Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 340: Daily Life at School

Chapter 340: Daily Life at School

Chapter 340 – Daily Life at School


After jumping over the fence, Chen Yu laid in the snow and waited for the patrolling officers to pass by. The instant the officers were gone, he shot forward like lightning and disappeared from the area.

By the time he reappeared, he was already inside the east entrance of the teaching block.

“If not for my thick skin, I would’ve definitely extorted your police station until you guys go bankrupt.”

While rubbing his butt, which got struck by the police batons, Chen Yu made his way to the second floor and found that his class was currently in the midst of studying(sleeping). He then silently slipped into the classroom through the back door.

“Hey, stupid, where’s your seat?” Chen Yu tapped his knuckle on Li Liang’s bald head after walking up to his own seat, generating two crisp knocking sounds.

“Huh?” Li Liang turned his head around fiercely at the transgression. However, when he saw that the offender was Chen Yu, he couldn’t help but be greatly surprised. “What the?! Chen Yu?!”

“It seems you became quite ambitious during the past half a month!” Sending a slap at Li Liang’s forehead, Chen Yu said, “Speak softer. Also, get lost. Why are you sitting in my seat?”

Hearing the commotion, Xing Biqi, seated in front of Li Liang, turned around to take a look. Upon discovering Chen Yu, she covered her mouth in surprise as she asked, “Chen Yu? Why are you here?”

“To take a look at our class’s celebrity.” Unceremoniously squeezing Li Liang out of his seat, Chen Yu placed down his backpack and scrutinized Xing Biqi. “Those reporters outside are behaving like flies that have just discovered feces. They won’t leave no matter what.”

“...C-Can’t you use a different analogy?”

“Oh, right. I shouldn’t describe them as flies.” Correcting himself, Chen Yu said, “Dung beetles love feces more.”


“Brother Chen, you...” Hesitantly, Li Liang asked, “If you sit here, where will I sit?”

“Go back to your balcony.”

“T-The form teacher won’t let me sit there.”

“Since when has she become so amazing?” Sternly, Chen Yu said, “The balcony has been your territory since ancient times. You’ll abandon it just because she tells you to? Why not just pick a fight with her instead?”

Rolling his eyes, Li Liang sneakily pointed behind Chen Yu.

Turning around, Chen Yu discovered that their form teacher was currently standing outside the class’s back door...

“Uh...” Scratching the corner of his mouth, Chen Yu pointed at Li Liang and said, “He wants to pick a fight with you, Teacher.”


“See? He even wants to take a shit on your face.”

“You two...” The form teacher took a deep breath and did her best to calm herself. She then hooked her finger at Chen Yu, saying, “Come with me.”

“Get going. The teacher’s calling for you.”

“You as well! Dammit!” Li Liang cursed.

“Chen Yu...” Worriedly, Xing Biqi said, “Don’t be at loggerheads with the teacher.”

“Be at loggerheads?” Chen Yu frowned. “It seems you’ve gotten quite good with words during this past half a month?”

Xing Biqi: “???”

“You! Come with me now!” The form teacher bellowed.

Shortly afterward, Chen Yu and Li Liang arrived at their form teacher’s office.

Upon entering the office, Li Liang stood in a corner obediently while Chen Yu sat on the sofa with a carefree attitude.

“Stand up! Who told you to sit?!”

“Teacher, let’s dispense with the pleasantries.” Crossing his legs, Chen Yu said, “I still need to go back to class and study.”

“You still have your studies in mind?” Picking up a ruler from her office desk, the form teacher said, “Have you done any self-studying since the school reopened until now?”

“You’re the one who gave me a vacation.”

“Do you think you’re fooling an idiot?”

“Li Liang, she’s cursing at you,” Chen Yu said as he looked at Li Liang.

Li Liang: “...”

“Stop spouting nonsense with me!” Smacking the ruler onto the sofa heavily, the form teacher said, “You! Stand up!”

Reluctantly standing up, Chen Yu complained, “You’re browbeating me.”

“...You’re the most defiant student I’ve ever seen in my dozen years of teaching. I just took over the class recently, so I haven’t had the time to deal with you. Now that I’m free, you... What was your name again?”

“Chen Simei.”[1]

Li Liang facepalmed.

Trembling with anger, the form teacher bellowed, “Chen Yu! You best be honest with me!”

“See? Aren’t you just asking for trouble? You know my name, yet you still ask.”

“Chen Yu!!”


The form teacher’s ruler landed heavily on Chen Yu’s shoulder.

His expression unfazed, Chen Yu said, “It doesn’t hurt.”

Squeezing the ruler, the form teacher’s breathing quickened in anger. “Fine, be stubborn. Let’s see how long you can continue acting that way, Chen Yu.”

“How about we both calm down, Teacher? It’s not worth ruining your body because of this small incident. I’ll also explain to you why I didn’t come to school. How about it?” Chen Yu said sincerely after executing a face-changing technique.

At these words, the form teacher narrowed her eyes and said, “Speak.”

“Actually, the reason is simple. I was just too lazy to get out of bed. Hohoho! Hahaha!”

“Chen Yu!!!”

“I was wrong. I’ll tell you the truth.” Putting on a solemn expression, Chen Yu said, “I had no choice but to skip school so that I can get into a good university.”

“Can’t your explanation be any more contradictory?”

“There is no contradiction. Listen to my sophistry, Teacher.” Taking a few steps forward and grabbing the Chinese language textbook sitting on the form teacher’s table, Chen Yu said, “You’ve just recently joined Sixth High, so you might not understand the teaching abilities of our school’s teachers. Let me be honest with you. Even if you invite Guo Degang[2] to teach our school mathematics, our school’s average mathematics score can rise by 40%.”

“So, what you’re trying to say is that your grades will improve quicker if you don’t come to school?”

“Bingo,” Chen Yu said, smacking his thigh. Without waiting for his form teacher to blow her top, he continued, “I know you don’t believe me. However, Lu Xun once said that facts speak louder than words. Give me a set of test papers, and I’ll show you the fruits of my self-studying. If I score lower than 90 points on any subject, my brother Li Liang and I will drop out of school together.”

“Dammit!” Li Liang bellowed. “What does this have to do with me?!”

“No need to speak.” Looking at Li Liang, Chen Yu patted his own chest and said, “We’re brothers. I understand what you want to say.”


“Heh.” The form teacher eyed Chen Yu up and down a few times. She then sneered and said, “These are your words.”

Panicking, Li Liang said, “Teacher! This has—”

“He’s together with me. We’ll keep our promises,” Chen Yu said, interrupting Li Liang.

“You’re a real dog!!”

“Okay.” Placing down her punishment ruler, the form teacher walked out of the office and said, “Come with me. I’ll find you the papers now.”

“No problem,” Chen Yu said as he followed the form teacher out of the office. As he walked past the door, he sent a thumbs up at Li Liang and said, “Wait for my good news, brother.”

“Fuck you!!” Li Liang cursed in a fit of rage.


The office door was shut tightly...

Two minutes later, Chen Yu and his form teacher arrived in Year 2’s substitute teachers’ office. Without hesitation, the form teacher grabbed a set of test papers from a mathematics teacher’s desk.

“Do it.”

“Just one?”

“Speak after you’ve completed it,” the form teacher with her head raised.

She had already transferred to this school for half a month, so she already had a rough idea of Sixth High’s students’ average standards.

Those capable of scoring a passing mark were excellent students.

Those capable of scoring over 90 marks were top students.

Those capable of scoring over 120 marks were blind monks.

Those capable of scoring full marks might as well be on their way to heaven.

She refused to believe that a delinquent student who had skipped school for half a month could reach the standard of top students.


After taking his seat, Chen Yu flipped open the test paper and glanced through it briefly. “It’s too easy. Give me another one.”

“Do it!”

“Fine, then.”

Shrugging, Chen Yu pulled out a ballpoint pen and began answering the paper’s questions at flying speeds.

He was someone who frequently used the Quantum Reading Glasses to study. Recently, he had also integrated with the 69th century’s quantum information flow. Although he still wasn’t on par with the Transdimensional Academy’s geniuses, he wouldn’t have any problems becoming the top student in a school like Sixth High.

Sure enough, in less than 15 minutes, he had already completed the first page of the mock paper.

“There.” Setting down his pen, Chen Yu passed his test paper to his dumbfounded form teacher and said, “It really is too simple. Let’s stop wasting time and move on to the next paper.”


Picking up the maths paper, the form teacher gave Chen Yu a glance before calculating the answers in earnest.

“Are there any problems?”

Five minutes later, Chen Yu yawned.

“...Do this one next,” the form teacher said as he pulled out a mock paper from the physics teacher’s desk.

“No problem.”

From mathematics and physics, to English and Chemistry, and finally to Chinese, Chen Yu had completed the first page of the mock papers for all five subjects within one hour. He also scored an accuracy rate of 90% or above for every subject.

“How is this possible...”

The form teacher set down the Chinese test paper she held in a daze.

“Do you believe me now?” Standing up, Chen Yu smiled and patted his form teacher on the shoulders. “I am truly skipping school so that I can raise my scores. I don’t have anything personal against you. I wouldn’t have had to go through such troubles if Sixth High had even one reliable teacher.”

“But... Why do I keep feeling as if you’re spouting nonsense?”

“You’re still new here. You’ll understand my words once you stay in Sixth High for a while longer.”

“...You can tell me if you have any problems. Regardless of your reasons, it isn’t right for a student to play truant.”

After seeing Chen Yu’s results, the form teacher’s tone softened significantly.

Whether it was in grade school, middle school, high school, or university, students with good grades would always enjoy privilege superior to their peers...

“You’re right. I have realized my mistake.” Taking advantage of the situation, Chen Yu bowed sincerely and said, “I won’t skip school in the future, Teacher. Actually, I am a good student by nature.”

“I can tell that. Your thoughts are just slightly on the radical side.”

“You managed to see through my deeply hidden nature?”


“Amazing!” Chen Yu raised his thumb.



“That...” After the two looked at each other in silence for a long while, the form teacher picked up the test papers and awkwardly scratched her head. “So long as you properly attend school in the future, I’ll ignore your past truancy. For now, head back to class and give me some time to myself.”


“Oh, don’t forget to bring Li Liang with you. He’s been standing for over an hour already.”

“No problem. If you hadn’t mentioned him, I would’ve really forgotten about him.”

Standing up, Chen Yu spoke a few perfunctory words before running away.

When Chen Yu passed by his form teacher’s office, he initially thought to just walk away. However, when he thought about the decade-long friendship he shared with Li Liang, he sighed and opened the office door. “Hey, are you still standing here?”


Li Liang shot up from the sofa in fright.

“Oh? You sure have guts. Who let you sit down?”

“You still have the gall to say that? Anyway, how did it go with the teacher?”

“What else?” Shrugging, Chen Yu said, “I failed all five subjects. I have to honor my bets, so I’m dropping out.”

“I’m dropping out as well?!” Li Liang’s eyes widened at Chen Yu’s words. “My dad is going to kill me!”

“What are you thinking? We’ve been brothers for so many years, yet you still don’t understand my personality? Do you think I’ll drag you down with me?” Chen Yu asked with a raised eyebrow. “I already explained to the teacher that you have nothing to do with this. Dropping out is my own business. Not to mention, she’s not stupid. How can she not tell that this matter has nothing to do with you?”

“Crap, you scared me to death. Hurry up and leave, then. Anyway, it’s not like you do anything meaningful even if you come to school.”

“However, the teacher said that while you escaped the death penalty, you still can’t escape punishment. So, she wants you to go to the field and reflect on your actions. Afterward, write a reflection letter. If you don’t want to do that, though, dropping out together with me isn’t a bad option, either.”

“Scram. Isn’t it just a penalty to stand for a few hours? I’ll be fine even if I stand the whole day. You, on the other hand, should start considering whether you’re going to go to Lanxiang or New Oriental.”[3]

“Hah... Let’s stay in touch via phone in the future. I’m going to go collect my backpack now.”

After the two brothers left the office, Chen Yu returned to the classroom while Li Liang went to stand at the field...

“Hey.” After entering the class through the back door, Chen Yu returned to his original seat and tapped Xing Biqi on her shoulders. “I’m back.”

“You...” Turning her head around sharply, the girl blinked her eyes and asked, “You didn’t quarrel with the teacher, right?”

“Nope. We even formed a pretty good relationship.”

“Oh... Where’s Li Liang? Where did he go?”

“No idea. He was gone when I went to the office to look for him. He might’ve snuck away. Let’s report him once the teacher returns.”

“...Isn’t this a bad idea?”

“Let’s stop talking about this. Let me watch the videos you took yesterday. This is so crazy. You got to go to Alpha Centauri together with Transdimensional’s UP! RNGesus must’ve possessed your body! Quick, let me breathe in some of your luck.”

“D-Don’t... There are so many people around us...”


“No... Don’t...”

Sniff, sniff...


“What the hell is this kid trying to do?”

In the distant Beijing, the middle-aged team leader, who had just gotten off an airplane and onto a car, couldn’t help but frown as he watched a surveillance video.

“Maybe he’s feeling bored?” Big Sis Wu, who sat beside the middle-aged team leader, said as she straightened her glasses. “Leader, it seems Chen Yu has yet to discover the cameras we installed in Sixth High. Should we start installing more cameras in his district?”

“No. It’s normal for school classrooms to have surveillance cameras installed. Even if he notices them, he won’t care too much about them. However, if cameras start appearing in other locations as well, they will easily draw his suspicion. The technological gap between us is too massive. We cannot take any risks.”

“So, you replaced the original form teacher of Class 2 with a teacher who is wholly ignorant?”

“Yes.” The team leader nodded. “The best option for us now is to maintain the status quo. For the moment, the higher-ups still aren’t sure how they should make contact with Chen Yu once the balance breaks. To be precise, they don’t know from what position and what attitude they should approach this matter.”

When the middle-aged team leader finished speaking, silence enveloped the car. Only the sound of Big Sis Wu silently tapping away at her tablet could be heard in the car.

“Leader...” After a while, Big Sis Wu raised her head and showed the data she organized to the middle-aged team leader. “Transdimensional Review has caused too big of a sensation this time. Practically every news headline in the world is covering the channel. Hardly any media outlet is even covering about our Mars landing and Google’s recently-developed medical robot.”

“This is normal.”

Receiving the tablet, the middle-aged team leader browsed through the information absentmindedly. He then put on a solemn expression and said, “Actually, what we should be more concerned about now is the product that’s going to come on the twelfth official livestream. We’d better prepare in advance.”

“Do you mean the dangerous product Chen Yu mentioned during his livestream?”

“Yes.” The team leader nodded. “The eleventh episode is likely to be a transition period, so there shouldn’t be anything we need to worry about. Instead, we should focus our energy on the twelfth episode. If possible, we should find an opportunity to privately contact Chen Yu through the livestream room and ask for some news about that dangerous product.”

“I’ll get it done.”

“Mhm. The more information you can collect, the better. At this point, Transdimensional Review’s fame and influence have already surpassed any media, organization, and individual in human history. A review that can threaten the world, even if the whole review process goes smoothly, could still potentially chaos catastrophic chaos in society.”


Placing down the tablet, the middle-aged team leader mumbled, “Perhaps, the real trouble is just beginning...”

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