Chapter 688

Sang Yu's expression pauses for a moment. It seems that he didn't expect that such a little child would ask such a question.

Reach out to touch his head, "you are not big, how can you think so mature..."

Before she finished her words, Wang Haonan grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his hand, but his eyes were looking at Shen peichuan, "you say, are you in love with Mr. sang?"

Facing the questions of these children, Shen peichuan said generously, "yes."

Wang Haonan thought. Sure enough, no wonder Mr. sang would cry in his arms, worried that Shen peichuan would be bad to Sang Yu in the future, he asked“ Will you be good to Mr. sang? "

Sang Yu looked down at Wang Haonan, "Haonan..."

"Mr. sang, you have no family. We are your family. We will protect you. No one will look down on you and bully you easily."

"That's it, that's it." The other students also gathered around. Protect Sangyu behind him and ask Shen peichuan, "will you be good to our Sangyu teacher?"

Sang Yu, who had calmed down, was moved by these little guys again. She covered her lips, and the corners of her mouth were obviously moved with a smile, but her eyes were mixed with tears.

Shen peichuan's face is calm, but his heart has set off a huge wave. He is also shocked to the weakest place of his heart by these kind children.

Look, how simple they are, who they are good to, they will be good to who they are wholeheartedly, without any fake.

The most beautiful feeling in the world is pure sincerity.

He replied seriously, "I'll be nice to her."

"We all remember that if you can't do it, we won't let you go!" Wang Haonan took the lead and everyone agreed.

Sangyu patted Wang Haonan on the shoulder, "OK, your leg doesn't hurt?"

Originally, it didn't hurt. Maybe it was forgotten. When sang Yu asked, it seemed to hurt again. He sat on the bench. Sighed and said, "I thought, when I grow up and marry you, now I'll be the first one."

Sang Yu had just been moved, but the mist in his eyes had not completely disappeared, and he was amused by Wang Haonan's words.

"You child."

"Mr. sang, will you marry this uncle?" Asked the leaf, blinking.

Sang Yu choked. She could express her love to Shen peichuan freely and treat him with the most sincere heart.

But marriage, this is not her decision.

Marriage is a matter for two people, not for her alone.

We can't decide on our own.

"This..." Sang Yu thought about how to explain to the children, but Shen peichuan opened his mouth. He looked at Sangyu and said seriously, "we will get married."

His voice was solemn and there was no cover.

He will go back as soon as possible to deal with song Yaxin's affairs, and then take her back.

Sang Yu looked up at him, holding the clothes with both hands uneasily. He should be happy, but at the moment, he didn't know how to react. He was excited and restless.

I'm afraid it's all a dream.

When she left, she thought that she would never have another chance to meet again in her life, however. He appeared in front of her again, and... Gave her what she wanted most.

Her eyes continued into the water, but her face is smiling, "you really hate, always want to make me cry."

Shen peichuan came to her and reached out to wipe her tears with a stiff consolation“ If you cry, I'll think I said something wrong. Don't cry, OK? "

Wang Haonan blinked his eyes and thought that his uncle was so stupid, "uncle, shouldn't you hold Mr. sang at this time? What's your shoulder for? "

Sang Yu lowers her head and smiles. She knows that Shen peichuan is not the kind of smooth person. She does everything in a straight and square way. Now, even children dare to talk about him.

What a failure he did?

Shen peichuan lowered his head and touched his nose. He wanted to do that, but he felt that there were children here. inappropriate.

"Hold one, hold one." Wang Haonan coaxed, and everyone followed suit, like a slogan“ Hold one, hold one... "

"You are not allowed to make trouble." Sang Yu pretended to be angry.

"Uncle, you really let us down." Wang Haonan sighed, "lose our man's face."

Shen peichuan's helpless help. Do you think that he is not qualified to be a man?

Sang Yu knew Shen peichuan's personality. In order to stop everyone's mischief, she stood on tiptoe and hugged Shen peichuan, saying in his ear, "it doesn't matter. Just be yourself, and let me take the initiative to hold you in the future."A kind heart, a pair of warm hands, is all. Shen peichuan was moved by sang Yu. He hugged her thin body, and his heart didn't need words. He didn't speak, but the heart that wanted to be with her for the rest of his life became more and more firm.

After being with Sangyu, he could feel his heart beating uncontrollably. And all kinds of feelings she brought to herself that she had never felt before.


Wang Wen has something to do with Sangyu. When he comes in, he sees two people holding each other in the middle of the children. For a moment, he gets stuck in his throat.

Shen peichuan felt a little uncomfortable when sang Yu let go of her hand, but he didn't let sang Yu face it alone. He held her hand and looked at the door. "What can I do for her?" he asked

Wang Wen's eyes fell on the hand that he was holding sang Yu. He quickly drew back his eyes and said, "someone is looking for you."

"To me?" Shen peichuan asked uncertainly.

He doesn't know anyone here.

"Yes, for you." Wang Wen affirmed that at this time, a figure appeared at the door of the classroom, and his appearance gradually entered everyone's vision. He looked into the classroom, his eyes swept past Shen peichuan's face, and finally fixed on Sang Yu, but he said to Shen peichuan, "I'm looking for you."

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