The Villain’s Wife 379 Dogs

Shanghai had beautiful parks that were known to many tourists and locals. Fuxing Park is one of these famous parks which was known for its calm environment in the middle of the City. It was a place where locals gather to play mahjong and have tai-chi and some dance lessons. However, these are only visible in the morning.

During the afternoon, the place is calm with lots of people laughing and gossiping, sitting with their pets and just having a good relaxing time with their friends and families. Lily, on the other hand, was not in the mood to appreciate all this calmness and serenity. She was not here for some peace- no... she was here baring her claws against the person who threatened her peace with her husband.

"Cute dogs," Lily said as she sat next to a woman in her forties wearing a blue windbreaker. She eyed the two grayish dogs that were happily chasing each other in front of them. "Siberian?" she asked. Lily was not that familiar with dogs but she had already read the woman’s file. She knows things that even the woman does not know about herself. This was the advantage of having a team to help her research everything that she needed to know about a person.

She watched as the woman nodded and smiled at her. "The first one is two and the other just turned one-year-old two months ago." The woman smiled cordially, her wrinkles below her eyes crinkled. "I love them. I am planning to adopt another one next month. To start the year with some love around the house."

"Pretty good plan. I am planning to adopt one myself but I realized that I won’t have the time and energy to take care of them." Lily shrugged. "I hope I can find the time next year."

"Are you new? This is actually the first time that I saw you here." The woman asked, her gaze was still in her dogs.

"Yeah... I just... you know. Some fresh air always improves your day. I love watching people laugh and gossip at this place. It’s just... refreshing."

The woman nodded. Silence followed as both of them stopped talking. After a few seconds, Lily let out a sigh as she crossed her arms around her chest, her gaze a little pensive. "Poor dogs." She uttered. Her voice gentle and low but it was enough for the woman to hear.

"I’m sorry?"

"Do you know what will happen to the dogs once their owner dies?" the woman widened her eyes at Lily’s question. She eyed the people surrounding them as she pursed her lips.

"Who are you?"

"Call me Lily." She smiled. "Lily Zhuo." She watched as the woman’s face paled. Her hand instantly balled into a fist as she warily looked at Lily.

"You- Are you here to..."

"Hurt you?" Lily smiled and watched as the woman scanned their surroundings once again. Probably looking if someone would hear her if she screams. Lily only laughed inwardly. "I don’t hurt people that I barely know."

"I have done nothing wrong.. If... I-I... I have not..." surprised and fear was evident in the woman’s eyes as her pupils dilated. She stared at Lily for a few seconds before she lowered her head. Her hand started to fidget.

Lily only smiled in response. The woman was already in her forties. She was not that tall too- she was pale and eye bags were visible under her eyes. Her appearance reminded Lily of a zombie or someone who haven’t slept for days. "So, do you know what will happen to the dogs once the owner dies?"

"I- I don’t know."

"Same." Lily stared at the dog. "Do you think... someone else will adopt them? After your death?"

"What are you-" the woman’s eyes became even more alarmed. "Are you threatening me?"

"No... No... of course not. This is just you know... as a parent. I think you should think about this aspect right? That’s what parents do, right?" Lily gave her a harmless smile. "Don’t worry, I am not here to hurt you or anything like that. I am just visiting Shanghai and I thought I could visit the park. Really. This was all a coincidence."

Of course, Lily knew that her words were futile. A park? Really? The woman must have known that she was Zhuo Jingren’s wife. The only reason why she did not recognize Lily was that she changed her usual business casual clothes to something more... casual, normal. She was now wearing a simple shirt and jeans with some coat for the cold. It wasn’t something extravagant either.

"You are here to threaten me." The woman stated. The fear was still in her eyes, but it was obvious that she had gained some confidence. Lily instantly lifted an eyebrow as she wondered why the woman suddenly changed her attitude towards her.

"Did they tell you they will protect you?" Lily clicked her tongue before she chuckled. "And you believe them?"

"They told me this would happen. That someone would attempt to hurt me. I just- I was just surprised that he actually sent his wife to do the dirty deed this time. What a poisonous man." the venom on the woman’s tone was clear, it was very hard not to sense it.

"I see. But I am not hurting you... Am I? I mean... at least not yet." Lily beamed. "Now... where was I? Right... the dogs. What do you think will happen to them if someone will kill you?"

"You can’t scare me."

"I am not trying to."

"You... rich people think that you can always do whatever you want with everyone. You kill and use your money to hide your crimes and pretend to be charitable. You smiled at the camera like you were saints and yet... yet you are the dirtiest creatures on Earth!"

"True." Lily nodded, surprising the woman. "I do agree with you. We- people like me... we love to pretend. Fake it."

"Why are you here?" the woman asked, confused. "If you are here to scare me, then I am telling you that it won’t work. I am not scared of you."

"I already told you... I’m not here to scare anyone. I am here to asked questions that’s all." Lily answered. "I mean... I am sure that Zhuo Jingren won’t kill you. I am sure that he won’t touch a single strand of your hair. However... the people who hired you."

"You can’t change my mind!" the woman spat.

"I am not trying to," Lily said as she rose from her seat and shoved her hands on the pockets of her coat. "The people who hired you did not want to reveal their identities. They wanted to keep it a secret. The only reason why you are still alive right now is because... you still have your purpose." Lily shifted her gaze back to the woman who was staring intently at her. "What do you think will happen once they are done with you? I’m sure they would not want someone knowing their identity while walking around the park with their dogs. Right?"

"You- What are you trying to say?"

"You heard me." Lily shrugged before she smiled at her. "Now... back to my original question... what do you think will happen to your dogs once you are dead?"


Sorry for the unedited work. Its the holidays and I don’t want to bug my editors at all. Hahaha... I am trying my best to improve.

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