Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 333: Global Sensation (3)

Chapter 333: Global Sensation (3)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 333 – Global Sensation (3)


After unlocking the security door and opening it, Chen Yu stumbled his way into his home’s living room and made his way to the bedroom.


Suddenly, the living lights turned on, and Chen Yike’s figure appeared behind him.

“Crap, are you trying to scare me?”

“Where did you go?” Chen Yike asked, her arms akimbo and her face expressionless.

“Cough. I went to a classmate’s house for some fun.” Clearing his throat, Chen Yu closed the opened door and scrutinized Chen Yike. “It’s late. Why aren’t you asleep yet? Do you have business with me?”

“Oh? You know it’s late?” Suddenly leaning forward, Chen Yike sniffed around Chen Yu’s shoulders and asked, “Which classmate did you visit? Is it Xing Biqi? You have her scent on you.”

At Chen Yike’s words, Chen Yu immediately understood that this was a trap laid by the other party. So long as he responded affirmatively, Chen Yike would definitely toss out evidence showing Xing Biqi’s “absence” from her home.

“It’s a classmate from elementary school. What about it? Anyway, do you have business with me or not? I’m going to sleep if not.”


Walking into the kitchen, Chen Yu poured himself a glass of water. And while drinking the water, he asked vaguely, “What?”

“Am I no longer attractive to you?”


“Why?” Turning away, Chen Yike pulled out a bottle of Tiger Balm[1] and rubbed some under her eyelids. She then asked, “Why must you leave your little sister to die at home alone?”


“Why? Uu...” Turning back to Chen Yu, Chen Yike revealed two streaks of tears flowing down her cheeks.

“...” Setting down his glass, Chen Yu scratched his head and asked, “Why can’t you open your eyes?”

“I-It’s because I cried... It hurts.”

“Your eyes swelled up after a second of crying? How amazing.”

“Wahh!!” This time, Chen Yike started crying for real. She then ran to the kitchen sink, opened the tap, and rinsed her eyes. “T-The internet lied...”

“Alright, you continue having fun yourself. If you don’t have anything to say, I’m going to bed.”

“Don’t go! Are you still going to twist the truth even until now?” After wiping the water stains off her face, Chen Yike pounced onto Chen Yu’s back and held onto him tightly. “You’re Transdimensional’s UP, right?! Don’t deny it! Apart from you, who could possibly bring Xing Biqi to outer space?!”

“Are you kidding me? I’m Transdimensional’s UP? If I have that kind of ability, why would I continue living in this broken-down place? I would’ve long since risen to the sky. Is your head alright?”

“How did Xing Biqi get chosen, then? That’s a one out of 160 million chance. Do you think this is a coincidence?”

“It is a coincidence!” Righteously, Chen Yu said, “I’ve watched the livestream as well. Who knew she would be so lucky? Grow some brains, will you? If I’m the UP, will I choose someone close to me and risk exposing my identity? Am I that stupid?”

“You are stupid!”


“See! Your behavior when swearing is just like that UP!” Hugging Chen Yu even more tightly than before, Chen Yike shouted, “I’ve watched you since young! You can’t trick me!”

“Stop daydreaming, OK? I’ll tell you now that I’m not Transdimensional’s UP. Our conversation ends here. Let go.”

“Kekeke!” Sneering, Chen Yike asked, “My dear Elder Brother, if it really isn’t you, with your personality, you would’ve instead acknowledged my claims immediately to receive my worship, right?”

Chen Yu: “...”

“What else do you have to say for yourself? Despite there being such a good opportunity to show off, why won’t you acknowledge it?”

“Let go. If you have the ability, bring out solid proof. Otherwise, all you’re doing is spouting nonsense.”

“How am I spouting nonsense?”

“How are you not spouting nonsense, then?”

“How am I spouting non—”

“Big Brother...” Woken up by the noise, Chen Erke suddenly walked into the kitchen in a daze. Blinking her eyes at her two elder siblings, she asked, “Are you two...playing the looping game Mommy and Daddy usually play as well?”


Scratching his head in irritation, Chen Yu pulled out the Amnesia Bat and inflated it. He then smacked Chen Yike and Chen Erke unconscious without hesitation.

“Chen Yu, what are you doing so late at ni—”


Chen Yu knocked Mother Chen, who had walked out of her room, unconscious as well...

“Good night.”

After placing his family members back to their original positions, Chen Yu returned to his own room and sat on his bed. Immediately afterward, he felt a headache assaulting him.

The reason why he was concealing his identity to his family was simple. It was so that he could retain his family’s original lifestyle.

Not to mention, the more people who knew of his identity, the greater the risk of him being exposed. He did not wish for holes to appear in his perfect concealment.

He must come out on top in his struggle against the world’s top governments.

This was a game belonging to the wise. Ordinary people would find it difficult to comprehend and experience.

Chen Yu grabbed his phone sitting on his bed and turned off its airplane mode after yawning lazily. Immediately afterward, a bunch of notifications flooded his phone.

Out of all the notifications he received, 80% consisted of WeChat messages and call attempts from Xing Biqi.

The remaining 20% were from Chen Yike’s phone.

Opening up his WeChat conversation with Xing Biqi, he quickly glanced through the various messages she sent him. After hesitating for a moment, he chose not to send her a reply.

If he replied now, the timing would be too much of a coincidence.

Exiting WeChat, he entered his web browser and searched for the keywords “Transdimensional Review.” Sure enough, he found that information relating to him was no longer being blocked.

Aside from traditional media and official online media, practically every netizen had immersed themselves into discussing Transdimensional Review...

“This day came much sooner than I thought...”

Sitting up, Chen Yu grabbed the floating camera beside him and said, “Little Peach, time to work. Edit today’s livestream and upload it onto all the plat— What the? Where is she?”

Getting out of bed, Chen Yu took a look around his room. He then hurriedly approached the Interstellar Portal and connected it to the Forbidden Forest’s airport.


The spatial link was established quickly. Just as Chen Yu was about to step through the portal, he suddenly thought of something. He then hurriedly shut down the portal, left his bedroom, and grabbed two cups of tap water and two heads of garlic. He then tossed both ingredients into the Automatic Cooking Pot and chose to make a popsicle.


One minute later, the pot’s lid opened. After grabbing the popsicle and storing it, Chen Yu ran back to his room, reestablished a spatial link, and made his way to the Type-R Spacecraft.


Unlocking the door to Little Peach’s exclusive room, Chen Yu kicked open the metal door and said, “Hello, have I made you wait?”

“M-Mr. Chen...” Crouching pitifully in a corner, Little Peach said, “I-I thought you forgot about me...”

“Are you stupid?” Stepping forward, Chen Yu handed the popsicle he held over to Little Peach and said, “Even if I forget someone, how can it possibly be you? Don’t you know how important you are to me? What will I do without you? Here, take it. I deliberately went to Antarctica to get this.”

“Mr. Chen...” Little Peach accepted the popsicle with teary eyes. “You really treat me well.”

“Of course.” Rubbing Little Peach’s head, Chen Yu smiled and said, “You are my artificial intelligence. If I don’t treat you well, who would treat you well?”

“Mhm.” Nodding heavily, Little Peach licked the popsicle in happiness and said, “It’s sweet.”

“Good girl. Eat it slowly if you like it. The popsicle will turn into liquid once it’s melted, so you can digest it.”

“Okay! Huh? Doesn’t this cup look like the one we have at home?”

“Don’t mind the details and savor it properly. Little Peach, I really didn’t have a choice in today’s matter. Who knew I would’ve selected Xing Biqi? For the sake of keeping our identities a secret, I had no choice but to trouble you to stay locked up in your room.”

“I understand. It’s fine.”

“Good girl.”

“Mr. Chen, I’m so happy.”

“Me too...”


After returning home, Chen Yu laid on his bed. However, when he saw Little Peach quietly going to work, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

Hence, he turned around and chose not to look at her.

Let’s check today’s livestream profits instead.

Swiping his hand across his watch, he clicked on the “Profile” icon.

[Total points: 19,565]

Awesome! I can definitely get something good tonight!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chen Yu wiggled his finger once more.

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