Chapter 680

"Sang Yu, does your friend like you?"

Shen peichuan was stunned, with a look of consternation on his face. He wondered why he asked such a question.

Sang Yu was more surprised than he was. "What are you talking about?"

"When I sent him clothes, he borrowed my mobile phone to call, as if to inform his family that he was OK. Is he planning not to leave? And - "he turned to Sangyu," I said I like you. But he doesn't approve of us being together. If he is really for your good, shouldn't he want someone to take care of you? "

Sang Yu opened his mouth“ He may just think that we are not suitable, you think too much

Then she stood up, Wang Wen grabbed her wrist, "don't go, I said I like you is true."

In the face of a sudden confession, Sangyu's brain is blank. I couldn't speak for a long time.

"Sangyu, you don't have a family. I can be your family. When you are with me, you don't have to have any pressure. You are only my family. No one will pick on you..."

"Stop talking. I don't want to talk about feelings yet." Sang Yu politely refused his confession.

"We are the right age, the right family, you can consider..."


At this time, the sound of broken glass broke out in the room. Sang Yu broke Wang Wen's hand and ran towards the room. He saw Shen peichuan standing in front of the table with broken glass on the ground.

She came over and took Shen peichuan's hand to check, "did you hurt him?"

Shen peichuan's lips were tight, but he didn't break away. He just looked at her nervous expression.

Sangyu looked up and saw him looking at himself, with a complicated look in his black eyes. Realizing that he was still holding his hand, he released it and explained, "you have been hurt, I'm afraid that it will cause you another..."

"You said you like me." Suddenly Shen peichuan interrupted her.

Wang Wen, standing at the door, stood still.

Sang Yu likes him?

Sang Yu likes him?

This sentence is echoing in my mind.

Also, seeing that he was injured, sang Yu was so nervous and worried. How could it be that he was just an ordinary friend?

He was hospitalized and sang Yu was in the hospital. It's obviously a deep concern.

He turned stiffly and walked away aimlessly.

"I'm kidding." Sang Yu pleaded.

She had the courage to declare that they would never meet again.

Now face to face, she didn't dare admit it.

"What if I take it seriously?" Shen peichuan heard Wang Wen ask, "does your friend like you?"

He also began to ask himself, why is it uncomfortable to see her with other boys?

She said she could get married, too.

He didn't want her to marry any man.

Why doesn't he want Sangyu with other men.

Maybe, maybe. It's because he likes her.

Will not want to see her with other boys, do not want her to marry other men.

On the other hand, Su Zhan almost jumped up when he received a call from Shen peichuan. He immediately called Zong Jinghao to tell him, and then went to the bureau to tell song Bureau, so that people would not continue to worry.

Go to the gate of song Bureau. As he was about to knock on the door, Mrs. song's voice came from inside. "It's been missing for two nights and three days. Are you still alive?"

No one answered her.

Then her voice, "fortunately Yaxin has not married him, otherwise, what is this?"

I've been divorced once, and I'll die my husband again?

Who dares to ask her after that?

"What are you talking about?" Song Ju scolded.

Mrs. song was not willing to show weakness, "what did I say wrong? People have been gone for so long. Are you still alive? Thanks to Yaxin and his affairs, not many people know about it, it seems. And this Shen peichuan is really no fate, how good a person, said no, No

"What are you talking about? Why not? " Song Ju is angry. Red eyes staring at his wife, "nothing to go home. Don't trouble me outside

"Look at you, you want others to be your son-in-law, but you don't have that life. Can a subordinate have your daughter? Look, you're pissed off. "

"All right!" Song Yaxin, who has not spoken all the time, said in a deep voice, "don't talk about it any more. I have to look for it. Whether I live or die, I want to see people."Listen to the news, they are going to come out, Su Zhan quickly hide in the corner.

He has not been optimistic about this song Yaxin, now listen to Mrs. song's words. My heart was cold again. I thought to myself, who is this?

If Shen peichuan became her son-in-law, he would have to be miserable for 18 years?

His brain is running fast. Now Shen peichuan says he's OK, so there's no need to come back as soon as possible. If song Yaxin really loves him. Can we wait three or two months?

After checking that there was no one left or right, he took out his mobile phone and dialed back according to the number Shen peichuan had dialed.

In the house.

Shen peichuan felt that he might be impulsive, "Sangyu, I'm much older than you, I..."

"I don't care." Sangyu looked up at him, his big eyes covered with mist.

It doesn't matter to her. What matters is his attitude.

"You know my family, don't you care?"

"Brother Shen, I have a call for you." At this time, Wang Wen suddenly appeared at the door with a mobile phone in his hand.

Sang Yu quickly turned over and went into the inner room. At this time, she didn't want to be seen.

Shen peichuan took the phone, pressed it on his ear, and took the lead in saying, "hello?"

"It's me, peichuan. Don't come back for the time being." Su Zhan's voice came.

"Why?" Shen peichuan could not understand his words at all, "did you tell Jing Hao what happened to Gu Bei? I'll be back tomorrow. "

Gu Bei is out. Maybe there will be a lot of trouble. He has to go back to help Zong Jinghao.

"The matter of Gu Bei, Jing Hao, has been solved. Just listen to me. Don't come back for the time being. You will come back in two months. You will come back in two months." If song Yaxin really loves him, she can wait for two months.

"Why?" Shen peichuan was puzzled.

"You listen to me anyway, and I won't hurt you." With that, Su Zhan hung up.

Shen peichuan is at a loss. He doesn't know what he's up to, but he's relieved to hear that Gu Bei's problem has been solved.

He returned the phone to Wang Wen and said, "thank you."

Wang Wen answered the phone and said, "no need."

Then he turned to go, suddenly stopped, looked back at Shen peichuan, "you said I'm not suitable for Sangyu, then you are suitable? You are so much older than her. You have been in and out of society for a long time, and she is only a freshman... "

"I liked him first. He was older than me. What's the matter?" Sang Yu stood at the door of the inner room.

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