The Villain’s Wife 549 Blame

A Hotel in Hong Kong

"Mr. Chen you have to help me this time. Lily attacked me. All the news online and even that press conference was her doing. Then she drugged me! Isn’t this because you asked me to provoke her? Isn’t this... your fault too? " Qiao Qiao could not stop the tears in her eyes as she pleaded to Chen Luan. "I didn’t want to offend her again. If not for the contract that you offered me."

"Miss Qiao, this matter had nothing to do with us." Chen Luan answered on the other side of the phone. "Did we tell you to seduce that man?"

"I — " In Qiao Qiao’s mind, everything is the Chens fault. After all, they were the ones who wanted to offend Lily. Why does she need to suffer all this humiliation? "You were the ones who asked me to provoke her. Are you really going to leave me hanging at this point?"

The issue last night and what she did at the party seemed too much for Qiao Qiao. Her career is on the verge of being ruined, even her relationship with the Yu family is already broken before it started. How could she stomach all this? She needed to blame someone!

"Miss Qiao, are you usually this dumb? Or are you still drunk?" Chen Luan’s mockery interrupted her thoughts. "I already told you. Your actions, your responsibility. Why would you ask us to bail you out for something that you did?" He sneered.

"Also... please stop calling me anymore. I don’t owe you anything. This is the consequence of your choices. You don���t have to contact us in the future. Also... forget about the contract. We are planning on giving it to someone else."

"Mr. Chen... please... please don’t say things like that. It — Mr. Chen? Hello? Hello Mr. Chen?" Qiao Qiao paled. She clutched the phone tighter as the call ended. She felt her blood boil, her hands trembled in anger. She wanted to scream, break some stuff, and yell at someone. However, she could not risk waking Yu Jing up.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror as she let out a curse. Her eyes were swollen, the bags under her eyes were dark and her hair was a mess. She gritted her teeth.

Last night was a mistake. She shouldn’t have drunk too much. She shouldn’t have lost all the control that she had. Qiao Qiao let out a deep sigh. She composed herself and tiptoed out of the bathroom. At least Yu Jing is still here. He could help...

"You’re still here?"

Qiao Qiao turned towards Yu Jing who just got up from the bed. "What — What do you mean?" she asked. She could feel fear started creeping inside her chest. What does he mean? Is he going to kick her out too? Is he going to leave her too?

Fear flashed in Qiao Qiao’s eyes.

"Leave now." Yu Jing said shortly. "I don’t want to see you for now."

"Jing? What are you talking about?" she asked, panic apparent in her eyes. "Are you — What are you saying?"

In response, Yu Jing stared at her for a few seconds. He said nothing as he opened his laptop and called someone on his phone. "Yes, come pick up Miss Qiao. Yes. That’s — "

"Jing! What are you talking about?" she walked towards Yu Jing. "Jing about last night..."

"Alright. I will wait for you to pick her up." Yu Jing glanced at her coldly as he ended the call. "Miss Qiao... fixed your make up. You have to leave. I still have a couple of meetings today."

"Yu Jing! What the hell are you saying?" she asked. "Why would you want me to leave now when the people in Mainland China are looking for me?"

"Miss Qiao is really humorous." Yu Jing said as he opened the drawer and wrote a check. "Here is your compensation... for pleasuring me. Since you already have your money, then you can leave now. I don’t plan on using your body today."

Qiao Qiao’s mouth flew open. She looked at Yu Jing, then into the check that he was giving her. "What are you doing? I — I don’t understand."

"What part of this don’t you understand?" Yu Jing sneered.

"Is this about last night? Jing... it was a mistake! I drank a lot of wine and I think... I think someone drugged me. It must be Lily! It should be her. Why else would I act out of my character?" She walked towards him and held his arm. "Jing... look we can go to the hospital so we could confirm that I was really drugged. You have to believe me this time."

"Did you really think I’m a fool?" Yu Jing asked. "I always thought you can be perfect for me. I guess I was wrong." He shrugged as he started undressing. "I will take a shower. I don’t want to see you after this. Go and hide somewhere. I will fix the issues that’s ruining my name and then... then we can go our separate ways."

"Jing! You are leaving me? You are going to abandon me? Jing... don’t you love me anymore?"

"Love?" he sneered. "Is there really such a thing?" he asked. "Get the check and leave."

"Yu Jing... what do you want me to do to fix this? I can do anything. Do you want me to apologize to your mother? I will do it. I will kneel in front of her. Do you want me to— "

"I want you to leave." Yu Jing interrupted her. "The only reason why you woke up here and not on the streets is that your body satisfied me in the past. Let’s stop fooling each other." He turned his back on her and started walking towards the bathroom.

"Jing! Jing... please listen to me. This is all Lily’s fault. Please... she is trying to ruin us. Please... we can’t just break up like this and let her win. We are supposed to fight together. We are supposed to act as one. We can always start over. We can..."

"Fool," he snorted. "Stupid and fool."


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