Chapter 1412 The Sorrow Of Andar And Staff (final)

Chapter 1412  The Sorrow Of Andar And Staff (final)

Staff sat up from the moving platform stretching her hands as if she had woken up from a long sleep which was not far from the truth, Andar observed that she was trying not to glance at the Angels around her, pushing Vraegar aside who were trying to climb her shoulder like a little bird she turned towards Andar after she had observed the surroundings and saw that they were being moved by Andar,

“I don’t recognize this space,” her Will brushing against Andar’s own, “where are we heading?”

“Oh, even I don’t know the name of this space, I gained access to it a few thousand years ago but I don’t use it much often and I have never bothered to give it a name; it is a space that is just below the Tunnel of Time, accessible to those who touch the upper domain of speed like I can. To answer your second question, we are heading towards Booze Palace. I thought after everything, that might just be the place that we need.”

Staff scrunched her brows in confusion before her eyes lit up, as she smiled,

“It’s been a while since we returned. I have missed it. I wanted to go on ahead with the resurrection of my father, but is this really the right time?”

Andar shrugged, “We were there just seven thousand years ago, Staff, I thought you… we need to relax after what happened, and the incoming trial and resurrection of your father even though it might not seem like it at the moment, I am sure it would be very dangerous, your history extends beyond Trion and the Dominators, and your lineage is not simple, do not expect what comes next to be easy, and before then, we should find ourselves for a bit.”

“Yeah, that…” Staff looked away, her gaze a bit forlorn before she brightened once more, “You know, if there were any place that my father would like to see again, it would be Booze Palace.”

“Hey, Booze Palace was created by him, right? I heard of that place, but I never had a chance to go, with the universe ending and all that.” Vraegar, who had been following the conversation between Andar and Staff, interjected, his cute red eyes bright with curiosity as he tried and failed to suppress a yawn.

Staff nodded in affirmation, “Yes, he always loved his drinks, a little bit too much according to my mum, but he could never find the exact ones that he loved, there were always flaws, or they did not just exist, and so he made Booze Palace to be known across several galaxies, and he gathered the best drinks that were available under the stars and for those that he could not find, he made. He would get this idea in his head about an exotic taste, and he would visit numerous worlds just to gather the right ingredients to bring to life that taste he had inside his head; he shared that with anyone who came to visit. You should have seen the joy in his eyes when they applauded his creation. My father was a simple man, but in his simplicity was profound contentment.”

“Damn, I wished I could have visited.” Vraegar growled, “to see him like that.”

Staff chuckled, “I don’t think you have missed much. At least I don’t think so. The present Booze Palace is now known across several dimensions. Circe and Archimedes have done a great job in expanding the tavern that my father started on a whim to become something that is known not just in a single universe, but in the higher realms. Their creations are also marvelous and I am sure my father would appreciate the care they placed into his tavern. I am glad that this part of him has remained for so long.”

Andar seeing the laughter on the faces of Staff felt a similar urge to laugh, her energy was that infectious, and he nudged her with a brush of his Spirit,

“I have always thought of your father as an unstoppable warrior, someone that even Rowan respects his might, and you know how impossible it is to draw out something like that from him. I don’t know, just can’t see him as an owner of a tavern, serving drinks, brewing them… guess there is much I don’t know about these might figure.”

“Oh, trust me, he was not much different on the battlefield and in the tavern; he simply has this effortless grace around him in every situation. Whether in combat or as a bartender, he just… was.” Staff shook her head in remembrance, “That made him scary Andar, because you could never predict his next moves. One minute, he is laughing, and the next, he is killing, and he switches between these two extremes so effortlessly, I have come to understand that for him, there is no difference. Every moment for him is a fucking battle.”

Andar was silent for a while as he contemplated the words of Staff and then he looked ahead, “We would soon be reaching our destination. We can relax there for a few decades, perhaps a century or two, and help Circe and Archimedes with the tavern, I know you worked there with your father, it would be a good thing to refamiliarize yourself with the process again, and then we can return to Rowan and begin the resurrection of your father. What do you think?”

“That’s a good pl–”

Reality ahead tore open and a powerful Celestial presence emerged that seemed to be made out of darkness and was effortlessly keeping up with the traveling platform, the tongues of flames that surrounded the platform bent in the middle as they acknowledged the presence of a superior force in their midst,

“Child of the Creator,” the Celestial presence addressed Andar, “Friend of the Creator,” nodding toward Staff, “I am Sundown, a Cherubim of the Creator and you are both summoned to his presence.”

There was silence on the platform for a moment as the trio came to terms with this new addition to Rowan’s Angelic Hosts. The last time they were with him, his greatest Angels were Powers, and now what was here with them was an order of magnitude more powerful, however, they were able to rapidly recover from their shock as they were now used to Rowan’s strangeness and Staff stepped forward, anger in her tone,

“Hey,” Staff growled, “After the stunt we pulled off, we deserve a few thousand years of recuperation. The reason I followed your master for so long was the promise of the return of my father. I am too close to achieving that I will not be dragged into another reality-breaking journey again… at least, not yet.”

The Cherubim smoothly bowed his head a bit, “I apologize, friend of the Creator, but I assure you, your time will not be wasted, and I will deliver you to your destination after this meeting more quickly than you would have arrived following him,” the Cherubims gestured with a hand made of darkness towards Andar.

Andar nodded towards Staff, “He’s right. We are close to Booze Palace but it would take us a day before we reach. With the speed of this Angel, we can be there in ten minutes; we lose nothing returning to Rowan. I am sure that every time he gives out his summons, the reasons are extremely important, and we would not regret going.”

“That was what I was worried about,” Staff muttered as she backed off, knowing that there was no more reason to argue this matter.

“Eh, before we leave,” Vraegar scratches his head, ” Can you guys go to the location of my main body? I have gone much farther than I anticipated, and I can’t return quickly without my subordinates. Things in the realm I am currently in have changed.”

Andar frowned, ” What has changed? For the last million years, you have been regaling us with the stories of your great progress and the battles you have been relishing. Why are you now so eager to leave?”

” Well, this thing is kinda your fault. I was toying with these fools for all these years and I was at the edge of seizing the core of an eighth dimension remnant, but apparently, the Memory of Drakul has just returned, and now I am fighting for my life.”

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