Chapter 688: [688] Heart of Kizmal.

Chapter 688: [688] Heart of Kizmal.

“Ice Age, Absolute Zero, and Freeze.”

Azmakul listed the names of the three skills, and Alan looked at him with curiosity burning in his cold eyes, it was clear he wanted an explanation, and Azmakul had to oblige.

“Ice age is a skill that turns the surroundings to ice, and provides you the environmental and elemental advantage. It is her domain of skill.”

“… That is so normal.”

Alan was disappointed… Although the name was explanatory itself, he would have preferred if one of the three signature skills of a supreme was super overpowered. Lanesha may not be the strongest supreme, but she was supreme!

He was kind of disappointed that was all [Ice Age] could do.

“Normal? Well, you would cease calling it normal if you witness it in action. The ability to turn the tides in your favor and keep them that way is essential, prince.”

“Just tell me what the rest do.”


Azmakul let out a heavy sigh, and continued.

“Absolute Zero is a single target skill which turns the opponent to ice upon contact.” “… And?”

“And what? It turns the opponent into ice, what more could you want?”

Alan didn’t know what to think, it could be that Azmakul simply sucked at explaining the grandeur of skills, or if the simple explanation was truly it. Well, he had heard that the shorter the description of the skill, the stronger it would be…

But this was too bland! He understood the use of the skill, the frost element did not have many single target skills, most of them were area of effect, but just turning the opponent into ice?

What was so special about that? Alan could do the same by expelling his mana and ordering it to manifest as ice around the opponent. There would be a difference, but the description was just so lame.

Even he, with his disinterested mind, could come up with a better explanation.

“And what about [Freeze]?”

He had some hope for that one, at the very least. The very fact that it had a simple name meant it would be special. After all, why would a supreme being name one of their signature skills [Freeze]?

The word literally meant the same as what the skill [Absolute Zero] did, so it must have some other effect, and… was he right?

“Freeze deals with time, it can slow or stop it.”


Azmakul failed to understand Alan’s happiness, he was finding the actions of his prince weird. He did not understand the prince’s squeals of happiness when he found out what the least used skill of his queen did.

It was the only skill he had been able to copy, and in his eyes, the power of stopping time did not equate to the other skills. Among beings of his level, the first two were far more important than the act of stopping time for a while.

Alan did not share his lackluster display of emotion, he was ecstatic that there would be a skill he would learn that could affect time, it gave him all the motivation to defeat whatever was inside Kizmal’s heart.

He had his experience with time related abilities, first were his memories of the numerous iterations that appeared in his dreams, an effect of the artifact, the Chalice of Time used by the dragons to turn back time multiple times.

Although [Freeze] was not capable of such an effect, it would still be an amazing skill to have. Stopping time, no matter how long, would give him an overwhelming edge.

The second time he had encountered a time related ability was with Elijah, and although it was simply a hunch, Alan knew it was related to time.

The gold sand like mana he had witnessed and the fact his body slowed down unrealistically proved it. It may not be as strong as turning back time, but it was still a great ability. He knew he would be able to do a lot more than Elijah with such an ability. Sёarᴄh the NôᴠelFirё.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


“Alright, so if I defeat whatever is inside there, I get the skills, right?”

“I believe so. Don’t take the challenge too lightly, prince.”

Alan went towards the tunnel, this time with renewed confidence and motivation to clear it. The past week had been devastating for him, training and everything, but now that he heard that there was the ability to stop and freeze time. The skill [Freeze] was the only thing in his mind, and he had already forgotten about [Ice Age] and [Absolute Zero].

“Good luck prince.”

Azmakul looked at Alan’s back as he made his way towards the tunnel, Kazikato following him close behind and stroked his chin.

Soon enough, their figures disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel, signifying they had entered the chamber.

“I give them… about ten minutes.”

He knew they would not survive the chamber for long, it would take them numerous attempts to even understand the basic abilities of the being within the chamber. While the confidence with which they entered was not a bad sight.

It was always a bad idea to rush at things blindly.

He turned his gaze upwards, looking at the array carved into the wall. While it was far too complex for anyone in the prince’s cohort to understand, he knew the function.

It was a safety feature, as well as a lesson to the prince. An assurance if things went awry within the chamber.

“I didn’t expect her majesty Ariel to do it herself, however. She really does care.”

He let out a small chuckle, Ariel could appear to be as cruel as she would like, but the soft spot she had for her family was blatantly obvious. Lanesha should have asked her to make the array, but he would like to believe she did out of concern, herself.

Time passed as he was lost in his thoughts, sometimes, he would peer through the bones of the dead giant and gaze at the castle, his princes castle and observe how the cohort was doing. They should have spent a little more than a year there, training.

If only the lifespan of a human was not so short, he would not be satisfied even if he made them stay and train for a decade. Even a century. But if he did that, they would probably have


Nevertheless, he hoped that the spirits he left in charge did their job well, if they didn’t… well drastic measures needed to be taken. Still, from what he observed, they were doing well.

‘I wonder how Sabrina is doing…’

Then, he decided to search for the girl that left in a fit of rage, only to find her lost in an endless white expanse, cursing. She had managed to keep herself warm, but finding her way back would be a chore.

He smiled, and teleported her back to the castle in an instant. She would thank him later on. He did not exactly want to leave her there, where she did not even know her way.

Her mastery over the basic would keep her alive, but if she was left roaming the vast expanse of Lanekia, it would take her months to simply find the road. He was still disappointed that she rejected his offer, but it would come to her in due time.

In his short experience with her, he knew the type of person she was. She would accept the offer later on. Even if she didn’t, he would forcibly make her a dragon.

He began to tap his feet and hum… something Sabrina used to do to pass the time when there was nothing else. He was counting the seconds as they turned into minutes, confident in his


Ten minutes, he gave them ten minutes before they would either be running out from fear, or would be thrown out. Ten minutes…

He enjoyed in the melancholy of the place for as long as he could, the sound of his tapping, singing, and the rustling of the waves behind him as electricity swam beneath them was an amusing symphony to his ears.

His gaze locked in on the tunnel, and he yawned. His mana had formed to create a hand, one big enough to catch something… or someone, and soft as well. So it would not add to their


The hand made from mana caught someone, and he raised his hand to catch something as


“Twelve minutes, My, you surprised me!”

He said as Kazikato’s unconscious and seriously injured body dropped to the platform, the hand turned into a blanket of mana. A spell that would mend his injuries in due time.

He placed the crystal in his hands on the ground as well. He did not think Alan would need a healing spell. His regeneration was amazing, his body would reform soon enough.

“I didn’t expect you two to survive for twelve minutes!”

He was… proud, instead of being disappointed that he was wrong. He truly did not expect them to survive for that long…

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