Chapter 645

Then he said, "hit a plant."

Zong Yanxi was at a loss and thought it was so difficult.

"Grandfather Shao, you have a simple one. I can guess right, but I haven't guessed right yet." She pouted her little lips in a coquettish way.

"This is very simple." Shao Yun touched her head, "you have to think with your brain."

"She's a pig brain. She can't think, she can only eat." Zong Yanchen fanned the flames.

Zong Yanxi suddenly became angry, "you are a pig, your whole family is a pig!"


The living room was quiet for a moment. There was a burst of laughter, and Shao Yun and Cheng Yuwen were the happiest.

Because they are the only two in the living room who are not family members.

Zongyanchen shakes his head and sighs. His younger sister is so stupid that there is no remedy.

Zong Yanxi was infuriated by Zong Yanchen and blurted out. After that, she regretted herself. Seeing everyone's expression, she felt so embarrassed that she went into Zong Jinghao's arms and hid.

Zong Jinghao patted his daughter on the back and comforted him, "it doesn't matter."

The little girl remained silent.

Zong Jinghao coaxed her and said, "can I help you guess riddles?"

Zong Yanxi immediately raised his head and asked“ Really? "

This guy's attitude is changing too fast, without a pause.

He laughed helplessly and said, "yes."

"Then tell me, what is the hand of the Supreme Lord?" Zong Yanxi's temperament is a little bit strong. She wants to guess right once.

Zong Jinghao gave her an analysis and taught her to think, "is taishanglaojun an immortal?"

"I know what it is." Zong Jinghao just a hint, Zong Yanchen already thought of, "cactus."

He explained with a smile, "taishanglaojun is an immortal. Isn't the palm of an immortal a cactus?"

Zong Yanxi stares at his brother with wide eyes, "what a nuisance

It's always her.

"Grandfather Shao, please give me another one." After that, she leaned on Zong Jinghao's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Dad, you must help me. I must win over my brother once."

Zong Jinghao indulged and helpless smile, his daughter's request, what can he do?

I can only promise.

Shao Yun understands Zong Yanxi's mind. In order to coax the wayward little girl, he thinks of another one

"Hit one thing."

Zong Yanxi blinked his eyes, thinking that the door was closed, how could he show his head? Isn't that going to cut your head off?

Thinking of her shivering, what are these riddles?

It's not easy to guess at all.

"Hiss. Dad, the button on your dress hurts me

Zong Jinghao hugged her daughter and deliberately let the button on her shirt hurt her. As a result, the little girl was very dull.

Zongyanchen blinked, looked at zongjinghao's expression and tried to say, "is it a button?"

Soon the answer was confirmed in my mind, "button, ha ha, I guess right again."

Zong Yanxi glared at him, "how could it be a button?"

Shao Yun poured a basin of cold water on her. "It's just buttons. If you buckle your clothes, don't the buttons need to be exposed?"

It's really the answer. Zong Yanxi immediately said, "I said the button first, I guessed right."

"You didn't say it was the answer." Zong Yanchen said.

"I guessed right. I said it first." Zong Yanxi said in a loud voice, as if whoever has a loud voice is reasonable.

Cheng Yuwen said to Shao Yun, who was sitting next to him, "Xiaorui has such a temperament, but it's amazing."

Shao Yun also smiles.

Lin Xinyan came out and called them to eat.

Zong Yanxi came down from Zong Jinghao's arms, ran to Lin Xinyan and said, "Mommy, my brother always bullies me."

Lin Xinyan touched her head“ How did my brother bully you? "

"Well, you guessed right. Are you good? Don't complain. They're all primary school children. They're not the same. " With that, Zong Yanchen went to the dining room and sat on the chair at the end.

"You're a child, too. Don't just talk about your sister." Lin Xinyan took a look at his son. He was young and made himself look like an adult every day.

"Hey, hey." Zong Yanxi heard Lin Xinyan say brother. Happy heart, just to forget the unpleasant, not angry at the moment, walking over to sit next to his brother."Brother, you are not much older than me, just a few minutes."

Zongyanchen took a look at his sister. "I'm older than you in a few minutes. You'll call me brother all your life."

"I'd rather be a sister. You're a brother. Do you have to let my sister understand? Otherwise, he doesn't understand. Does Kong Rong let Li know? " I learned this when I was in preschool in C City.

Now he took it out and blocked Zong Yanchen's mouth. The little guy is still very smart.

Today's dinner is very rich. Qin Ya is also helping in the kitchen. When Lin Xinyan came into the kitchen, he saw her helping with the dishes.

Lin Xinyan knows that her mood today is not very good. Although she has adjusted well, it is impossible for her to recover to the beginning.

It's impossible to return to the original.

Broken objects. No matter how it is repaired, there will be cracks.

Lin Xinyan asked her to go to the room to have a rest. She said that if she stayed alone, she hadn't done anything well. It's easy for a person to think wildly.

What she said was right. Lin Xinyan didn't ask her to help in the kitchen. When people talk, they can forget unpleasant things.

The meal was served, and Lin Xinyan went to get the wine.

Today's occasion must be full of wine.

Lin Xinyan took red wine, although not less wine, but too easy to drink white drunk, red better.

It's mainly an atmosphere.

The goblet was also washed, and she opened the wine and put it on the table.

Zong Qifeng suddenly said, "let's have the wedding in the century building."

Century building is the landmark of city B, with 18 floors and more than 500 meters. Standing on the 108th floor, you can overlook the whole city B.

Next to it is a seven star hotel.

There are seven seven star hotels in China, which are located in four prosperous cities.

B city is also one of the four prosperous cities, and it is the best.

"Is that too much publicity?" Lin Xinyan thinks that this is too wasteful. How much does it cost?

That's a lot of money.

"How many times are you going to get married?" Shao Yun asked.

Lin Xinyan replied without hesitation, "of course once."

She didn't want to get married a second time.

Zong Jinghao looked at her with a smile on his lips.

She seems to like that.

He's been his man all his life.

"In life, why don't you do something once and for all?" Shao Yun thinks it's all right. It's not that he has no money. He can't afford it. Anyway, the money is left by her father.

He felt that Lin Xinyan was the only child of his elder brother. Wedding, wedding, should be grand.

for nothing.

Zong Qifeng has regrets for Cheng Yuxiu. Now that his son is married, he doesn't want his son to leave regrets, so he also wants to be grand, like a kind of sustenance, to realize his regrets on his son.

"You can take care of the baby with ease, and let a few of our old friends do it." Cheng Yuwen also said.

He went to see the wedding site with Zong Qifeng. He knew Zong Qifeng's intention. Zong Jinghao was his only nephew.

Naturally, he also wanted to be boisterous. Besides, Zong Jinghao himself said that he wanted to be ceremonious.

"You don't have to worry about it. You should be happy when so many elders work for us." Zong Jinghao took her hand and let her sit down beside him.

Although many people are absent, it is also a blessing to have these elders.

Lin Xinyan looked at him, nodded and understood his meaning.

The day is getting closer and closer, and the preparation has not stopped. Shao Yun originally came to attend the wedding, but ended up in the preparation team.

Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan don't care about anything. They are all run by their three elders.

Life is slow and fast.

Soon it's the day of marriage.

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