Chapter 616

"You treat me..."

"Mr. Su, please don't say anything strange in front of me. I don't have time to listen." Then she called to the kitchen to help cook the dinner.

Su Zhan clenched his hands into fists and laughed, "are you trying to avoid me? If you really let go, you should be able to face me calmly. You are easily misunderstood. "

"You are ridiculous!" Qin Ya's cold voice.

Suddenly Su Zhan stood up, arms on both sides of the sofa, low line of sight, "yes, I'm ridiculous!"

Qin Yaqiang pretended to be calm, "please get out of the way!"

Hearing Qin Ya's voice, Yu Ma stretched out her head and saw Su Zhan retract his head again, pretending to hear nothing.

Aunt Wang saw that she didn't go out and said“ Isn't Miss Qin calling you? Why don't you go out? "

Yu Ma quickly made a shush gesture to Aunt Wang and whispered, "I can't go out now."

"Why?" Aunt Wang doesn't know the relationship between Qin Ya and Su Zhan, but Yu Ma knows, so she explains it to her“ She's making trouble with Su Zhan. Now they're talking. It's hard for me to disturb them. I'd better leave some space for them. "

Aunt Wang also whispered, "so they are lovers."

Yu Ma nodded.

In the living room, Qin Ya didn't see her mother come out. She was a little flustered and wanted to cry again, "yummy..."

As soon as he uttered a word, Su Zhan stopped talking. His eyes were deep“ Now that you have no feelings for me, don't hide from me. "

Qin Ya pushed him away, "are you insane?"

Su Zhan was pushed back two steps, his leg hit the coffee table, and his body shook for a while before he stood firm. "I want to be a psycho, but I can't do it!"

He squatted in front of Qin ya, "Xiao Ya, don't torture me, OK?"

Qin Ya tightly grasped the armrest of the sofa with her hands, her body trembled slightly, "you are so funny, I torture you, who do you think you are..."

Before she finished, she was blocked by Su Zhan again. This time, she didn't use her hand, but her mouth.

Qin Ya's eyes widened.

Su Zhan, regardless, kisses her hard.

Qin Ya was just slightly stunned for a second, then pushed him hard, "Su Zhan, you son of a bitch!"

"I'm not human indeed. You can punish me as you like, but you have to give me an answer." Su Zhan held her hand, "you said your punishment, I did it, you give me a chance to start again."

"No way!" Qin Ya refused without thinking.

In this life, she can't be with any man. It's good to be alive. How can she have the strength to talk about feelings?

"I will marry anyone, ugly or short, except you, Su Zhan." Her every word, every word. They are determined, without any feelings.

Su Zhan's heart stopped beating.

No matter how much enthusiasm there is, it will be poured cold.

"You, you treat me..."

Qin Ya said, "I've said that many times, haven't I? It's you who are obsessed. Do you know how annoying a person like you is? "

"Xiaoya, I'll be in pain. If you do this, I'll really lose my heart." Su Zhan's eyes were red.

"Have you ever been kind to me? I thank you for giving up. I am troubled and disgusted by you. Thank you so much for letting me go! " She stood up from the sofa, regardless of the wound is not completely good, and Su Zhan look at her eyes, her eyes also covered with moisture. Light, light, uncontrollable, "you know what? Now I want to give you a slap to relieve my hatred! You don't know how much I hate you! "

She hated him.

She hated him.

Su Zhan repeated this sentence again and again in his heart.

Her words were too harsh. Su Zhan's eyes were full of light. His lips trembled a few times, as if he had been choked by a strong cold wind. After half a sound, he said, "I'll fight for you."


He slammed his hand and looked at Qin ya, "is that enough?"

Qin Ya didn't expect him to beat himself. He stood stupidly, his heart rolling up and down, and his viscera seemed to move.

"If you think slapping me in the face will take your breath away. I don't care if I feel comfortable. " He picked up Qin Ya's hand and threw it on his face. He exerted himself so hard that Qin Ya felt the numbness of his palm.

When he was about to throw it for the second time, Qin Ya clenched her hand into a fist, and tried her best to push in the opposite direction, "if you want to be crazy, you'll be crazy alone. Don't take me with you"No, I must take you, even if you stab me all over. I'll pester you too, Qin ya. I tell you, you can't get rid of me in your life! " Su Zhan said with a smile, "if you say I'm crazy or cheap, I'm such a shameless person. If you want me not to pester you, there are only two possibilities. One is that I lose my memory, forget you, and the other is that I die!"

Qin Ya also can't control her emotions. Tears are pouring out like the tide of the sea. Wave by wave strong, clearly heart will be broken, still trying to be brave, "do you think you like this I will give you a chance? You dream

Then she limped to the room.

Su Zhan was distracted for a second, and quickly caught up with her and picked her up“ The injury on your foot is not complete. Walking like this will cause secondary injury. I'll hold you

Her weight is much lighter than before.

"I don't need you. Let go of me Qin Ya's disorderly struggle slapped his chest.

"You're not afraid to make people worry, and you'll make a lot of noise." Su Zhan, no matter how she struggles, speaks with thorns. Just don't let go.

When he got to the house and closed the door, he took Qin Yafang to the bedside. Regardless of Qin Ya's rejection, he held her hand firmly. "I don't care whether you hate me, annoy me or hate me. I've decided that I won't listen to you in the future. I will pursue you again in my own way. It's your business to refuse, and it's my business to pursue, I can't make you accept me, and you can't persuade me to give you up. "

Qin Ya's tears rolled down. In the confusion, he could see the five finger marks on his face, choking, "do you think that if you do this, I will accept you again?"

"I didn't ask you to accept me, but I have the right to pursue the people I like. You can't control it!"

Su Zhan said and stood up. He straightened up the collar which was torn and messy by her. He stood straight and said with a gentlemanly smile, "let me introduce myself to you first. My name is Su, and my name is Zhan. Now I run a law firm. I can't guarantee that my future wife will be rich and wealthy, but I can make her have no worries about food and clothing. I have no parents. There is only one elderly grandmother, which is my situation. Although it is not very good, it is not too bad.

Miss Qin, I like you very much. I decided to pursue you from this moment on. It's everyone's right to pursue happiness. You can refuse, but you can't let me stop pursuing you. "

"I don't care if you think I'm shameless or shameless. I'm just sticking to my heart and don't want to regret myself, so no one has the right to let me stop sticking to love."

Qin Ya couldn't speak any more, she just cried.

Su Zhan wiped her tears, "don't cry, I'll be distressed."

"Why force me!" Qin Ya roared at him.

"I've made it very clear that I'm just sticking to my heart. No one can interfere!" Su Zhan stroked her face and wiped her tears. "If you cry like this, I mistakenly think you are soft hearted."

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