The Villain's Redemption

Chapter 265 - Treacherous World of Politics

Chapter 265 - Treacherous World of Politics

Without even waiting for Mo Li to say something, Liu Cheng’er already invited Bella to the conference room along with everyone else. Of course, Bella only told her that she wasn’t her boss. She was Mo Li’s secretary! Why was Liu Cheng’er treating her as if she was working for her? In the end, Liu Cheng’er could only glare at Bella before marching towards the conference room.

Seeing Liu Cheng’er gone, Bella immediately went inside Mo Li’s office. "Did something happen?" To her surprise, Mo Li was only smiling at her.

"Did you call my father?"

"Yes, he will come along with your mother and grandmother," she nodded without even wondering how did Mo Li know.

"So, the governor?"

"Hmmm." Mo Li nodded. "You were right, she indeed used the business this time." Mo Li said. However, there was no trace of anger in his eyes. In fact, he was smiling. Amus.e.m.e.nt flashed in his face as he leaned against his chair while calmly calling someone on his phone. "Hey, yes I heard about it. Please release some tidbits of news pointing the leak of information into my company and some articles that might be from the Mo Family. Of course, I’m sure. Alright, I’ll call you later."

Bella only lifted an eyebrow. She knew that Mo Li was smart and cunning. However, she never expected him to be this decision when it comes to the Mo Family. He actually used his own business to ruin his family? Bella knew that this company should be something that Mo Li built from scratch. How could he abandon this just to destroy the Mo Family?

However, just as Bella was about to ask, she felt a surge of information flashed in her head. Almost immediately, Bella paled and staggered, unable to process all the stuff in her mind. Memories? Or was that just her own way of analyzing what was about to happen? ’Hey Robot, did you have some malfunction or something?’ she couldn’t help but ask. Of course, she wasn’t expecting any sort of reply from the system.

Surprisingly, the system actually said, ’Negative.’

"Hey, are you alright?"

Bella lifted her head only to see that she was already in his arms. "You look so pale. I will take you to the hospital."

"There’s no need."

"I insist," Mo Li said as he strode towards the elevator with her in his arms. Seeing the man’s resolute expression, Bella chose to stay silent. She actually wanted to remind Mo Li that he still had a meeting to attend to but her mouth seemed to stop working as her head started aching. Moreover, she also understood that Mo Li was using this reason to be late in his own meeting. Bella decided to just go with the flow as she closed her eyes as she thought about the information inside her head.

This was not really a piece of information but it was some sort of a strategy on how to save Mo Li’s company! Isn’t that weird? The stuff that just happened to register inside her mind was like a scheme, a dirty one, but something that she needed to do to save something that Mo Li built. Bella processed everything and slowly, the frown on her face deepened.

Before this, Bella was certain that she never learned any business management skills. She couldn’t remember doing any business in the previous world. So, how did she knew about the processes in Mo Li’s company? She really couldn’t come up with a plausible reason. In the end, she could only wonder why she wanted to help Mo Li without even the system’s tasks.

After a few minutes, the two arrived in the hospital where a doctor immediately checked Bella.

Of course, the news of Mo Li going to the hospital with his wife quickly reached Liu Cheng’er’s ears. She immediately fumed. She closed her eyes as she tried to stabilize her breathing. Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out.

How could she let that woman win this time? In front of everyone, Liu Cheng’er chose to remain calm as she smiled at some of the executives who started whispering. "I actually understand, President Mo. After all, he just got married and today is actually the first day that Miss Bella worked here. However, the timing is just too..." She shook her head while clicking her tongue, disappointment can be seen in her eyes.

Almost immediately, the faces of the executives changed. How could they not understand her point? This was Bella’s first day working and something like this already happened! Moreover, just as there is an important meeting about this matter, she actually became sick and made Mo Li rush her to the hospital when the office had their own clinic! What could this possibly mean?

"Isn’t she someone from the Qin Family?"

"I heard she doesn’t have any good relationship with her father. And Mayor Mo already removed her from their ancestral book. That should mean something right?"

"Usually people who are kicked out of the family did something really bad. Do you think she did something that evil too?"

"Rumor has it that the mayor kicked her out for divorcing her own husband. I think it is better not to judge someone base on their past, no?"

"Aish, I think we should just focus on the current issues instead of talking about someone irrelevant."

’What do you mean, irrelevant? Our company never had this issue before she came! Is that really considered irrelevant?"

Slowly, the investors started talking amongst themselves. Some were whispering while others are just blatantly using their normal voice, making everyone hear what they were talking about. Of course, this immediately made Liu Cheng’er smile with glee. While she wasn’t so sure why Bella was rushed to the hospital, she was happy that it helped her case sounded more convincing.

Surely, Mo Li wouldn’t act like a fool and still believe Bella, right?

However, her expression soon changed when she thought of something important. Why would Mo Li rushed her to a hospital when they actually have a clinic here? Moreover, her assistant told her that Bella was really pale and it seems that she lost consciousness while Mo Li carried her. Was it possible that she was actually pregnant?

This was enough to dampen her mood. If Bella is already pregnant then getting rid of her required an extra cruel method!

"Everyone, just calm down. I am sure President Mo won’t take too long in the hospital. After all, this is an important meeting. Don’t worry, I will call him and ask him when will he arrive." Liu Cheng’er gave them a pleasant smile before she walked out of the room and dialed Mo Li’s number.

After a few rings, the latter answered.

"VP Liu, is there something wrong?" Mo Li’s relaxed tone surprised her but it wasn’t enough to make her forget the reason why she called.

"Mo Li the meeting is about to start." She said. "The executives are getting angry. I already gather everyone from the IT team so they could check who stole the governor’s files. I heard that Miss Bella is in the hospital. I am not saying that you should leave her alone but this... this matter with the governor cannot be delayed anymore." On the phone, Liu Cheng’er sounded distressed.

"I won’t leave her alone."

Those words were akin to a sharp arrow hitting her chest. Liu Cheng’er’s hands tightened around her phone. "But— But the governor— " she wasn’t able to finish her sentence when she heard a sigh on the other line.

"Alright, I am on my way back." Mo Li before ending the call. A beautiful smile immediately blossomed on Liu Cheng’er’s face. As expected, Mo Li would really leave Bella alone as long as she reminded him of the importance of this meeting. "Eh? Mother? Father? Grandmother? Why are you here?" Liu Cheng’er looked at the three people approaching her.

Of course, these were Mo Li’s parents. The trio actually insisted that she addressed them like this. After all, she was the only daughter-in-law that they were willing to accept.

"Mo Li wanted us to come here. He said it had something to do with the governor." Patriarch Mo immediately said. The Mo Family and the current Governor were not really considered hostile however, their relationship cannot be considered close either. However, Patriarch Mo would never miss an opportunity such as this to get some news about someone that could become one of his opponents in the treacherous world of politics.

"Really?" Liu Cheng’er frowned. "Then... please... follow me to the conference room." She said while wondering why would Mo Li want his parents here. Was he planning something against them? Slowly, confusion settled in her eyes. Did she miss something?


I had a swab test today! It was not comfortable and I don’t want to undergo with the procedure again. The result will be in 3-4 days since I am far from the city. I hope everything is well. :(

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