Chapter 343: Quality Brews aka Junmai Daiginjo, Ginjo Saké, Special Pure Brewed Saké

Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou and Onionpi

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That day, once my familiars fell asleep, I found myself alone in the living room.

“Alright, time for the final job of the day. Demiurgos-sama’s offerings.”

I took out the cardboard box with the Creator God’s name written on the side from my [Item Box] and set it on the table.

[8] The reason why I decided to send Demiurgos’ offerings on a different day was that it felt weird to give the higher-ranking god’s offering on the same day as the rest of the noisy pantheon. It would be like handing a special souvenir to the boss while the employees were staring at us.


Anyway, as before, I set the unopened box on the table and pressed my hands together, “Demiurgos-sama, please accept my humble offerings.”

“Ooh, thank you for your consideration all this time~~ Nu? It’s a box this time?”

“I believe that it would be more exciting for the receiver to open the box by themselves,” I said demurely.

“Sounds interesting. Very well, I shall receive this offering gladly.”

The box before me disappeared with a flash of light. A short while later, the sounds of a cardboard box being opened filled my ears.

“Ou, these are saké that you’ve given to me before, yes?”

“Yes, they are from the same brand but this time, we have Junmai Daiginjo, Ginjo Saké and Special Pure Brewed Saké from the same brewery. Please taste and compare them at your leisure.”

“Hm? If they are from the same brewery, the flavours should be similar, no?”

“Not quite, depending on the type of saké, the amount of alcohol added, fermentation rate, temperature and other details, the resulting saké would be different, resulting in unique flavours. This set is made for people to experience the unique features of different types of saké from the same brand.”

“I see, looks like I still have a lot to learn. I shall enjoy them tomorrow and experience the differences for myself.”

“The usual snacks are included in the box. Please enjoy them together with the saké.”

“Umu, umu. Part of the experience is enjoying different snacks with saké. I look forward to it, fuoh fuoh fuoh.”

Ah, it looks like Demiurgos-sama was very pleased with today’s offerings too.

“Speaking of which, how were those rascals?”

“I got in touch with them two days ago and remit their offerings yesterday,” I said honestly.

“I see, so that’s why they are in such a good mood.”

“Oh?” [5]

“Umu. That Ninril was skipping around and humming some odd song non-stop.”

That sounds so... déclassé. Totally not in keeping with the image of a deity at all.

“Still, from what I heard, they all appeared to be sorry for what they did.”

“Yes, everyone had suffered. They apologized to me and Ninril-sama even cried,” I said serenely.

It was all very emotional, I would rather not experience it again.

“I see, I see, well, it’s good for them to improve themselves.”

I think... Demiurgos-sama sounded relieved?

Well, if I think about those other gods and goddesses as Demiurgos-sama’s children, he was like a parent who felt happy after their children cleaned up their act and returned to the correct path.

I’m glad it all worked well.

“We are Gods and rarely needed to apologize for our actions. However, if a wrong is done, we should at least apologise.”

To be honest, rather than being ‘wronged’ by the gods and goddesses, I was more annoyed by their selfishness.

“Well, since they all seem to have reflected over their actions, please do look after them in the future.”

“Yes, the offerings would be remitted once a month. It is more convenient for me this way.”

It’s not like I cheated them of their budget either. They would still get the same value of items regardless of whether it was once a week or once a month.

“Hahaha, if their selfishness rears up again just let me know. I shall deal with them.”

“Yes, I shall do so if that happens.”

“Until next time.”

After that, communication with Demiurgos-sama was cut off.

It certainly is nice to have the God of Creation as my ally.

Now I don’t have to worry about the gods or goddesses being too impudent or pushy. I don’t think they will cause trouble in the future but, well, my future is very long now. [5]

“Now that the offerings for Demiurgos-sama have been sent, it’s time for bed.” [5]

Gumihou: The chapter is already short even before Gumi got started on it.

Fer: Zzzzz....

Gumihou: Hey, aren’t you going to say something?

Fer: Dragon meat... umu...

Gumihou: ... ...

[1] Structural Change: Combine 2 paragraphs

[2] Structural Change: Combine 3 paragraphs

[3] Structural Change: Combine paragraph & dialogue

[4] Structural Change: Change passive sentence to dialogue

[5] Delete Repetitive or Pointless Information

[6] Additional Information for Aesthetic Purpose

[7] Add Dialogue Tag

[8] Creative Licence Taken – Elaborate on the awkwardness of giving gifts to the boss and the employees at the same time.

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