes on, we all will be killed one by one!"

"What should we do now?"

"What else? We have to figure out who that guard is who leaked the information!"

"Hey-hey…Boss cannot be serious, right? He cannot kill everybody like that…"

One sneered. "What do you expect? Were you in some fantasy land until now? He is one sadistic man. He won't stop until he finds that man and kills him. Until this is solved, the knife is hanging on everybody's necks."

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